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Author Topic: EVE Online  (Read 2664 times)

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Offline Zukuto

EVE Online
« on: August 22, 2011, 12:00:53 AM »
I'm going to start playing EVE Online (again),
and I was wondering if anybody wanted to start it up with me?

I'm starting on the 21 day buddy trial [if you want an invite for it, just PM me your email and i'll get you one]
Problem i'm having with the game is that it's kind of introverted, as in, do it yourself. And I get bored without social interaction. It's only that way really because I have no idea what i'm doing, so until I have it worked out, i'm screwed.

So, somebody should start playing with me, I've started playing like 9 times, so I can help anybody through the basics. It's MUCH more fun when you're in vent, playing with a friend, rather than alone.. In the depths of space..

Offline Leomire

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2011, 12:31:03 AM »
what is eve online? I've heard of it and read a little but i'd like to hear from a player what you do and such.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2011, 12:31:03 AM »

Offline Zukuto

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2011, 12:54:54 AM »
what is eve online? I've heard of it and read a little but i'd like to hear from a player what you do and such.

Oh man, I don't know if I can even explain it..

It's an MMORPG, to say the least. But it's nowhere like WoW, or any other MMO in existence.
The economy is strictly player run, everything there is bought and sold by people. There isn't magically stuff for you to buy, everything on the market, has been mined, refined, put into production, and build via specific blueprints before it gets to the market.

PvP takes place in small gangs of 2-10 ships, or massive fleet battles. And when I say massive, I mean MASSIVE, like a couple hundred ships on either side of the battle. Not to mention the amount of organization they do. Corporations form squads, platoons, battalions, and each one has their orders on how to play.

If you make enough money in game, you can purchase a 30 day game card (~400-500mil ISK)
You can form Corporations, build space stations, mine asteroids, or pirate. In fact, CCP (creators of EVE) encourage players to scam eachother, the game is unforgiving. People will scam you out of ALL your money, and you can't do anything about it. It's an extremely hostile game, sometimes scary.

From the start, you can literally do whatever you want, there's no predetermined quest line to follow til you're the highest level, hell, there isn't even levels. You play by skills. Each ship has its own skill prerequisites, and you have to train the skills from the skill books, which train in real time. Say I want to get, Standard Missiles, training that would take roughly 20 minutes. But say I want to train Standard Missiles II? That would take an hour. Rank III? 3 hours, and so on. Basically, you can't just click on another player and say, he's a lower level then me, i'm going to gank him! Because it's based off of skills, players can seem noob-ish, but be this overbearing smash-monster from the depths of hell.

I could go on for hours, but seriously, just go look at some of the YouTube videos about it. It's a beautiful game, aesthetically, and functionally. I highly recommend it.

TL;DR : Fuck you, read it!

« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 01:00:50 AM by Zukuto »

Offline Leomire

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2011, 02:00:15 AM »
How much does it cost? (Playing other games atm so i cant really look at all of this)

Offline Zukuto

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 02:03:25 AM »
Umm.. On Steam I think it's $20, and then it has a monthly fee of $15.
But remember, if you make enough money (~450mil) you can use that ingame money for game time.
And it's actually not an un-reachable amount of money either, in fact, after a month, you SHOULD be able to pay with in game money straight up.

Offline Leomire

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2011, 03:05:07 AM »
Yeah i'd like to try it. Hopefully i wont get my ass handed to me...

Offline ninjarocket

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2011, 06:59:40 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jOJR5Xauf0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jOJR5Xauf0</a>

actually it looks pretty sweet
I just simply don't care, and I say that with love <3

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 12:11:28 PM »
Eve is really tuff but it is literally one of the hardest games out there. You have to be willing to put a lot of time into it if you want to be any good. A couple of years ago I downloaded the trail and literally spent the whole time mining. But all of that work has it's rewards, the map is f***ing massive, there is plenty of DLC and the story for the game is beyond kool. All in all I say that if you have the time and the money it can be a rewarding experience but if you don't, I don't suggest you spend to much time on the trail.
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

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A Novel by Inject OH 4
Conjoint Gaming
"You thought a Human Centipede was bad, wait till you get a load of us."
Bears, beer and bitches. That's everyone's motto.
Quote from: some guy on PC gamer
First of all, books were all but dead until tablets rejuvenated the industry
Quote from: Blazyd
Cortez I'm actually on black tar heroin fyi
Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
The plunger could simply be out of view, the pants + it's location behind the toilet may hide it... Or it's a fraud and we need to take down the system with out golden axes while destroying the rest of the demon-spawn so that we may live in a utopia.

Offline Pyro

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2011, 03:05:27 PM »
It sounds a little... stupid

But that's my opinion, if you like it you should hardcore game it  smug

Offline Blackllama

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2011, 03:09:02 AM »
I've always wanted to play this game, but being the cheapass person I am I've never played it.  Maybe in a few weeks when I get mah new computer I'll try it...

Offline Pyro

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2011, 04:58:16 AM »
I've always wanted to play this game, but being the cheapass person I am I've never played it.  Maybe in a few weeks when I get mah new computer I'll try it...

Haha cool  ;)

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: EVE Online
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2011, 04:58:16 AM »


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