My Name: Theyankees213
Offenders name: Interzu the tokyo sex whale
time-3/20/2012 around 4:50 est
server-gmod ttt
admins on-i dont believe any were on
problem-disrespect and offensiveness
proof- know that interzu's name has been brought up before, but today i was playing and he was being extremly rude. He was asking someone if they had down syndrome and called them retarted. He was calling clusterfuck a down syndrome person through voice and text chats.
He was being offensive to cluster fuck and he offended me very much because i have 2 friends with cousins who suffer from down syndrome. Something needs to be done. it dosnt have to be a ban, but this must be adressed.
He has been being Very disrespectful to others lately, and this is no exception.