2013 October
1.7.2Improvements & Changes
Resource packs
Complete menu overhaul
The ability to select multiple resource packs at once.
Resource packs at the top take precedence over those below if files appear more than once
Allows for non-manual merging of textures from multiple packs, a sound pack and a different texture pack, etc.
Servers can now offer resource packs again
Max size increased to 50 MB
You are now able to add new sounds using resource packs
Resource packs can now add, remove, supplement, randomize, and group sounds using JSON
Sounds and music are now stored together in the new .minecraft/assets/sounds folder
Music now pauses when pausing the game
Network Code
Completely rewritten
Uses Netty now
Most packets won't change, handshake and ping procedure is being redone
There is a packet length header
Several lighting issues fixed.
A lot fewer "black spots" in the terrain generator.[2]
Torch bugs in strongholds and abandoned mine shafts have been fixed.[3][4]
The light level actually falls to 7 during thunderstorms now (before it stayed at 12 like normal rain but hostile mobs could spawn as if the light level was 7).
The clouds go black and the sky goes much darker.
Grouped a few options into the Controls section, allowed rebinding of 1-9 hotkeys, screenshot key, cinematic camera toggle (can be rebinded and no longer has a default key), camera switching and added sprint button which will keep re-engaging sprint whenever possible (left control by default)
Music & Sounds
Now allows separate volume controls for Master Volume, Music, Jukebox/Noteblocks, Weather, Blocks, Hostile Creatures, Friendly Creatures, Players and Ambient/Environment
The Resource Pack screen
Now a split view to list selected and unselected resource packs - multiple resource packs can now be used simultaneously with higher priority resource packs getting to use eventual duplicate textures/files
Video Settings
Render Distance is now a slider ranging from 2 to 16 chunks, Max Framerate is now a slider ranging from 10 to 250 fps, Unlimited; Mipmapping can be set to levels 1 to 4 or disabled, Anisotropic Filtering can be set to 2, 4, 8, 16 or disabled
Super Secret Settings
Plays a random sound when clicked and cycles through various experimental shaders: fxaa, art, bumpy, blobs2, pencil, color_convolve, deconverge, flip, invert, ntsc, outline, phosphor, scan_pincushion, sobel, bits, desaturate, green, blur, wobble, blobs, antialias
Language Selection
Added 'Force Unicode Font' option which allows you to change whether Unicode font is forced for text or not.
The armor boxes get black when empty and away from cursor.
Putting cursor over the armor inventory displays which armor is to put on there.
In creative mode, the display item for the Decoration Blocks tab changed from the Rose to the new Peonia flower.
Server list
Can now be refreshed using F5
Added server icons
Lists the current players on a server when you hover over the player number
Added support for multi-line MOTD comments which do not go offscreen
Hovering over the player count will now show a few online players
Now done using Log4j 2
Default logging location is now in logs/latest.logs, older logs are archived in logs/<year>-<month>-<day>-1.lg.gz with the number at the end increasing each startup
The way logs are saved can be changed to, for example, html pages, databases, errors only, no logging at all
Minecraft Realms
Started preparing buying support internally
Started offering an option to download the world map
Automatically kick idle players after some time
Multiplayer-only command, can be used only by server operators
Usage: /setidletimeout <Minutes until kick>
Is written in json to create "buttons" and formatted text (underlined, bold, italics, colored, etc.) in chat.
Usage: /tellraw <player> <raw json message>.
Can be used to spawn any entity in the game, including Giants, Ender Crystals, Ender Dragons, and primed TNT.
Usage: /summon <EntityName>
Can be used to give a player achievements or statistics.
Usage: /achievement give <stat_name> [player].
Can be used to create, delete, or replace a block without the use of FallingSand
Usage: /setblock
- [y] [z] <BlockID> [data] [method] [dataTag].
Checks for blocks in specific locations
Usage: /testforblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [dataTag]
Sets the world spawn point for all players (even if they have never joined the server or are offline, but will not override beds)
Usage: /setworldspawn
Particle effects
Fishing now has particle effects.
Bubbles will show up moving towards your bobber just before you have something on your hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
Falling now has particle effects.
Particle size depends on distance fallen.
New achievements
Breed two cows with Wheat
Requires the "Cow Tipper" achievement
Diamonds to you!
Throw Diamonds at another player or to a zombie that has the CanPickUpLoot NBT tag
Requires the "DIAMONDS!" achievement
Adventuring Time
Discover all Biomes
Requires the "The End?" achievement
The Beginning?
Spawn the Wither
Requires the "The End." achievement
The Beginning.
Kill the Wither
Requires the "The Beginning?" achievement
Craft a Beacon
Requires the "The Beginning." achievement
New statistics
Distance by Horse
Junk Fished
Treasure Fished
Mobs statistics
Improvements & Changes
Changes to fishing mechanics
Items other than fish can be obtained by fishing.
Fish: 4 items total, including Raw Fish, Raw Salmon, Clownfish, and Pufferfish.
Treasure: 7 items total, including enchanted fishing rods, enchanted bow, enchanted books, name tags, tripwire hook, lilypads, and saddles.
Junk: 11 items total, including damaged fishing rods, water bottles, rotten flesh, string, leather, bowls, sticks, boots or damaged boots.
New enchantments for Fishing Rods that can change your luck when fishing.
Lure - reduces wait time to catch an item.
Luck of the Sea - increases chance of getting treasure and decreases chance of getting junk.
Achievements and statistics[5]
Now ties in with the scoreboard system - added 744 new objective criteria that were previously tracked with statistics and achievements
Are now per world/server[6]
Achievements screen can now be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel.
Achievements don't appear on the achievements screen if more than five achievements need to be achieved first (i.e. "DIAMONDS!" doesn't appear until "Getting Wood" is achieved).
Data for blocks, items, and mobs don't appear in their respective tab in the Statistics screen unless the player has crafted/placed/mined that block, crafted/used/depleted that item, or killed/was killed by that mob.
When a player earns an achievement it is now announced in chat. This can be turned off on servers by changing a line in the file.
Can be hovered over to show an achievement tooltip
Cannot be turned off in Singleplayer
Can now use statistics to create objectives; anything that statistics can track can be used as an objective (can also track achievements)
This is the reason why statistics/achievements were changed to be stored per world/server
Can now give items to players with custom names, lore and enchantments [7]
Can give items with other custom NBT tags, such as SkullOwner to obtain the Head of a specific player, or even custom mob spawner traits, which removes the necessity to use an NBT editing program to obtain these items.
Will now print renamed items' name in chat and show tooltips when hovered over
Usage: /give <player> <ID> [quantity] [damage value] [dataTag]
/time set day
Now sets the time to 1000 instead of 0
/time set night
Now sets the time to 13000 instead of 12000
Custom NBT data can now be added via commands
Works with /give and /summon
Syntax examples:
/give @p 1 1 0 {display:{Lore:["Hi,","How are you?"],Name:"Nice Stone Block"},ench:[{id:1,lvl:10}]}
/summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Saddle:1, CustomName:"Babe", CustomNameVisible:1}
/give @p 397 1 3 {SkullOwner:MHF_Pig}
NBT format
List tags no longer need to be named
No longer crashes when given the wrong type (integer/short)
Chat system
"Useful to map makers, modders, players and server admins"
Added a way to do things when clicking things in chat, like executing a command
Other actions include opening a URL and showing an item tooltip when hovered on
"Saved screenshot as" messages can now be clicked to open the screenshot, takes you to the .minecraft folder
Names can now be clicked to PM people
Added /tellraw <player> <raw json message> to send chat messages with custom functionality to players - sender will not appear
Syntax example: /tellraw @p {text:"Daytime? ",color:"green",extra:[{text:"Click here!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set day"}},{text:" Nighttime? "},{text:"Click here!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set night"}},{text:" Have fun!"}]}
Removed the thin fog around the player
Fog is only at the edge of the visible chunks now
Death Screen
If you die and you select the 'Title screen' button, a prompt will ask if you are sure you want to quit and give you the options to go to the title screen or respawn and continue playing
Edge of the World
All blocks beyond X/Z 30 million (±30,000,000) from origin now act as solid blocks.
This includes air blocks.
This creates essentially an invisible wall at the boundary.
As all blocks function as solid, if the player is moved outside the boundary via external tools, they will be unable to move outside the block space they are within.
Despite the above, the camera can still move normally. This reveals that ghost chunks still generate, as the camera can pass through normally solid blocks beyond the boundary.
Block/Item IDs
Can now be referred to by their names instead of numbers.
Will be the only option in the future.
Necessary for the Plugin API.
Changed F3+B visuals
Block bounding boxes are now completely black instead of dark grey
The sky now darkens when inside.
Nether Portal
Planned to have odd width to allow for design variations, and, if the one in the Nether is big enough, ghasts can go through them.
Portals can now be activated from any block within the portal, not just the bottom (when any fire block appears inside the frame)
New nether portal building rules: Any size from 4x5 to 23x23, but rectangular
Unbreaking can now appear on any item without the use of an Anvil
Enchanted Books can now receive multiple enchants at once
World Generation
Acacia Tree
Curved trees made of Acacia Wood
These spawn in Savanna biomes
Dark Oak Trees
Very large, short trees
These spawn in Roofed Forest biomes
Composed of multiple colored hardened clay that are layered in a way that resembles sedimentary rock
There are seven colours including normal, orange, red, yellow, white, light grey and brown.
Has a floor similar to a desert biome, but made of red sand instead of sand
Dead bushes spawn in this biome
Occasional dying forests spawn on top of the clay mountains
There is no rain in this biome
Acacia trees
New wood, sapling, and leaf type
Horses can spawn in this biome
NPC Villages may generate in savanna biomes
There is no rain in this biome
Very flat with plateaus and the occasional giant mountain
Sunflower Plains
Exactly the same as Plains, but can spawn Sunflowers
Roofed Forest
Has dark grass and giant mushrooms
Has Dark Oak trees; dark and dangerous under the canopy even during the day
New wood, sapling, and leaf type
Monsters will most likely be able to spawn during the day and the night
Monsters that spawned at night can survive during the day
This is the first biome aside from Mushroom Island that naturally spawns with giant mushrooms
Birch Forest
A forest made entirely of birch trees
Flower Forest
Forest variant with several of the new flowers, including peonies, orange tulips, white tulips, oxeye daisies, rose bush and allium
Very densely packed with the various new flowers
Now generates without snow
The previous taiga biomes are now Cold Taiga biomes
Mega Taiga
This is a very rare biome
Contains 2x2 Spruce trees
Has a dirt block variant known as Podzol.
Currently obtained only by the silk touch enchantment.
Contains dirt blocks that do not allow grass to grow.
Moss Stone "boulders" are scattered around in this biome.
Dead bushes, mushrooms, and ferns spawn in this biome.
Extreme Hills+
Contains spruce trees
Goes considerably higher than the normal Extreme Hills
Ice Plains Spikes
Contains giant ice spires similar to upside down icicles made of Packed Ice
These ice spikes can reach y=120 from normal ground
Lakes of packed ice are dotted around the biome
Deep Ocean
Is about ten blocks deeper than normal oceans, the maximum depth is in the low 30s
Biome Variants/Technical Biomes
Over 20 variants for the biomes.
M - Biomes with an M variant are much rarer than any other variant.
Extreme Hills M, Taiga M, Roofed Forest M, JungleEdge M, Birch Forest Hills M, Cold Taiga M, Extreme Hills+ M, Savanna M, Savanna Plateau M, Swampland M, Jungle M, Mesa Plateau M and Mesa Plateau F M are more mountainous versions of their normal biome counterpart.
Desert M has patches of water unlike normal deserts
Birch Forest M has taller birch trees than usual
Savanna M has grassless dirt and mountains that can generate above the clouds and up to Y: 220 on rare occasions
Plateau - Biomes with a Plateau variant are like the hills technical biome, but flattened at the top
Savanna Plateau and Mesa Plateau are both plateaus
These are landforms which are raised by up to about 30 blocks and have flat tops
Mesa (Bryce) - A rare variant of the Mesa biome which works similar to ice spikes with tall clay spikes generating from the sandy mesa floor.
Hills - More technical hills biomes have been added to fit with the new biomes.
Birch Forest Hills, Cold Taiga Hills, and Mega Taiga Hills can now be generated.
Beach - New beaches separate certain biomes from oceans and rivers.
Stone Beach is composed mainly of Stone and often generates between an Extreme Hills biome and a body of water.
Cold Beach is composed of Sand with a layer of Snow on top.
Usually generates between a cold biome, such as Ice Plains, and a body of water.
World type
Amplifies the terrain hugely, using the entire world height
Almost all biomes can generate huge mountains that can reach well above Y: 200
Extreme Hills biomes frequently reach the world height limit at Y: 256
Swampland and ocean biomes unaffected by this world type
Extremely resource intensive and requires powerful computer to run
Ravines here can reach down to bedrock
Contains numerous various landforms that are very rare or non-existent in default generation
Some examples include floating islands, overhangs, large water and lava falls and huge indents
Taiga biomes reach such altitudes that snow starts generating (about Y: 130)