What server are you applying for?
ConjointGaming HorrorslRanklQuakel40%Infection
Were you recommended?
By (=CG=)Pwn3dL1fe-Est/Fin
In game name:
Link to steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/SlyWilliamSteam ID:
Do you have past admin experience?
Yes in ZPS on a different server that shut down
Why you wish to be admin:
I've been playing with (=CG=) for maybe 2-3 yrs now and have been a member on this site for quite a while too. But for all that time I havn't been admin, I'm looking to be admin so I can help out with the server since I'm on it a lot.
Good qualities I possess:
Wit, Humor, Intelligence (sp XP )
What country are you from?
Age: 18
Additional notes: