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Author Topic: Blackllama Abuse  (Read 3012 times)

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Offline Whitellama

Blackllama Abuse
« on: November 12, 2011, 05:33:46 AM »
Disclaimer: I'm not actually sure where this thread belonged, because he wasn't abusing his powers exactly, but instead he refused to punish himself over his actions. I figured this is the most suiting section, considering he's an admin. Also, this is extremely long-winded. Sorry, but that's just how I write.

Name of player reporting abuse: (=CG=) Whitellama

Admin who is suspected of the abuse: (=CG=) Blackllama (That's right, I'm here to bitch about my brother.)

In which server did the abuse occur?: TTT

What occurred, what did the abuse consist of:

So we're playing TTT on Alt_Boarders with 5 people on and Blackllama picks up a barrel preround, walks into the traitor testing room with me and another player inside, and shoves it into one of the testing tubes. I tell him he's going to RDM someone, but he shoves it into the tester anyways, the door closes on it, and it gets jammed until the start of the round, because barrels cannot explode preround. I was stuck in the small room because Blackllama and the other player were both trying to get out of the door, and the barrel killed me and Blackllama instantly while the other player got away damaged.

I feel most offended by this because Blackllama is my brother, (so I'm more likely to get pissy over his mistakes rather than other's), and he's an admin. Not because I died for a round, but because admins shouldn't behave like this. I have high expectations of admins, like everyone does, but even higher because he's also my brother, and I'm entitled to bitch about it when he messes up.

I started yelling at him IRL and he tried to justify it by saying he warned me it was going to explode, and started a vote on whether or not to slay himself. The vote said 50% yes, even though admins don't use votes based on whether or not to slay themselves.  He said "he just wanted to know the result", yet administrators shouldn't use voting to gauge the level of their error, they should just suck it up and kill themselves. The fact that he did that as a joke, still not taking it seriously, helped piss me off. I believe part of the reason he wouldn't just go and slay himself is because we're brothers, so he felt he was entitled to object because of that, for some reason.  So the map changed to 67th_way  and my game crashed. My mom came up and started talking to him about random crap, and he died while speaking to her. The next round, I told him he better slay himself or I would put up this thread, and he said he would, and started typing into the chat "Guys, whitellama is ye--" before getting stabbed.

He was about to bitch about me yelling at him to slay himself, which he likes to do a lot. If something I do annoys him (and I'm not even on the server), I commonly see him tell people on the server about "Whitellama" doing this or "Whitellama" doing that, or how I'm screaming at him so he can't hear anyone on the server. That alone I've asked him not to do in the past, because no one on the server really needs to know what I am and am not doing, Blackllama just does it to piss me off. I've even asked him IRL why he does it, and he says to piss me off.

So I tell him I still want him to slay himself the following round. He tries to pass off getting stabbed as counting as the slay, but the fact that he was about to complain about me on the server to the other players, was holding still, and got himself stabbed, is not the same as him accepting and punishing himself for RDMing me. He said that he needed to let the server know why he was about to just suddenly die, yet there was still no reason for him to tie in a personal attack against myself, and a slay puts a message in the chat so it would have been clear that he slayed himself regardless. I never got an apology, and he proceeded to make excuses about how he had missed the last two rounds so that counted for the slay, and how it was an accident, even though no one can shove a barrel into a closing door with two other people in the room on accident.

His failure to punish himself for what is blatant RDM is what's brought me to this. I don't care that I died for a single round. I care that as he is an administrator, and that he should behave like one. Any other admin on the server doesn't argue with the player they RDMed, and they don't make excuses like "he stabbed me while I was typing" or "I was killed while I was talking to my mom so that counts for the slay".

I really don't care if he's punished for this. I do not care if this thread is just brushed off because I'm pissed/sibling rivalry/whatever. I just want this thread to be here, to remind him, that he fucked up. At least once.  And that he should just learn to swallow whatever pride he has and slay himself, even if it's for RDMing his brother. Is that so much to ask?

What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): around 11:00 PM UTC -08:00 (Pacific Time)

Additional comments:

Sorry that this is so long-winded. I like detail. I didn't bother to throw in any proof, because I don't expect him to deny that this happened. If he does, I'll just find one of the players from the server to testify. He knows I'm posting this.

Offline Blackllama

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 05:39:22 AM »
holy crap... I did the vote to see if the other players were as mad as you, and they weren't.  It was 50/50 I didn't vote that means one said no other didn't vote, you're the only one who said yes.  First of all, I don't know why you made this seeing as you already know I didn't abuse powers.  I put was messing around and put the barrel in the tube, I didnt know it would glitch out, I even yelled 'it looks dangerous guys move move!' but they blocked the door and me and white died.

But seriously don't be butthurt I was only fooling around.  You failed to mention there were literally 4 people on the server.  Me, white, expiredhydrogenmonoxidebottle, and franuk.  I'm sorry if I didn't slay myself to calm you down.  By the way, I'm going to fuckin kill you if you keep yelling at me IRL to do something admin related.  Admin chat is there for a reason.  You always come in my room and say did you ask him why he killed me yet?  Ask him again.  And you're trying to micro manage me.  But this is irrevelant to the thread, sorry.

EDIT: and when did I say IRL I did it to piss you off?  What?  By the way, I could've denied this happened and you would have no evidence.  Evidence is good.

EDIT: Oh and don't quote me I didn't say half the stuff in there.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 05:53:56 AM by Blackllama »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 05:39:22 AM »

Offline Whitellama

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 05:55:29 AM »
holy crap... I did the vote to see if the other players were as mad as you, and they weren't.  It was 50/50 I didn't vote that means one said no other didn't vote, you're the only one who said yes.
This is exactly what I meant. You do not need to gauge how many people are upset about your mistake. That doesn't affect whether or not you deserve punishment. You feel that the decision was yours to decide, because you were the only admin on the server, when in reality, it's still not a decision. You RDM someone, you are supposed to be slayed or you are supposed to kill yourself. It's not up to your judgement.

  First of all, I don't know why you made this seeing as you already know I didn't abuse powers.  I put was messing around and put the barrel in the tube, I didnt know it would glitch out, I even yelled 'it looks dangerous guys move move!' but they blocked the door and me and white died.
You do know why I made this thread. I gave you a very clear choice. I asked you if you were going to slay yourself, or I'd make a complaint thread. You said "I don't care just go and make the thread", and you probably didn't believe that I was serious. It does not matter if you didn't know it would get glitched for the following reasons:
A) If you make a mistake and RDM someone, you are still supposed to be slayed.
B) If the barrel didn't get stuck in the doorway, you were still placing it in a confined room with other players preround. If your intention wasn't to kill someone, it was to wreak havoc.
C) Acknowledging that it's dangerous and warning people doesn't make it okay. If I threw a preround incendiary (before preround grenades were disabled), and I yelled that it was dangerous and not to stand there, I would still have RDMed the players who were hit, and I was still responsible.

But seriously don't be butthurt I was only fooling around.  You failed to mention there were literally 4 people on the server.  Me, white, expiredhydrogenmonoxidebottle, and franuk.  I'm sorry if I didn't slay myself to calm you down.  By the way, I'm going to fuckin kill you if you keep yelling at me IRL to do something admin related.  Admin chat is there for a reason.  You always come in my room and say did you ask him why he killed me yet?  Ask him again.  And you're trying to micro manage me.  But this is irrevelant to the thread, sorry.
Like I stated, I'm not butthurt. I don't mind that I died. I do mind that you didn't take action against yourself. I did mention that there were 5 players on. You remember 4, but it's not a big difference. It's as if you didn't even take the initiative to read my post. And no, I did not edit that in. There is no edit history. When I do and don't enter your room is not of concern to the players on the server, and sometimes other admins online might not like me asking you redundant questions over admin chat, when I can just ask IRL. This section feels like another personal attack against me, especially how you're going to "fucking kill me". Part of this didn't even make sense. And again, you weren't supposed to slay yourself to "calm me down", you were supposed to slay yourself because you performed RDM.

EDIT: and when did I say IRL I did it to piss you off?  What?  By the way, I could've denied this happened and you would have no evidence.  Evidence is good.
I'm your brother, so it's likely that I knew (and I was correct), that you wouldn't deny that this happened.

Offline Blackllama

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2011, 06:12:28 AM »
B) If the barrel didn't get stuck in the doorway, you were still placing it in a confined room with other players preround. If your intention wasn't to kill someone, it was to wreak havoc.
You were just talking about how it's a small room, I was the first one to enter.  It's not like I could've got in with two other people already there with a prop in my hands.

Like I stated, I'm not butthurt. I don't mind that I died. I do mind that you didn't take action against yourself. I did mention that there were 5 players on. You remember 4, but it's not a big difference. It's as if you didn't even take the initiative to read my post. And no, I did not edit that in. There is no edit history. When I do and don't enter your room is not of concern to the players on the server, and sometimes other admins online might not like me asking you redundant questions over admin chat, when I can just ask IRL. This section feels like another personal attack against me, especially how you're going to "fucking kill me". Part of this didn't even make sense. And again, you weren't supposed to slay yourself to "calm me down", you were supposed to slay yourself because you performed RDM.
I TL;DRed the part were you said there were 5 people on, but there were 4.  I'm sorry If I didn't read your 2000word essay.  Complaining about RDM isn't redundant by the way.  Oh, and incase you didn't notice, you made a entire thread 'personally attacking me'.  After all, if it's not to get me punished, not to complain about abuse, than really all that leaves is you telling stories and insulting me.  Not that I care though.  Posting here is a waste of my time and I don't see what you're trying to accomplish.  This seems like a rage thread.

You also seem to veer off topic of that incident, you mentioned you coming into my room and screaming at me.  If this is just a generic thread you made so you can argue with me than let me say this: You came into my room and as soon as you saw my monitor (it was widescreen it had the mailslot thing going on) you were like 'Why is your monitor like that?' I said " I dunno" you asked why I didn't change it I said I haven't gotten around to it, than you go "Yeah right, you probably broke something and don't want anyone to find out" which is ridiculous so you literally start harrassing me about that for 5 minutes yelling in my ear, so I can't hear anything people are saying or focus on admining while I was dead, so I posted in admin chat saying whitellama is yelling at me and distracting me so I can't do stuff and he freaks out about how I'm talking about him in admin chat, than proceeds by going to his comp and saying crap in admin chat talking about it.  Not only does he yell across the house IRL for me to do stuff but he comes into my room and doesn't leave till I do what he wants, (which I usually won't do while he's watching cause it pisses me off.  Like fixing my resolution for example.)  Now, that's just me mentioning how you try and backseat and use me like a personal admin.  He also came into my room and sat there for 15 min saying "No, I want to watch you slay yourself."  I didn't so he came on the forum to rage post about it.

This thread obviously isn't going anywhere, I feel like it should be locked.  And white don't freak out and assume I want it locked so I won't get in trouble or something.  This is just pointless.  It's a bunch of TL;DR arguements that don't belong on the forum.

Offline Whitellama

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2011, 06:24:27 AM »

I TL;DRed the part were you said there were 5 people on, but there were 4.  I'm sorry If I didn't read your 2000word essay.  Complaining about RDM isn't redundant by the way.  Oh, and incase you didn't notice, you made a entire thread 'personally attacking me'.  After all, if it's not to get me punished, not to complain about abuse, than really all that leaves is you telling stories and insulting me.  Not that I care though.  Posting here is a waste of my time and I don't see what you're trying to accomplish.  This seems like a rage thread.
This is not pointless. This is me trying to get you to understand why you are not above the rules and why you are still required to kill yourself over RDM. I have not personally attack you anywhere throughout this thread. If I have, point it out, and I'll remove whatever you believe I've exclusively included to insult you.

You also seem to veer off topic of that incident, you mentioned you coming into my room and screaming at me.  If this is just a generic thread you made so you can argue with me than let me say this: You came into my room and as soon as you saw my monitor (it was widescreen it had the mailslot thing going on) you were like 'Why is your monitor like that?' I said " I dunno" you asked why I didn't change it I said I haven't gotten around to it, than you go "Yeah right, you probably broke something and don't want anyone to find out" which is ridiculous so you literally start harrassing me about that for 5 minutes yelling in my ear, so I can't hear anything people are saying or focus on admining while I was dead, so I posted in admin chat saying whitellama is yelling at me and distracting me so I can't do stuff and he freaks out about how I'm talking about him in admin chat, than proceeds by going to his comp and saying crap in admin chat talking about it.  Not only does he yell across the house IRL for me to do stuff but he comes into my room and doesn't leave till I do what he wants, (which I usually won't do while he's watching cause it pisses me off.  Like fixing my resolution for example.)  Now, that's just me mentioning how you try and backseat and use me like a personal admin.  He also came into my room and sat there for 15 min saying "No, I want to watch you slay yourself."  I didn't so he came on the forum to rage post about it.
This is not a thread about arguments I've had with you. Please edit that out of your post, it's reducing the quality of the thread, and it's off topic. I wanted to watch you slay yourself because my game had crashed. It's reasonable to make sure you actually did, because it was very likely that you wouldn't, and I was correct, you didn't. Me harassing you in any way is a personal problem, not anything related to Conjoint Gaming. This is exactly what I meant, you involve other people with the problems that are only between me and you. I have not backseated you like a personal admin. Expecting you to follow the rules of the server and complaining when you do not is not micromanaging you or back seating you as an admin.

This thread obviously isn't going anywhere, I feel like it should be locked.  And white don't freak out and assume I want it locked so I won't get in trouble or something.  This is just pointless.  It's a bunch of TL;DR arguements that don't belong on the forum.
You are the only one here that's actually posted anything irrelevant to your offense. I have stated several times that this thread is simply the result of your refusal to slay yourself. This thread was created to bring that to the attention of yourself, and the community. I disagree with you thinking that this thread should be locked. It should be first reviewed by another admin, who may hopefully help you understand why this isn't just my "rage thread" and that you have actually broken a rule, if you didn't notice.

I did expect us to go back and forth with each other after the creation of this thread, but I didn't expect it to go this far. I'm going to refrain from replying to your following posts, as I'm really just waiting for another administrator to read this.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 06:45:42 AM by Whitellama »

Offline Blackllama

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2011, 06:28:32 AM »
I don't like it when you come into my room after posting and tell me to edit my post.  Get the fuck out.

Offline Tendovvi

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2011, 10:49:08 AM »
bruh fite gogo
Doll023: ur from finland? thats in ireland right?
Blazyd: why do you accept random friend invites from fans you've never met
Blazyd: Your friends list is packed
Blazyd: packed as hillary clintons ass


Offline Old Crow

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2011, 11:22:39 AM »
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2011, 11:41:20 AM »
Whitellama, Blackllama, GO TO F***ING counselling. I read all of that and although you are supposed to slay yourself if the person that is killed requests it this is to much irrelevance. Work this out irl and not on the forums.
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

Post Count
A Novel by Inject OH 4
Conjoint Gaming
"You thought a Human Centipede was bad, wait till you get a load of us."
Bears, beer and bitches. That's everyone's motto.
Quote from: some guy on PC gamer
First of all, books were all but dead until tablets rejuvenated the industry
Quote from: Blazyd
Cortez I'm actually on black tar heroin fyi
Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
The plunger could simply be out of view, the pants + it's location behind the toilet may hide it... Or it's a fraud and we need to take down the system with out golden axes while destroying the rest of the demon-spawn so that we may live in a utopia.

Offline Coreybush11

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2011, 12:47:13 PM »


Offline Old Crow

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2011, 01:39:47 PM »
Someone lock please.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2011, 03:31:17 PM »
Holy crap, I totally didn't know you guys were brothers. lol
If you guys can't get along, play on different servers.
That is if there wasn't abuse involved, then that's another story.
Cookies go here?

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2011, 07:09:16 PM »
The two of you, knock it off. Personal attacks are not tolerated here, I don't care if you're brothers. This is not the place for your personal issues, personal attacks are still a violation of CG's rules.

Black, you are on VERY thin ice. You rdm'ed 2 people and did not slay yourself. RDM is hurting or killing another player without reason (excluding accidents such as crossfire). You killed 2 and could not have had proof.

Doing a vote about it? When the hell did anyone say it was okay for you to ignore the people who were rdm'ed and ask the server if you should  / shouldn't slay some one? The only people who have the right to stop some one from being slayed for rdm are the people being rdm'ed.

Not using your powers is abuse. You are given powers because you are expected to use them on ALL offenders not just the ones you like/don't like. If I find out you do this again you will loose your admin without question. (Remember I have logs I can check, so lying will only hurt you.)

White - no personal attacks regardless of relation to the target.
Black - (See White) You are in risk of loosing your admin for the following reasons:
1. You rdm'ed 2 people and did not slay yourself despite a victim specifically requesting it.
2. You are an admin, you should do your best to be an exemplar not a child

Other admins:
Please bring these type of abuse threads to my attention rather than just asking for a lock. It will be locked when it is solved.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Cadaver

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2011, 10:58:22 PM »
"The two of you, knock it off. Personal attacks are not tolerated here, I don't care if you're brothers. This is not the place for your personal issues, personal attacks are still a violation of CG's rules."

SO MUCH THIS...  You two come talk to me in Vent.  I am DISAPPOINTED.

RULE Violations on the CG forums, by CG Admins?  Just what do you think that makes the Community look like?

RULE Violations on CG servers, negatively impacting gameplay, by CG Admins? Just what do you think that makes the Community look like? 

You both have a RESPONSIBILITY to Lead By Example.  If you cannot, then your Admin is in jeopardy.

Again, BOTH of you see me in Vent.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Blackllama Abuse
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2011, 10:58:22 PM »


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