Help Request Subject: Mouse movement help.
Specific people needed to read this: Anyone who can help, any suggestion that could help would be appreciated
Summarize help request in one sentence:Myself and several people I've met and played with (not all of them mind you) have had an issue where the mouse will randomly... pause then skip over a space then repeat; this causes a jerky effect that makes it very hard to aim or move smoothly.
Additional Info: I think I summed up the issue, most of the mouses are 2.0 (from what I've heard, but the computer mice in question are all supposedly in good condition) we also have them plugged into the right USB ports so that's no issue as far as I know... Suggestions?
Importance level(low,medium,high): Not too high, between low and medium.
Steam related?: Sorta, it's not as bad when I'm not playing a game, actually the only time I have this issue is when I am playing a steam game, which leads me to believe that it's steam related. I don't know if this is the same for the other people (the steam bit).