Name of player reporting abuse: (you may be anonymous):
Steam ID, to facilitate unban if applicable:
Server: ttt, hidden, etc. : Dank TTT
Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Cody
In which server did the abuse occur?: Dank TTT
What occurred, what did the abuse consist of: He revived himself after death, repeatedly gave himself and rotiarT the role of Traitor. Also he was seen by multiple witnesses using no-clip in the middle of rounds while he was alive and teleported himself and rotiarT during rounds.
What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): This happened at 11;00 A.M Eastern Time
Please link any evidence (videos, screen shots, etc.):
Additional comments: I am not the only one who reported him by the way and am not the only witness. We do not want him ruining our TTT experience. P.S. I hope these images are viewable, but if they are not, i am sure there are other reports that will have better screenshots.