What server are you applying for: TF2 Achievement server wholegrain is going to open in 10 minutes
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Wholegrain endorses me.
In game name: LeninCat
Link to your steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/tuberbuddieSteam ID: STEAM_0:0:25872866
Do you have past admin experience: In CG for several months on TTT, TF2 and DarkRP, Bastinka's GJail
Why you wish to be admin: I feel obligated to help make the server enjoyable and helpful for CG in unison.
What are some good qualities you possess: I am as patient as can be. I try to be an interesting person in good ways so people will at least realize me as friendly and not as an ill-hearted person. I want people to look up to CG and say that the admins are good at what they do, and that they have very well-run servers.
What country are you from: USA
Age: 16
Additional notes: I'm already trying to help me giving wholegrain some maps to try out, if that accounts for anything.