Anyway. Yes it's been established many times I'm a derp. I'm at my moms and it looks like I'm fine here so it must be an IP ban of some sort. Let's stop dwelling on the mistake of posting/clicking the link and see what we can do to unban the 4 or 5 of us who are now banned. Do IP bans exist in the server? If so we should start by unbanning all of our IPs and see if that works.
So from my understanding it's either a file on the server or on our computers doing this. I quickscanned the comp at my dads and found nothing. Next time I'm there I'll try connecting from my other computer to see if it's the computer or the IP address. If it's the steam account than the odds are it's serverside.
Oh and we can also try using a totally fresh install of steam and gmod. Backingup your old one of course.