Time you are leaving:Today or tomorrow (5th or 6th of May)
In Which server you are admin on: Conjoint Gaming TTT Customized #1
Estimated time/date of return:Roughly a week
Additional Comments:My PC is fatally injured and in need of medical attention. Mercy has to take some time off to make sure PC makes a full recovery. Seriously, my pc is broken and it needs fixing. I'm sending it off today or tomorrow and will be gone for probably a week. I can't be exact but if all goes well I'll be back soon.
EDIT: I'm sending it away tomorrow hopefully as today was a holiday and no one is working.
Update: My pc is getting sent on Tuesday. As this edit is the 9/5/2013.
Re-Update: As off now my pc is still not fixed. I had to buy another harddrive and backup my data so I can send it off tommorrow or something. I'm not really sure anymore. But I'll see you soon.