What server are you applying for: TTT
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: N/A
In game name: ?ri?? (Or some variant thereof)
Link to your steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197981880952/Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10807612
Do you have past admin experience: Used to admin a L4D server for a friend, some minor stuff on other servers a while back.
What are some good qualities you possess:
» I pay attention to what's going on around me in the TTT server
» I know how to make fancy little double arrows
» Decent enough player, don't hate many, at least fair (Probably a wee bit too trusting, but eh)
What country are you from: United States, Pacific Time Zone
Age: 20
Additional notes: I hate the "good qualities" question in general, its hard to put things down to words. Occasionally on the TTT server when no admins are on (Doesn't happen a lot, but it happens). Once in a while, when in a pissy mood, would threaten to get revenge for RDMs, but have never actually done so. And, back to being unsure what to say again.
As far as authority goes, I adhere to server rules first, but in gray areas: Warn unless they should know better - Slay - Kick - Ban. Probably would never pull a permaban without something incredibly inappropriate (blatant racism, etc)