Name of player reporting abuse:
(you may be anoynmous)
Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Agent Orange
In which server did the abuse ocurr?: TTT
What ocurred, what did the abuse consist of: Slayed like, 3~4 players for no reason.
What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): 7/15/2010 9:37 PM (Eastern, America)
Additional comments: He also called me a douchebag for defending my case and being right about killing two innocents who shot at me while I was a detective / at other innocents and was going to slay me for it? Also, when he got into the server, he initially said he was "going to slay everybody to punish them for their RDMs"
Other admins in the server- Lord Ice
Do I have any screenshots? No, because tinypic doesn't support .tga :|
People were there, though.