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Author Topic: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe  (Read 7313 times)

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Offline Fluffalupagus

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2013, 12:29:10 AM »
How about we all calm down and wait for the Head Admin to weigh in before continuing?

Sir yes, sir. :3

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2013, 12:34:51 AM »
How about we all calm down and wait for the Head Admin to weigh in before continuing?

I'll keep an eye out for that, thanks :)

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2013, 12:34:51 AM »

Offline DBag

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2013, 01:01:22 AM »
OKay here we go. For one, while I am not completely on board with the permaban I will not refute the decision of a fellow admin because we all know what is in the best interest of the players on our servers. Considering the fact you are attempting to make the fact that you were using a porn spray in the first place justified by saying that anyone who says anything negative about is is homophobic. This is simply incorrect as I would have been highly displeased of any porn on the servers period as to which you would have received the same warnings from me as you did from Echo. To further go into this, you have no proof that Echo issued no warning on the subject matter, so all admins have to believe that you are just attempting to create a scapegoat for your actions not changing. The MOTD explains before you enter the game that no pornographic sprays are allowed so this shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. Furthermore porn spray rules hardly change from server to server. To go back to the subject of warnings, I am sure that Echo gave the proper warnings in that event you were blatantly ignoring the admin. This added with a porn spray is not a good thing, where I would have banned you for a while to say the least. Another thing is that you do not understand that online games such as this are moderated at the discretion of the people running the servers. Here the ESRB does not hold any power.

These are just some things I had gathered and I believed he needs to be banned but For no more that a week, and again some thoughts of mine.
My message of love is carved into every bullet I shoot at you <3

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #33 on: October 24, 2013, 01:12:33 AM »
Considering the fact you are attempting to make the fact that you were using a porn spray in the first place justified by saying that anyone who says anything negative about is is homophobic.
The homophobia has nothing to do with the spray, if it comes across that way it's not my intention. What I was saying was that, it seems that may have been a factor in why he went straight for a permaban, instead of a time ban. I only say this because I've seen it happen before, and have been personally treated differently online due to homophobia. It happens.

To further go into this, you have no proof that Echo issued no warning on the subject matter
I have no way to :/

Another thing is that you do not understand that online games such as this are moderated at the discretion of the people running the servers. Here the ESRB does not hold any power.
The ESRB inclusion was in response to one of the posters bringing up distribution of porn, not speaking about the moderation.

These are just some things I had gathered and I believed he needs to be banned but For no more that a week
I agree, I am not saying that I didn't break the rules, or that I shouldn't receive a punishment. I just think that a permaban is overreaching. As I have said, if I had received a time ban I would have no reason to post here.

All that said, thank you for your input. I am really glad to see that these posts are looked at :)

Offline Red

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2013, 01:23:39 AM »
Alright.... So you were Permanently banned by Echo for having an inappropriate/bad spray.

Right now you're claiming that you received no warning from Echo, nor was your friend (who was also warned for his/her inappropriate spray as well if I understand correctly), and that you yourself weren't slapped (just your friend who never warned you to stop even though you were conversing in Mumble). Correct?

Now I'm going to start picking this apart, ok?

To start, "The spray was of a homosexual nature (a cartoon)" and "it was yaoi." This already warrants a ban because, like TicTac said, "it falls under the porn category."


Spoiler for Hidden:
Right now you're currently trying to appeal to a day ban to a permanent ban.

Now, if I understand correctly, your argument is currently that you received no warning or indication that you should not spray your spray or that you would be banned for spraying that spray. You're also saying that your friend never warned you, that when your friend (assuming that you in fact never were slapped) who had a similar name to you was slapped you didn't take notice, and that you never heard Echochrome4 call over the mic.

It's possible that, yes you did indeed miss seeing the slaps and the the warnings to your friend and that maybe you never were slapped and therefore continued to spray your spray. It's possible that, your friend who did see the slaps and the warnings and heeded those warnings but never told you. It's possible that, you couldn't hear Echochrome4 over the microphone because of another player who had a loud microphone.
All three of these things are possible alone, though very improbable considering all three of these things happening to the same person, but still possible. Who knows, maybe you missed seeing the warnings or that Echochrome4 only punished your friend by accident (who never told you of his punishments). We'll find out later with the console logs (hopefully).

All of that above *points upwards* is fine and dandy, yippee. Had you said all of that the first time you would (in my opinion) have definitely gotten your ban reduced..

Now I'm going to explain where you went wrong.

You start off with an appeal that appears to be designed to attack Echochrome4. You state: "Is this admin new?". You seem to be trying to demean him, to imply that he has no idea what he's doing and that he has never been taught/told by another admin, how to punish/warn rule breakers (such as yourself). That alone makes me start to think that, "oh, perhaps he's just trying to weasel his way out of his ban by implying that the admin in question is inept." Then you say this, "seems pretty homophobic to me." Now you're trying to imply that Echochrome4 doesn't like people of other sexual orientation from himself and that he doesn't like you because you are gay. Once again you are grasping at straws, trying to say that, because of this, he is not fit to administrate on the server because he has attempted to bully you based on your sexual orientation without any proof of this whatsoever. As well as that sprays of naked women are acceptable because you see them all the time and the players who spray these are never punished. Have you ever been playing with an admin while you saw these sprays. If you had been then you would know that these sprays are never acceptable and players found with these kinds of sprays are promptly punished. This bit, the "a permaban, from a server I have been playing on plenty, *really*?" isn't terribly important, it just backs up the other two points I have already brought up. You're complaining that you shouldn't have been banned because you'd been playing for a long time on these servers and that the fact that you suddenly were must be on account of Echochrome4's age/inability to administrate correctly?

I can't seem to understand how exactly you thought attacking the admin who banned you ( because of his age or on some notion that he was homophobic) would help your ban appeal, because (in my opinion) it certainly did not.

Right now I'd say that because of your behavior on the forums you're looking at anywhere between a 1 day ban (if you're lucky and this really goes in your favor), to a 1 month ban (assuming that you did in fact miss all the warnings (both from Echochrome4 and your friend) and never were slapped (or because you didn't notice them)), to a permanent ban (because you may have been lying this entire time and were slapped and warned, and have been trying to appeal your ban through making Echochrome4 seem like an admin who has no idea what he's doing). 

Your behavior so far has been absolutely appalling. This could have been an easy fix/appeal process, but because you chose to start slandering Echochrome4 it has degraded into a monotony of unfounded accusations and name calling. Yes, a permanent ban is too long for a pornographic spray (a real pity as it is against the law to distribute pornography to minors), sorry Echochrome4. It is supposed to be, in fact, about a day for a typical pornographic spray and permanent for anything with bestiality/child pornography.

Ok, I'm sick of typing, though I'm sure if I tried I could probably add more. I'm going to wait for Pyro to give his input before I reply again I think.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 01:25:58 AM by Red »
Need anything? Find me on steam and I'll be happy to help.

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #35 on: October 24, 2013, 01:45:45 AM »
My argument was that a permaban seemed excessively harsh, and I thought that homophobia may have played a role (mentioned elsewhere: homophobia is something gaymers deal with regularly) .

As for bringing his age into this, and what I said in the original post, I thought bringing his age into my post seemed relevant. Attacking his aptitude for moderation, I'll admit wasn't the best thing to do. For what it's worth, I wrote it minutes after being banned, and seeing I had been permabanned, so I was extremely upset, and didn't think it through fully, which I apologize for. 

To be clear on the warnings that were issued, I did not mean to say they didn't happen, if I did, but rather I didn't see them. I check the dev console after each hidden kill, and change sprays for each map change. When I became aware of the warning is when my friend mentioned that he had been slapped, at which point I had already put my spray back up. About 20 seconds later, I was banned.

I have said a couple times here, that I think I deserve a ban, I broke the rules, and I can see that. I just think a permaban is excessive. As you pointed out, standard guideline is a 1 day ban for my offense, which is what initially led me to believe that other factors may have come into play when deciding my initial punishment.

Offline Fluffalupagus

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2013, 01:53:37 AM »
Well in any case, we would like to thank you for the apology.

At this point I believe everyone so far has covered all points of the issue and all we can do now is wait for the HA to put his 2 cents in.

I would like to apologize for my tone earlier, I do believe I got too heated and emotionally invested.

Good luck on the appeal. :)

Offline Pyro

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2013, 09:46:29 AM »
I'm going to deny your appeal.

Code: [Select]
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:00: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:03: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 slapped and warned player GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) for 5 dmg
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:09: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerBunnyTwink (STEAM_0:1:40879152) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:11: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 slapped and warned player GaymerBunnyTwink (STEAM_0:1:40879152) for 5 dmg
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:31: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:33: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 slapped and warned player GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) for 5 dmg
L 10/23/2013 - 18:51:51: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:51:54: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 permanently banned player GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) for a bad spray logo with SourceBans
L 10/23/2013 - 18:51:54: [sourcebans.smx] "Echochrome4<119><STEAM_0:0:59670684><>" banned "GaymerTwinks4Lyfe<118><STEAM_0:0:54632137><>" (minutes "0") (reason " Bad Spray Logo")

You have been warned plenty of times and even slapped, I simply cannot believe the fact that you didn't perceive those warnings.

When you get slapped, you hear a sound, it's 5 damage so you should see your health dropping, and you get flinged away for a little distance, and that 2 times.

I have a strong feeling that you are bullshitting us here, sir.

Also, when you appeal a ban, you are trying to get a second chance, demeaning the person who banned you and telling things that are not true will get your appeal denied very quick.
Like the homophobic thing is REALLY farfetched.

Quote from the ban manual:

Inappropriate Sprays: This can only be bannable if the user sprays any inappropriate content. Such as any pornographic or nude images, pictures about historic events (pictures of Hitler, Bin Laden, etc), or any image directly aiming to insult a certain group of people or ethnic background.

Offline Pyro

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2013, 03:07:50 PM »

I looked over the ban standards again, and I apologize, I've made a mistake, I overlooked the part where it says:

Note: In extreme cases (e.g. Child pornography, bestiality) a permanent ban may be issued, but MAKE SURE that the person was properly warned.

You didn't actually deserve a perma, because porn doesn't warrant a permaban.

I'm going to give you a second chance and lower your ban to 3 days.

Make sure you don't screw up...

Again, I apologize.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2013, 03:07:50 PM »


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