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Author Topic: Waffuls.  (Read 2683 times)

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Offline TheBaronSunday

« on: October 22, 2011, 11:53:13 PM »
Reporting player: The Baron Sunday

Abuser: Waffulz, or ivvuda or what ever the hell her name is today.

Server: Damn near every Garry's Mod server

Every time I play on a server with this woman she bans and mutes me when ever I ask her to stop mic spamming. I generally start off nice and polite but by then and am admittedly telling bitch to stfu.

She was on mic today, admittedly drunk, RDMing, and mic spamming. When myself and other players complained she muted us and called us dickless fuckers or something along those lines.

Eventually another mod, Cortez, came on and told her to stop it. She replied by having him mute myself and others. Eventually myself and others were banned by Cortez or WAffles.

This is not the only occurrence of Waffuls abuse I've seen.

This occurred at roughly 6:30 10/22/11 pacific time.

I don't care if I get unbanned. I just would really like this woman to stop getting a pass.
Administrator Comment Apparently, you do not understand the Forum Rules, and the idea that IF you call an admin names, it does not help you get your ban lifted. Cadaver
I'm sick and tired of EVERY TIME I'm on a server with this chick of getting muted/gagged/banned because I don't like listening to some chick babble over her mic. I could care less who she is, and I'm certain she is as awesome as all the other mods say she is. But I don't give a crap. Every interaction I've ever had with her has been unpleasant and shes abused her power to screw me.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 11:58:06 PM by Cadaver »

Offline Cadaver

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 12:01:05 AM »

A few things: You might have had a valid point, but you come in here, and call people names and act sexist.  In addition, you admit to doing it on the server.

So. Did you just ruin your chance of an unmute?   Yes.

Did you just completely throw away any validity to your claim? Yes.


I will leave this open for Towersheep.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 12:04:42 AM by Cadaver »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 12:01:05 AM »

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 12:19:11 AM »
Sir. Don't tell an admin to stop mic spamming. If you dislike what there saying simply hit PLAYER LIST Waffuls MUTE. Now u don't here her. Problem solved.

Try to be polite people don't like when you an ass hole or telling them to be quite. Thats really all the input I have.

Admittedly she was drunk however I've been drunk on the server once wholegrain a bunch of times. It does happen perhaps it shouldn't however in saying this the point is Massively high up people have. So it does happen. Sorry for any inconvenience however please try to be respectful of other people if you want the same in return.


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Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 12:24:27 AM »
First off, I never called you a "dickless fucker," did anyone else hear me say that? Don't think so. Second, Cortez told me not to use power if I'm drunk. So, I didn't. I asked HIM to use HIS powers. When he didn't, I ASKED CADAVER IF I COULD USE POWER. I only muted you after you started on with the sexism bull, and you straight up rdm'd me at the start of a round after 2 maps of you constantly saying "this bitch gets a free pass.. this twat abuses her powers.." sexism sexism sexism. THAT is why I kept muting you at the START OF EACH NEW MAP. You constantly spammed sexism comment after comment, and I dealt with it accordingly.

Think all you want, "free pass" or whatever, but I'd rather be a guy than deal with this shit constantly. I do not RDM, and when you, or anyone else accuses me of such, I try to say my half of the story but I AM CUT OFF WITH YOUR SEXISM OR RUDE COMMENTS. For example: I saw two people kill someone and run off and I hunted them both down. When I tried to explain that, you or whoever else would attack me with "bitch did this" "bitch is abusing" "bitch needs to be slayed/banned." And it wasn't just you saying this, it was you, Dude, Dsfar, black on black, and a few others. But you were the one to constantly push it map after map, or after I muted you, you typed away the same stupid things. Seriously. I have a life, and when I come on to play, I don't expect this kind of treatment just because I'm a girl and a decent player.

Glad you are on the forums where I can FINALLY get my turn to say my side.

Offline TheBaronSunday

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 09:34:41 AM »
1) I told her to stfu but I've been told that many a time and no one else has been ban hammered for it. Simply asking someone to stop spamming isn't against the rules, its a convenience thing. Yeah I can mute her but if no one else does and shes talking over me what good does it do?

2) The only people banned were the ones telling her to stfu. Not the ones who told other people to stfu. Just the ones who targeted her.

3) When is holding someone accountable to their own rules against the rules?

4) I told her once to stop mic spamming and got told to fuck off and then muted. Even when I wasn't talking, I was muted. There were rounds I wasn't even moving and I was muted. It's hard to play a game involving talking WHEN I'M FUCKING MUTED.

5) When I asked multiple times, in multiple ways, to be unmuted I was ignored. I even had a friend join the server and ask for me and was ignored. In fact she covered the crowbar marks I was using to ask with her spray. I was banned about 2 minutes after I just quit caring and shot her for silencing me in the only way I had left.

6) The only people I've ever seen not complain about her antics (even her sober ones) are people who are so deep in her ass you cant tell where they end and she begins. Seriously this chick could kill the president with the bloodied corpse of the pope while kicking a puppy and they'd still kiss her ass.

(at this point I'm just openly a dressing Waffuls directly hence the "you")

7) You muted me when I said bitch stfu, which I say to everyone regardless of gender. That wasn't a sexist bitch, it was a "you annoying prick I wish your parents aborted you" bitch. You know the same kind you yell at someone who cuts you off in traffic.

8) I called sexism when everyone just went oh its waffuls trolololol at your bullshit. When the only thing separating you and everyone else who would get punished or at least questioned by someone of authority for the shit you do is tits, its a reasonable assumption that its tits. And instead of going umm no blah blah blah you told me to stfu and muted me. You can't refute with a muting. Give a valid reason you can do this crap that doesn't involve your magical mammaries or blatant mod favoritism/abuse and I'll reconsider. But til then I'm perfectly fine with assuming that they are a bunch of white knighting neckbeards who are hoping to get a shot at your goodies.

9) I wasn't the only one to have complained about RDMing or spam and general dickery. The only ones punished were the ones who questioned you.

10) You are a bitch. AT this point yes, I am calling you specifically and not in a general term for an annoying person way, a bitch. I say this not as an insult but rather as a general assertion of your personality. You are a bitch madame. I am an asshole. That's who we are. You're a bitch. I'm an asshole. Accept it and move on.

11) Your side was told when you muted me and then said why you muted me on your next drunken about or babbling. No one cared however because when I was unmuted you just kept blathering over them like some sort of drunken cockatoo.

12) You are not a decent player because I've never had a round with you where you have not RDMed, false accused, or just generally been a nuisance to the world of terrorism. If you were the average terrorist in the real world we would have been out of Iraq on day two.

13) You clearly don't have a life if you're home on a Saturday night drunk on a computer game. Granted I don't have much of one either, but hey I never said I did. Simply because you had a hard day of drinking doesn't give you the right to be a bitch to other people who spent their day actually doing something productive instead of hitting the bottle.

14) I honestly didn't expect to get unbanned by this. I sort of hoped I would, but when every encounter with you is quelled by a muting or a banning from you or some other mod who wants to poke you like a cheese log I didn't expect a damn thing. I hoped that by coming here I could somehow achieve some sort of justice, but again I don't really expect anything except for the opportunity to call you a drunken twat one last time.

15) If I'm unbanned I will probably be banned again, because every time you are on a server with me there is some sort of problem. I ask you to stop RDMing or why you killed someone or something else and you bitch and moan and everyone just automatically sides with you. I get that you're an established member of the community but that doesn't mean your farts magically don't stink. I'm not the only complainer about this. I've seen others complain both in game and the forums. Fuck there is another complaint on this forum about you like 4 slots down from my own post. The commonality between every complaint and you is you. Not me. Not some other asshole. You. You madame are the problem.

16) I really. Really. REALLY. Dislike you. You have given me no reason not to. I tried being civil but have long ago given up any hope of achieving something like that. I probably shouldn't keep calling you a bitch (oh whoops I did it again didn't I?) but when every time I demand that you be held to the same standards by which you are expected to hold others I get promptly land thoroughly fucked I don't expect a single damn thing.

If I get unbanned, I'll see you in game and as long as you don't openly antagonize me I'll just try to ignore you until you become unbearable like I do every other player who twists my nips. If I don't kindly go gargle a cactus.

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2011, 11:22:13 AM »
This, is a personal attack. When I told waffulz not to use her powers she didn't except when she had permission. The only people that got banned was you in which she had permission from one of our CLs and another person that we thought revenge rdm'ed and I unbanned later. I had to mute the entire server several times because there were about 15 people with mics and they were all yelling, waffulz was not, she was just trying to explain why she killed people. Waffulz silenced you because you were being sexist which is against the rules of the server. Finally waffulz was not rdming, she had valid reasons for all of the people that she killed which were all traitors that had either tried to attack her or left a room with un id'd bodies in it.
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

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Offline Blackllama

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2011, 01:02:42 PM »
Oh, and if an admin is spamming, it's probably not going to work telling them to shut up.  The best way to deal with it IMO is to send a message into admin chat saying too many people are spamming even if it's only one person so they can either take a hint or other admins can try an ask them to settle down.  And if they're the only admin online record a demo.

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2011, 01:41:58 PM »
This, is a personal attack. When I told waffulz not to use her powers she didn't except when she had permission. The only people that got banned was you in which she had permission from one of our CLs and another person that we thought revenge rdm'ed and I unbanned later. I had to mute the entire server several times because there were about 15 people with mics and they were all yelling, waffulz was not, she was just trying to explain why she killed people. Waffulz silenced you because you were being sexist which is against the rules of the server. Finally waffulz was not rdming, she had valid reasons for all of the people that she killed which were all traitors that had either tried to attack her or left a room with un id'd bodies in it.

No abuse for the folloing reason:
1. We have a rule that was broken: disrespecting a player (saying stfu bitch is not a joke).
2. Like blackllama said appeal to the other admins or record a demo and bring proof to MY attention. I have the power to remove admin.
3. Cursing at admins regardless of intent is likely to get you muted. We have a lot of complaints to deal with, disrespectful players are not on the top of our lists.
4. You are close to earning yourself a permaban. One more pesonal attack or disrespectful remark and you will no longer be welcomed in cg. I wasn't in the server but look at how you are handeling this thread. Why would I even consider unbanning you? You are showing the same qualities you were banned for.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Jorgen

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2011, 02:05:56 PM »
If you wish for some1 to shush then don't yell STFU UPP BITCH, just calmly say SHHH, calm down people are clogging the voice chat and you are making it worse so SHHHHH.
As for other things you are personal attacking which is not allowed so please either stop that or we will be forced to ban you from the forums too. It does not seem to me that this was abuse at all, she tried to explain her situation and you yell shut the fuck upp, obviously she is bound to mute you. Admins have the authority to claim the voice chat function for a while for 2 reasons: explain themselves and to have an open convo with some1 who might've rdmed without every1 else going like AWARTEASATEAS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and so forth.

Sexism and racism we have no tolerance for, instant mute.

anyways upp to you now Tower, want to hear more or lock this?

Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2011, 02:25:55 PM »
This, is a personal attack. When I told waffulz not to use her powers she didn't except when she had permission. The only people that got banned was you in which she had permission from one of our CLs and another person that we thought revenge rdm'ed and I unbanned later. I had to mute the entire server several times because there were about 15 people with mics and they were all yelling, waffulz was not, she was just trying to explain why she killed people. Waffulz silenced you because you were being sexist which is against the rules of the server. Finally waffulz was not rdming, she had valid reasons for all of the people that she killed which were all traitors that had either tried to attack her or left a room with un id'd bodies in it.

That pretty much sums it up. But let's go on:

1. I don't recall you ever saying "stfu" as simple at that. It was either "bitch get off the mic" "bitch RDM'd and needs a ban" or other people saying "go back into the kitchen" WHEN I WAS TRYING TO DEFEND MYSELF. EVEN WHEN CORTEZ SAID IT WASN'T RDM YOU AND A FEW OTHERS CONTINUED TO HARASS.
2. No one besides you were banned. You were banned for sexism/harassment/RDM > As Cadaver put it WHEN I ASKED IF I COULD TAKE ACTION: "abusive."
3. What rule? No spam rule? I wasn't spamming, I was trying to talk to others and the one time I do admit that I spammed (I was saying hey to a guy I haven't played with in months), CORTEZ muted the entire server and in admin chat asked me to keep it down and I did after that. You, sir, were spamming sexist comment after comment (over a span of 2-3 maps, each time you were unmuted, you went right back to doing it) and telling an admin to "stfu," or whatever you claimed to be doing, when I was trying to KOS someone during a round or defend myself when I was accused of RDM.
4. Lol. The time I did mute you was because you were spamming mic with stupid sexism bull. No admin mutes without a reason unless if they're trolling, and I wasn't trolling. Cortez and I both had a decent enough reason, I believe.
6. They're regulars and my friends. They understand that I'm a girl, and they get over it. They let me play my game and when I kill someone WITH A GOOD REASON, they're like "holy magic carp, dang that was a good shot." Not "you fucking bitch, RDM RDM RDM." You see the difference?
7. I could care less if you call me a bitch. Regulars call me bitch. Friends call me bitch. Serious or not, I really don't care for that name. Cortez and I muted you because of the sexism.
8. Valid reason =/= having proof? Even the people who you accused me of RDM'ing said it was a good reason to kill? I figured seeing people run over unID's or flat out killing people in front of me and not ID'ing the bodies was a good reason. YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT IF YOU HAD JUST LET ME EXPLAIN AND NOT SAY "RDM RDM BITCH RDM BAN RDM TWAT SPECIAL TREATMENT RDM."
9. The others who complained about it were being sexist, too. But CORTEZ dealt with them and, eventually, they got the point to stop. You, however, did not, and continued to spam unnecessary bull as you are doing so now.
10. Lol.
11. I didn't get to say my side. It was covered by people saying "get back to the kitchen" (I am being serious, I had one player constantly spam it when I was trying to explain something) or "bitch RDM'd and is getting special treatment." BUT AGAIN YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THAT, RIGHT?
12. I AM a decent player. If almost every single time I KOS someone, they end up being T, almost always having the top score (despite my terrible aim), and, a lot of the times, calling out at least half the traitors during a round and being correct? THAT'S FUCKING HAXX MAN. No. I stay out of sight when I can, and I follow suspicious players and watch them. I do live checks, and I keep tract on most of the players. You know that scoreboard thing? You can click it and mark people as "missing, friendly, KOS, ect." In other words, I play the game. I don't just sit around and wait for shit to happen, I LOOK for that shit, and when I hear a KOS, I hunt a mutha F down. Why do you think I'm Waffuls the Huntress? But.. as stated before, you wouldn't know jack about that because you seriously never let me explain my case. (Repeating this over and over because this is how sick I am of it, I mean c'mon, I've had two shitty complaints in the past week because people DON'T LET ME EXPLAIN.)
13. I have full-time college on top of full-time work. I just moved, so I don't yet know people too well to "hang out," and I really don't care for that type of thing. I prefer staying home and gaming with people I know and like. Plus, I'm underage and got a little tipsy. I just got a raise and I wanted to celebrate, so I had a few. Excuse me for gaming and trying to say I have a life. I guess being part of the mainstream and going online negates anything you do IRL. Shit, sorry for forgetting. My bad.
14. This guy cracks me up! XD
15. If you're unbanned, you'd prolly be banned again just because you're sexist. If you didn't want to get banned again, ALL YOU WOULD HAVE TO DO IS LAY OFF. I'm a girl, who gives a flying carp? Being born a certain way SHOULD NOT affect how I'm treated AT ALL. No special treatment, no harassment, no nothing. Just another player.
16. Acting civil? Standards? Are we talking about treating people like people now, or expecting them to act a certain way? Because I don't think that's what's going on. I tried to play a game to wind down after having a good day, and when I'm doing well in-game, you and a few others start on the sexism RDM/special twat treatment bull. I'm nice if you're nice to me. Just ask some of the regulars. And for standards? I DID NOT use my power without talking to another admin/CL first. WHEN I JOINED THE SERVER, I TOLD CORTEZ THAT I WAS DRUNK AND THAT I WAS NOT GOING TO ADMIN. BEFORE I SAID A WORD TO ANYONE ELSE, THAT'S WHAT I TOLD HIM FIRST. So, I was being a good admin. The ONLY time I ever used power was when I ASKED CADAVER WHAT TO DO. After I muted you, Cortez said "I told you not to use power," and I copy/pasted him exactly what Cadaver said. Now, for the second half of standards: I'm a girl. W00t. Who cares? I want to get on and have a good time, kill and get killed. I do NOT expect to be treated like I got admin with my puss, and the only reason why I get away with absolutely everything is because I have a giant mass of pictures in my closet that I brainwash people with whenever something gets dicey. If I could do that with my "twat," I would fucking own this community and have everyone's credit card numbers. But sadly, that's not how it is, and I'm not that type of person.

Personal attack/reverse sexism time. The only reason why you have an issue with me is because I'm a decent player and I'm a girl. I got a little drunk, but I've seen other players play drunk, and they have a really good time with the server. On vent we have a "get drunk and sing" room. I was just trying to have a good time, but it really killed my buzz that I heard from you and a few others stupid sexism bull and constant attack after attack. When I have time, I like to come on and play with people I know, but it really sucks when some asshore is like "h0lee fuk a GERL1 ti3 to m4ke h3r liffe SHITT33." I got more important stuff to do other than hear a bunch of jerks tell me what they think about me. Get past gender, get past how I sound, get past meaningless insults and just play the damn game. This isn't elementary school. Stop acting like a child, I have enough people in my life like that AND THEY'RE TWO AND FOUR. My sisters. Just so if you didn't get the point that I was saying their age, not names.

Oh, and last thing: I don't say "dickless fuckers." I say idiot, moron, asshore, carp fish, or whatever else that's a light insult or is a bit funny. I don't come on just to fight with people, so that's why I use light insults because normally, people start seeing that I'm trying to smother them with my undying love and understanding, and we end up becoming friends. That's how a lot of people are in the server towards me; we all troll each other. Get over it. Who cares for my gender. And damn, I just typed a lot.

Offline Klondor

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2011, 07:11:06 PM »
"Lets Go Bub"

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Waffuls.
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2011, 07:11:06 PM »


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