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Author Topic: Permaban appeal process  (Read 10609 times)

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Offline Cadaver

Permaban appeal process
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:25:28 AM »

The permabanned person has to make contact, preferably via a present CG member in good standing, and request a removal of the ban.
The person will then be allowed to post an unban request on the Forum.  This will allow Community input.

The unban vote will be as follows:

The present and active (those on leave do not have to vote, but can) Community Leaders and Head Admin will vote "yes" to remove the ban, or "no" to keep the ban.  CL and HA can recuse themselves (not participate in the vote.) However, there must be a majority to hold the vote. If there is not a majority, they cannot recuse themselves from voting.

CL and HA will vote on these 3 aspects of the ban:
1) Allow access to the Forum.
2) Allow access to the Ventrilo.
3) Allow access to the Gaming Servers.

If there is ONE (1) or more, "no" vote per aspect, the permaban for the aspect stays. (Example: One HA votes "no" to Ventrilo access, the ban stays for vent.)

If there is ONE (1) or more, "no" vote for each of the aspect, the full permaban stays.   

If the votes are all "yes" for the aspect, the person regains access to the aspect. (Example: All CL and HA vote "yes" to Ventrilo, then the person gets Ventrilo access restored.)  If the votes are all "yes" for all 3 aspects, the full ban is completely removed.

Voting will be held by a CL.  Voting will continue, until all active CL and HA have said "yes," or there has been a "no" vote for each aspect.

CL who starts the vote must advise the person requesting the removal via e-mail of the verdict.

Permabanned persons can request ban removal no more than once per 6 calendar months.

IF any aspect is restored, the person must acknowledge ANY rule violation restores the FULL permaban.

Note: Permabans are perm for a reason...

Offline Doc. Mentalist S.

Re: Permaban appeal process
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 06:03:46 AM »
Odds of at least one saying no?

7    HeadAdmins                    odds are 6:1
4/5 Community Leaders        odds are 3:1    Or      4:1

Access to all options:
With the exception of 7HAs and 4CLs
1/7 * 1/4 * 1/11 = 1/308 or 307:1
With the exception of 7HAs and 5CLs
1/7 * 1/5 * 1/12 = 1/420 or 419:1

(this probability to data management statistic that i did in my head is probably WAY OFF because I'm that rusty)
At least you have a better chance in successfully appealing in all 3 criterias than in poker. (Lie)
Have I ever recalled a member ever being removed from CG-wide Permaban? None

This method is also flawed due to personal grudges. Another concept as I recall in the past, being that some showing their true colours after an extended number of fail trials.

Can you just the reason to why players cannot just be banned to the respective server by that Head admin's decision?


Server 1         Admin 1   Yes        Should not be banned from their server
Server 2         Admin 2   No         Should be banned from their server
Conclusion:  Is banned in ONLY 1 server but unaffected by the other(s)

EDIT:Since this is a notice thread and that I probably shouldn't even be posting in here... I'm supposing that this will be deleted and the thread lock.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 06:05:17 AM by Doc. Mentalist S. »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Permaban appeal process
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 06:03:46 AM »

Offline Cadaver

Re: Permaban appeal process
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 11:29:13 AM »
Doc., the Permaban in question is community wide. We already have server specific bans.  All HA have the ability to perm ban from their respective server, just look at the sourcebans.  TTT server has many a perm.

Yes, there is the possibility of personal vendetta. This is why I double check and question any response which seems to be one... However, at this point, the person in question has been banned by their severe actions (perma usually comes for hacking, severe trolling, severe racism, severe sexism or homophobia, legit threats to the community, such as denial of service attacks, and rage quitting the community.)

The reason it is intentionally hard is this: IMHO Perma is perma.  It is not a step taken lightly to perma from all servers, vent, forums, etc. So, it should not be a step taken lightly to remove.

In addition, having the HA give their vote and viewpoints actually allows for MORE input on the situation, which gives the power to more members of the community, rather than just the CL making the decision. 

Imagine having to have the entire community attempting to vote on a perma removal.

In addition, you missed something:  Not all CL and HA are available at all times.  AND if there are more than 50%+1, any CL or HA can abstain from voting.  So, the odds you give are worst case. 

Going back to the possible bias, the abstaining allows for the removal of the bias.

Got any suggestions?

Offline BlackLotus

Re: Permaban appeal process
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2013, 03:47:08 PM »
Hey Admins of convict gaming. im sorry that this isnt formatted well but i don't know how to use a forum. anyway this is what happened. about 6 months ago i was playing a game of ttt and got really bored  and started rdming at a detective i prop-killed almost everyone and got permabanned. i believe that i have learned my lesson and i am begging for a unban my name is ๖ۣۜBlackLotus please do me this favor i am sorry for doing this.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 03:49:37 PM by Dark ÉŒed »

Offline Red

Re: Permaban appeal process
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2013, 03:53:12 PM »
I'm not really GA anymore cause of the meeting.. But I'm gonna go ahead and lock this anyways.

We are Conjoint* Gaming... hehe.. Are you sure you're appealing in the right place... Also.. if you are going to appeal.. then go here:

Need anything? Find me on steam and I'll be happy to help.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Permaban appeal process
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2013, 03:53:12 PM »


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