What server are you applying for:TTT
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:
No, I'm usually pretty quiet.
In game name:
Therothkids(I'll eventually put in the (=CG=)
Link to your steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006264604Steam ID:
Do you have past admin experience:
No, I'd love to start here.
What are some good qualities you possess:
Know between right and wrong, Often on, Work well with others, can spot a nubcaik.
What country are you from:
14(As I was reading throught the forums I found that there was a 13yr old who applied and got approved)
Additional notes:LOVE THE SERVER!!!!I know Im below the age limit and I completely understand why I would be denied for that and that would not affect what I think about the admins or anything (not that anyone would care)
I also aknowledge that I only have between 3-5 posts and this is because I only JUST made an account but i play on the server a TON. It was just recently that I was like "i'm gonna go check out their website". Thnks for your time!