What server are you applying for:TTT
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:TheSlyder, Travis, Dark Emo, Code, Jorgen(not sure about this one :\)
In game name:Ghast
Link to your steam page:http://steamcommunity.com/id/gmanthemelon/home/Steam ID:0:0:23067014
Do you have past admin experience: I was an admin for CG before (on CS:S), and I have been an admin on a "Sammy Servers" Zombie Master server.
What are some good qualities you possess: - I make decisions objectively, utilizing logic and reason.
- I have a high vexation threshold; I am not easily agitated
- I have created a systematic method for dealing with RDM complaints (which is composed of writing names down on paper.
- I have been a member of CG (on and off) since August, 2010
- I have a mic, and the quality isn't too terrible
- I may yell, get loud and rowdy, but I handle every RDM complaint (even if false) seriously.
- I have the habit of checking (printing) the damagelogs of every round after every round
- I have over 500 hours of GMOD playtime (Profile stats say I have 250, but I'm pretty sure I had 500 a couple months ago)
- I go on TTT almost 3-4 hours everyday and I am always available either through Steam or on the forums. (I am logged onto the forums 24/7) On weekends, I am available at all times so if there is an admin playtime quota that needs to be filled, I will most likely fill it every week.
- Willing to learn LUA if needed.
What country are you from: Canada
Age: 19(18)
Additional notes: I was known as "G-man" back when I first joined CG (August 2010). Most of you might not remember me, but I'm not that new (nor am I really old). If you're concerned about my post count, my old account had about 800+ posts.
Also, to anyone I may have offended in the past (except doombringer), and in the present (Dino, Atom, etc) I apologize. I reasoned, if I were to become admin, I'd need a more accepting/composed attitude. Hopefully we can reconcile our differences/discrepancies.
Anyway, I'm applying, chiefly because I'm tired of the RDM complaints that are carried over into several rounds because they never get solved. I'm not saying the current admins aren't doing their jobs correctly and efficiently, I'm making a general statement. There ARE times when I log onto the server and there are no admins on, RDMers are running unpunished, and people bitching.