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Author Topic: Read CG Members  (Read 911 times)

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Offline Wholegrain

Read CG Members
« on: January 28, 2011, 09:42:31 PM »
To those that play on the rp server read

im going to install wiremod but what i need from you the community is to help support this server hopefully wiremod will change it so our server gets alot more popular and many more players

what i need from you however is to help start up the server and stay on until we get a good amount of members

if the server is 15+ ppl i do not care if you join but before that it helps to get the server up to a limit of players that the server starts getting in alot of new people

if the server goes dead i will close it down and all future projects will be canceled or delayed for months

i doubt it will and in a few weeks vincent will hopefully help code a good amount of the rp server and it will get to the point our server will have alot more customized parts than other rp servers (for the better)

We also need more GOOD admins if i have any doubts at all i will deny you

we dont need bad admins but we also need admins at the same time

mainly i need the community to help gather and stand behind this server as an infant until we have another ttt sized community (probably will be larger)

this could be the different between a mid sized community or our gradual change to a large community

it is up to you the player and the member of cg i have faith and i ask for very little and i try my hardest i just ask you play on the rp server when it is in low pop or at least idle in the rp server

thank you that is all
your hardworking friend,

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Read CG Members
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 09:44:16 PM »
your hardworking friend,

I lol'd  parrot
Phim Bogason

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Read CG Members
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 09:44:16 PM »

Offline Scotty

Re: Read CG Members
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 04:22:36 AM »
lol well the thing is dino is he is really really hard at work lol but okay and ya ill try my best to help populate the server i just recently bought my sisters laptop off her and now im working a part time job and working on getting a external hard drive so i can play dark rp and all the other servers with out insanly high ping since its a laptop and doesnt have enough space to hold many games lolz so ya but i well try my best to get it as soon as possible just depends on a few things anyways thx for the update agian
keep it kool, keep it simple, and keep it on the down low.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Read CG Members
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 04:22:36 AM »


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