This may work the way we want it to.
I just tried this on my MvM server and it worked fine.
look in *\*\Team_Fortress2\orangebox\tf for a file names item_whitelist_example.txt
simply rename the file to item_whitelist.txt and the game will know to look for it once you restart the server.
uncomment out "unlisted_items_default_to" "1"
This way we wont have to list every fucking weapon in TF2.
Add these to the bottom of the list
"The Crusader's Crossbow" "0"
"The Huntsman" "0"The huntsman only gives you one arrow and you cannot reload. Huntsman is fixed
The crusader's crossbow Is an insta kill on HS to hale...regardless of health.
Hope this helps,
Update to update: From sources in the server CBS is now visible. -_-
Also we need to restrict the following weapons as well.
The Mantreads -_- They don't do what they are supposed to and its annoying (Scatter thinks -_-)
The direct hit Same issue as the crossbowDirect hit does not insta kill least not when we just tested it.
The blackbox now has 4 shots? not sure if that really requires a restriction. It does not insta kill saxton.