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Author Topic: Explain the evolution - IYOW  (Read 7382 times)

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Offline Accan

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2012, 12:53:36 AM »
Bullshit Bullshit, and more well.. Bullshit. Evolution is a stupid theory with too many problems with the entire theory itself. Its just the Catholic regardless of how much i hated church i guess it stuck.. But still doesnt change the fact that i don't believe it, i get it i just don't think its plausible. Regardless of my Religious standing.

I'm catholic as well but I think there is enough room for both, neither can 100% prove what happened and both are plausible.

Nice 1337'th post bro.

I'm Christian as well, but the stuff Pillz said makes sense. The accepted Bible timeline is kinda messed up though. And apparently they found a footprint in stone alongside a dinosaur footprint, so they existed somehow in the same time period, after the Beginning. But yep, the points Pillz made i can agree with basically, there's not much to debate about facts. Arth, you don't have to believe one or the other. They can mix, as do my own beliefs.

Offline Old Crow

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2012, 02:18:14 AM »
Im just 1337 all over this bitch  Meme11

besides we all know the next forum of evolution is to become X-men  Meme9

I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2012, 02:18:14 AM »

Offline Spadie

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2012, 08:05:16 PM »
To my understanding, here's how it works

A create and their species is walking or flying or shitting through life. Suddenly; a baby is born with a mutation. If that mutation is beneficial and that new mutant lives long enough to reproduce, its next baby will have a decent chance of having the same mutation. If the mutation is THAT beneficial and the new species outproduces the last, then you will now have something that looks like the older one but slightly different. Rinse and repeat until you get something almost completely new.

Here is one that I don't get though

The Barreleye Fish. Its front eyes do not work. Instead, the top of its skull is transparent and it has eyes on top of its brain that can look up or forwards. How that mutation came to be, I could only guess at.

Oh goddammit.

Offline Pillz

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2012, 01:36:14 AM »
Yeah and on top of that; water striders evolved so the males antennae have harnesses on them that latch onto the females eyes/torso so they can have lots of sex, and this mutation obviously helped them survive and now it's common amongst them all.

There was a discovery recently of a weird sea creature that helps scientists understand how lifeforms might of been billions of years ago; it had the ability to change it's body structure completely and had other strange traits. I can't find the article anywhere though.. I saw it on my "Latest headlines" and don't know what to search to find it again.

Anywho; evolution exists and it only will for humans when we are able to genetically engineer our children. We kinda already can.. but I'm talking about birthing SUPER CHILDREN. With springs in their legs, and computers in their heads. Did I already suggest the mutated panda army?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 01:43:57 AM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Spadie

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2012, 02:08:26 AM »
How to explain evolution... let's see. So the big bang happened we know that much, our sun, us, moon, yada yada that takes too much time. We developed an atmosphere, rain, oceans. Molecules in the water started adapting and became more suitable for life. Then they were like, fuck this ocean I'm going to land. And dinosaurs, then meteor, so mammals take this place over, we evolve from scary motha fucking apes. Our bone structure is so similar in fact, it scares me. I love science. I have short explanations about things that take a long explanation. Good day.

Not only our bone structure, our DNA is between 95% and 98% similar. The consensus fluctuates between those two numbers every few years.

If you have about 12 and a half minutes, watch this video. A section of a lecture by Neil DeGrasse Tyson (Astrophysicist).. One of my favourite dudes. Cause he's informative, smart, and funny as hell.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDRXn96HrtY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDRXn96HrtY</a>

Oh goddammit.

Offline Athlonz2012

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2012, 02:59:41 AM »
What happened so that we can perceive all of that energy around us? I mean the particle vibrations makes everything alive, also when you think about it, without vibrations, there is no light, there is no sound, there is no "Time" because, to time to travel, you need an environment that moves constantly, ... so if you freeze to point 0 the whole universe, Time is supposed to stop or slow down...

Science.jpg The big bang created an environment where all particles is in a "meta-stable" phase. In the end, it will loop forever and ever, by the way, what is the shape of the universe? it is only 3D? or its "infinite-dimensional" what is 3D is only the physical part of what we perceive, therefore the universe might be smaller than we think and it's just a mirror perceptions that seems to loop for ages.

And Yes I smoke too much weed  Meme11

(LAST WORDS) ]AthlonZ []-R.G-[]: I wished you guys speak french--

Offline Pillz

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2012, 03:32:15 AM »
What happened so that we can perceive all of that energy around us? I mean the particle vibrations makes everything alive, also when you think about it, without vibrations, there is no light, there is no sound, there is no "Time" because, to time to travel, you need an environment that moves constantly, ... so if you freeze to point 0 the whole universe, Time is supposed to stop or slow down...

Science.jpg The big bang created an environment where all particles is in a "meta-stable" phase. In the end, it will loop forever and ever, by the way, what is the shape of the universe? it is only 3D? or its "infinite-dimensional" what is 3D is only the physical part of what we perceive, therefore the universe might be smaller than we think and it's just a mirror perceptions that seems to loop for ages.

And Yes I smoke too much weed  Meme11

Off topic though?
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Doc. Mentalist S.

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2012, 02:01:53 AM »
Okay, too lazy to read your posts.

Here's my controversial opinion.

Evolution is Natural selection (I won't go on into explaining what that is). Of course this does not happen in 2012 years but millions of years since the existence of life on this planet that we know as Earth. We simply adapted into the environment that surrounds us to better increase our survival as a species(homo sapiens).

The only thing that can be considered creationists is our natural ability to adapt throughout the years. As well as considering doctors and scientists for bringing us to medical miracles (off topic).

Anyways in this age of information, we've moved on into other ways of passing genes, ie sperm donors
The fact that we can select certain genes for an unborn child, (pre-determined genes)
I don't really care if it's ethical or not but all i know is that it is good for making quick $

Note: sapien is not defined but the plurality is? wtf (spell check)

Resource: Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology class.
I wish i had taken philosophy class.

Offline Jorgen

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2012, 10:18:50 AM »
To my understanding, here's how it works

A create and their species is walking or flying or shitting through life. Suddenly; a baby is born with a mutation. If that mutation is beneficial and that new mutant lives long enough to reproduce, its next baby will have a decent chance of having the same mutation. If the mutation is THAT beneficial and the new species outproduces the last, then you will now have something that looks like the older one but slightly different. Rinse and repeat until you get something almost completely new.

Here is one that I don't get though

The Barreleye Fish. Its front eyes do not work. Instead, the top of its skull is transparent and it has eyes on top of its brain that can look up or forwards. How that mutation came to be, I could only guess at.
I can explain that, the eyes were previously thought to be immovable however that is not the case they are in fact hyper mobile and can be realigned towards seeing straight forward.
Also the Barreleye Fish uses its capabilities to look up on to a jellyfish and then see if it has caught any food if it has then it can shoot straight up then re align its eyes and steal said food. It is just a way for nature to adapt to a lack of food.
There is also a myriad of other reasons its eyes are like that, but yeah if I wrote about it, it would be ages...

Offline Pillz

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2012, 09:42:04 PM »
To my understanding, here's how it works

A create and their species is walking or flying or shitting through life. Suddenly; a baby is born with a mutation. If that mutation is beneficial and that new mutant lives long enough to reproduce, its next baby will have a decent chance of having the same mutation. If the mutation is THAT beneficial and the new species outproduces the last, then you will now have something that looks like the older one but slightly different. Rinse and repeat until you get something almost completely new.

Here is one that I don't get though

The Barreleye Fish. Its front eyes do not work. Instead, the top of its skull is transparent and it has eyes on top of its brain that can look up or forwards. How that mutation came to be, I could only guess at.
I can explain that, the eyes were previously thought to be immovable however that is not the case they are in fact hyper mobile and can be realigned towards seeing straight forward.
Also the Barreleye Fish uses its capabilities to look up on to a jellyfish and then see if it has caught any food if it has then it can shoot straight up then re align its eyes and steal said food. It is just a way for nature to adapt to a lack of food.
There is also a myriad of other reasons its eyes are like that, but yeah if I wrote about it, it would be ages...

All you really elaborated on was how they use their eyes to eat lol The dome above their eyes is immune to the sting of jellyfish so it floats right beneath the lights limit and uses its binocular like eyes(full of rods, no cones) so it accurately distinguishes silhouettes above it. That way they can scan the waters above them for zoo plankton or other offshore crustaceans; whether they've been caught in a jellyfish yet or not. The high amount of rods in their eyes also helps sort out ambient light from bioluminscent light; effective for finding the jellies or other pretty shinies.

The front "eyes" aren't eyes and never were, they're the "nose" of the fish.

There are three different types of the barrelfish, one of them being the brown-snout spookfish which is one of the only fish to use a mirror rather than a lens to focus on things.

Then there's the "Binnocular fish" which has the same tubular eyes of the macropinna which is pictured above, but the eyes are pointed forward instead of upwards, along with other minor differences.

Why it ended up this way cannot be explained though, it's a mutation that happened, and worked. Given they reproduce by just dumping eggs and sperm into the ocean.

We're all a result of a freak accident, some of us end up looking nice, others end up looking like monsters. Hell, some smaller animals probably think  we look like freaks.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Jorgen

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2012, 10:08:07 PM »
What I did was explaining why it could be beneficial for the fish to exist as it does, which in itself offers a reason to why it is as it is.
Also I did state that it does several other things to, if you did not care to read...

If you believe in evolution then you believe in natural selection, natural selection being that it survives until adult age and it is deemed a good genetic trait so it basically gets all the bitches.
Slowly it's eyes probably rolled backwards and its nose went higher, at the same time a new mutation probably happened its skin became transparent and since the eyes were slightly further back it could probably see trough it and then find food easier and survive and get all the bitches again.

Really stupid way to explain something that is incredibly elaborate.

Offline Pancake Of Doom

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2012, 10:35:24 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxDOpAM2FrQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxDOpAM2FrQ</a>
I'll let the Symphony of Science explain it.

Offline Blackllama

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2012, 02:26:44 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxDOpAM2FrQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxDOpAM2FrQ</a>
I'll let the Symphony of Science explain it.

In your own words, Explain the evolution and lets have some fun comparing the totally unscientific results

I think evolution is caused by an adaptation of matter to its environment, over the course of millions of years, we became more and more sensible to 5 main senses : Touch, Smell, Vision, Taste and Hearing

Same as for animals as they adapt to their environment to their needs, we need fingers to handle tools with care, dogs don't need it... for now, they will evolve too just as we do.

another topic of evolution is Intelligence, the most intelligent member of a group, will survive complex tasks, will be able to solves problems first and be able to reproduce more easily compared to its less evolved peers.

In Conclusion, I think we are living a "Devolution" right now I mean we as North Americans experiance a new level of "ultra-marketism" where all the important things are reduced to "Oh look This amazing new cellphone I got today! Let's shop some more!" Also, McDonalds, Food Stamps etc. Or maybe, just maybe, this current generation will solve all of these problems, and we will finally get peace on earth.

So, What do you think?

It's in the subject.  It's in the OP.  This is supposed to be in your own words.  That video does not contain your own words.  You should read the OP/Subject before you post.  Thank you very much.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Explain the evolution - IYOW
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2012, 02:26:44 AM »


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