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Author Topic: ADMIN TUTORIAL AND GUIDEBOOK  (Read 4442 times)

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Offline Wholegrain

« on: January 30, 2010, 07:15:56 PM »
Admin Guidebook. New admins must read.

1. General Server Rules
2. General Forum Rules
3. Server/Forum Specific Rules (add on to General rules to enforce as admin)
4. Sourcemod Admin Guide
5. Killing Floor Admin Guide
6. ULX Admin Guide
7. Admin Ranking System
8. Procedures + Examples
9. Admin Obligations
10. Consequences of Admin Abuse
11. RDM Admin Procedure in TTT Server

1. General Rules For ConjointGaming Servers

1. No racism
.....a. Racial slurs
.....b. Racial sprays
.....c. Displaying hate towards others based on gender/race
2. No spamming
.....a. No prerecorded sounds (ex hldj/hlss)
.....b. Loud excessive purposely done noises into the mic
.....c. Not letting go of the mic button for a long period of time and doing it consistently
.....d. No text spamming (spamming useless crap again and again)
.....e. No Door spamming (only the e spam glitch which should be fixed on doors).
3. No being a douche bag
.....a. Harassing other players in an excessive manner
.....b. Disrupting the gameplay against the players wishes to grief
4. No advertising for other  servers (not including cg communities)
.....a. chat and voice advertising if the ip is given and the person is trying to get players to leave the sever and go to that server it is against the rules if a player is talking kindly about another server than it is not against the rules.
5. Listen to the admins

2. General Rules For ConjointGaming Forums

    * While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.
    * Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or the such.
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    * Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed. This includes using the forum, email, visitor messages, blog comments, picture comments and private message systems to spam other members.
    * Please wait a reasonable amount of time before bumping posts. For style changes and general 'how-to' questions this should be 24 hours. For specific troubleshooting issues, use 12 hours as a guideline.
    * We also do not allow posts or links to sites that are sexual in nature or violate vBulletin community standards. The vBulletin team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.
    * Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.
    * Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.
    * While we are quite happy to have constructive comparative conversations about competitor's products, we will not tolerate blatant adverts or the sort of 'ooh look, yet another bulletin board' threads. Also, we would appreciate it if you refrain from blatant bashing of other boards.
    * We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.
    * If you are going to post non-English on these forums, please also post an English Translation of your post.
    * Posts arguing about company policies are not allowed. You can fill out a support ticket if you have issue with company policies.
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    * Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
    * You cannot post any affiliate or referral links, or post anything asking for a referral. Such posts will be subject to removal.
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    * We also reserve the right to ban anyone who wilfully violates the forum rules, as access to our support forums are a privilege and not a right. A banned customer is still entitled to support from the support system.
3.  Server Specific Rules (add on to General rules to enforce as admin)


1. No leaving as zombie and rejoining the server when the round starts (applies if only 1 zombie)

(coming soon)
Gmod RP
Gmod Zombie

(could use some help with some of these :/)
4. Sourcemod Admin Guide

A. What is sourcemod?

Sourcemod is a program used on most valve game servers (ex css, tf2 and zps)
it is the most used program and it works across many games

B. Commands

Now Sourcemod has quite alot of commands for the admin to use
The basic use of admin and its commands can be found here at this site that lists them all

All beginning admins really need to know is to type
sm_admin       in console or /admin or !admin chat to open up an admin menu for them to easily use

(more coming later to this section and the rest of this)

7. Admin Ranking System

A. What are Admin ranks?

Admin ranks are basically this..........
as you start off as admin usually you receive the lowest form of admin which excludes alot of commands and leaves higher ranking admins able to do things to you in case you flip shit or start abusing

B. What are the Ranks/Requirements/Commands/Immunity level
1. Trial Admin
.....a. After applying for admin this is the rank you generally will start off as if approved for admin
.....b. (special chat privileges, admin menu access,  slaying players, banning other players, kicking other players)
.....c. Immunity = 5

2. Regular Admin
.....a. After 1 month of having admin on a server and having relatively good reports you get moved up to Regular Admin
.....b. (special chat privileges, admin menu access,  slaying players, banning other players, kicking other players, removing bans, changing the map, voting)
.....c. Immunity = 10

3. Veteran Admin
.....a. After 3 months and a generally good report of your peers you get moved up to Veteran Admin
.....b. (special chat privileges, admin menu access,  slaying players, banning other players, kicking other players, removing bans, changing the map, voting, reserved slots (not in use), changing cvars, changing config, password the server, RCON)
.....c. Immunity = 20

4. Super Admin
.....a. This admin rank is really flexible but to get it usually means donating money and being . an admin on the server for a relatively long time
.....b. (special chat privileges, admin menu access,  slaying players, banning other players, kicking other players, removing bans, changing the map, voting, reserved slots (not in use), changing cvars, changing config, password the server, RCON, Cheats enabled, able to access clients console)
......c. Immunity = 50

5. Full Admin
.....a. This is granted to community leaders and owners/managers of the server and has full access to everything and the highest immunity
.....b.(special chat privileges, admin menu access,  slaying players, banning other players, kicking other players, removing bans, changing the map, voting, reserved slots (not in use), changing cvars, changing config, password the server, RCON, Cheats enabled, able to access clients console, can changes cheats on and off)
.....c. Immunity = 99

9. Admin Obligations

1. Server Crashes - If you are admin on a server it is your obligation to report a server crash (if the server is still down)  to a community leader or someone who has the ability to restart the server
This is especially true if you are on the server when it crashes
(the sooner a server is restarted the better)

2. Reporting Admin Abuse - As well as not abuse your admin you also have an obligation to report all admin abuse from other admins.

3. Fulfilling your duty - As Admin you are expected to administrate the server but at the same time be lenient.  You need to separate those that are disturbing the server and those that are not.  Being admin doesn't allow you to be a dick to the players

4. Populating/Starting up Servers -

5. Being Active on the Forums -


10. Admin Abuse + Punishments

A. How can you be demoted or fired

Demotion and having your admin revoked varies based on who is in charge of the server or made that decision.

You can be demoted/fired for ( a few common reasons not all and some exceptions apply)

1. Not putting enough time in on the server
its 15 hours/ 2weeks for Trial admin to Regular admin
Vet admins only have to put in 10 hours/2 weeks
Supers have to put in none
2.  Admin Abuse/Admin Overuse

B. Your Rights as Admin

You will have warnings before being demoted or getting revoked typically after multiple warnings.

C. Reasons Admins may get banned

You may be banned from the forums and or servers if you threaten or start to break the rules of the server/forums or in general start to grief

11. RDM Admin Procedure in TTT Server

It is encouraged that if an admin should accidentally RDM an innocent, thinking he or she was a traitor, he ought to slay himself. This is a mature acts that gives an example. Encouraged, but not mandatory.
Karma is a vital element. Its a clear indicator that should be always checked out when attempting to identify RDMĀ“s.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 02:18:37 AM by DarkEmoKonata »

Offline Dante

« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2010, 11:53:21 AM »
ok thank you remscar ive been looking for something like this on here (i have acidently rdmed once in which case i droped to my death) well looking at the list of commands its pretty thurough.
also theres gona be a rp server in gmod? and zombie and tf2?

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2010, 11:53:21 AM »

Offline JuNk^m@st3r

« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2010, 12:48:13 PM »
thisis good yes, BUTu needtodelete allpost here andLOckit,sinceitlookslikecrap when u have a goodlooking Book thing,and alot of stupid post...

Offline Cadaver

« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2010, 02:18:26 PM »
Thought:  In actuality, all admins should respond to the thread to show they 1) know it exists 2) at least claim to scan it, if not read it.

Offline Dante

« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2010, 02:00:34 AM »
troven stop with the goddamn necromance and yes lock this :|
wtf is with you calling me a necromancer
I DONT MAKE LOVE TO THE DEAD (eyes every corner of the room)

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2010, 02:18:04 AM »
Wait what? Remscar didn't post this? And also I don't think necromancing can really count on stickies since they never get bumped up since they are always at the top, but still necromancing is not a good thing to do Troven, and you know what it is.

Unless any other CL thinks otherwise I'm locking thread due to being old and not needing any new replies.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2010, 02:18:04 AM »


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