their are increasing amount of people in cg that are coming up and saying that they want to make a ttt custom map. So here is the link to get started and how to get hammer properly set up for ttt you are mapping and release a version make your own thread in the maps area and have pictures and a download link if possible we will be doing community passworded tests for alpha maps
remember a1 =alpha put the a1 at the end of your map to show that it is in the starting stages and the map is mostly incomplete or alot more quantity of the map isn't done yet and the map is semi functional
b1 = beta put b1 at the end of your map to show that most of the construction is done and now the map is playable and you are playing to test how the map plays and are looking for glitches
v = version the map is all done except for a few lil glitches possibly put v1 at the end of your map
ex ttt_attack_b4 (fourth stage of beta)
ttt_rape_v4 (on fourth version of map which means playable on the server)
ttt_sexualintercourse_a4 (alpha maybe 80 % of the map is done )
these codes are here for a reason and it helps organize mapping better