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Messages - Harper

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Solved Ban Requests / Re: Aimbot Harper, yes or no ?
« on: April 26, 2011, 07:28:19 AM »
I must admit......

I use aim steroids, my sweet marijuana hacks give me headshots.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Aimbot Harper, yes or no ?
« on: April 26, 2011, 06:23:14 AM »
dude you do realize I use to be trail admin. I resigned due to me spending time on other shit.  Ive been almost banned for "botting" before and many admins have already specced me and come to the conclusion I dont aimbot, because I dont. I already got screened pretty well by a quiet a few good people before I even became admin. I do not aimbot.

What you saw was me sidestepping into the deagle headshot, which I do all the time. You set the crosshair at the scale you need it to, then you side step so that where you aimed your crosshair goes over there head. Its a great way to get head-shots with the deagle and still dodge.

as shisa said

tldr; be fucking good.

Old Time Aways / Paper Im working on
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:54:32 PM »
Ive been obsessed about this for the past 2 weeks or so. I think I might of discovered a treatment for a common problem so I'm writing a thesis on it. Its just simple things for adhd and such but it will take me along time to write unfortunately and Im lazy at default.

Ill be off and on but I plan on writing this by the 1st of next month. So March first. It might not take that long but for something like this it might take alllonnnnggg time. Trying to prove something that is pretty unknown is really a pain in the ass because you have to do so much more work.

I was on last night and a few people asked me why I was gone so I'm here saying why. I didn't just want to disappear for awhile.

This might have the possibility of cash outcome so I need to run with it.

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: January 26, 2011, 09:19:25 PM »
LOL, unfortunately cannot game TTT right now (gaming system dead and no funds for new) but If you have questions, or nuances, needing clarification, feel free to contact me via PM.   

Basically this: Be slow to anger, do not be too quick react (to ensure you are 100% correct the fellow is intentionally breaking rules) and be slow to over punish.  (Why ban the fellow for 3 decades, when a simple mute will do?)

That sucks man, but yeah Ill ask you if I have any trouble getting the answer. I'm actually pretty experienced in how a server is ran, so I'm not new but everyones server is ran differently and its nice to know I have someone to ask.

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:24:30 PM »
Hmm.  Good answer.  If you want pointers, ask around, I am probably the most fair Admin you will ever find...

Yeah, if you dont mind whats your name in game? So I can add you on friends? Yeah I want to try to be a very fair admin, one thing Im absolutely great at is seeing everything at once. Thats why Im amazing at finding who the traitor is and pointing out RDM. So I dont think itll be that hard to really not abuse, Ill know who to slay and why. Also for alittle while I will get round-logs and demos for what Ive done, and damage-logs if necessary.  Just in-case anything happens with "The new admin".

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:18:39 PM »
"Like I said, I don't take injustices easy. Which is why I would be a very good admin."
"Yes I raged, I do NOT take biased admining "

Ok.  I will say this: Raging as an Admin is not good, as it gets the Admin in trouble.  It makes for unnecessary drama, too.

So.  Honest question:  What will you do if you get angry when you admin?  Will you rage and do harm to a player, and the reputation of CG?   

If Slyder and Ducky say give him a shot, then do so.   However, we have had enough rage admin abuse of late.

No, I get PISSED at injustice and biased administering. Ive been abused by admins way to long, so if anything. I know exactly what not to do as abuse. Actually if I become admin Ill probably start banning for hours, instead of days like other admins. Its still a punishment, I pushed back. They will learn, Ill most likely only do bans for longer if they abuse again the same day, or if its 3-5 in the morning. If I ban them for an hour, they might be back on when I'm off. So I might aswell ban them for a day, theyll be back tomorrow if they really want to come back.

If anything, with all the admin abuse Ive taken. I want nothing other then to find the truth and punish the right people accordingly. WAY to many people get other people in trouble just to piss them off. This is NOT right. I will find what really happened, Ive always been good at that. I also plan on trying to find a way to save damage-logs, and I will also save the logs for any ban that I do.

Also.. do I have admin? did I get approved?

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: January 26, 2011, 07:49:39 PM »
basically I am used to when we hosted from CvG servers, so the fact that he was banned from CvG brought back some problems in my head about the subject.
Anyways, it basically comes down to me, and wholegrain so, seeing that this one is alite bit more complicated I will see if Wholegrain wants to talk to me on he subject before I make my decision.

Yeah again, sorry about that Jorgen. At that point in time I was just pissed the fuck off, Id literally play until I got kicked/slayed/temp banned for a week. I got kicked for "hacking" after killing an admin. I actually might have a demo of this still here. I tried to get unbanned but apparently no one would take my demo so Im like fuck it. Im not going to spend hours trying to get unbanned just to be banned again. I got kicked by a guy named "Mexican staring frog" on convict gaming. If I was really "Hacking" Why wasn't I banned? The only other times Ive been banned on that server have been from low karma from killing idiots killing innocents. Its how I play, logically. When people RDM, I kill RDMers and that killed my karma many times. Thats why I really started to hate this game until Vac was enabled and I found this server filled with unbiased admins. After taking it up with "Mexican staring frog" him, I got called a troll and muted. I did cuss at him, I said something along the lines of "Just because you cant aim as a traitor doesn't give you the *#%$ right to ban me. Then all of the 12 year olds of coursed backed him up on the mic.  After that I was like fuck it, I don't want to be here again. Ill ban myself.

Tbh, this was allong time ago. I don't know why I remember this so well, I started taking a memory supplement recently and its actually working.

Yeah, I was going to say actually in this post. That I should at least be-able to have a chance, trial admin is there for a reason and I can and will show you that Im a great admin and will help with this server.

Im to lazy to edit the grammar in this post but Im just saying, yeah I noticed a shit load of grammatical errors but I still think it gets the point across.

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: January 26, 2011, 07:11:00 PM »
yay a Remscar abuse topic even after he left  lol.gif

lol wait, so hes a known abuser then? Makes sense then, normally at that time. I was just fucking pissed at garrys mod servers in general. Not one community fucking took the time to weave out bad admins. Not until now, and now that Ive found this server I want to make this my home.

I honestly thought my TTT days were over until Vac was enabled. This allowed me to play on servers without shitty admins instantly think I'm aim-botting. Since then I traded my warband account, joined this server and have become the best player/admin I could possibly be and I will stay that way since this is the only community I have found to be real.

 The only one that actually has decent logical admins that don't ban on what they believe but what they know and now that Ive found a community I can feel comfortable in using my full skills. Also the people are great.

I just want to make this community better and I believe Ill have a pretty big impact seeing as I'm on when no other admin is on almost every night.

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: January 26, 2011, 06:43:46 PM »
to be honest you rage alot and when put on a bit of pressure you flip shit i do not feel comfortable with you as admin
how you handled being banned before you got unbanned is what makes me think that

how will you having admin be different?

I already told you why I did it in my post. Yes I raged, I do NOT take biased admining and thats what I thought it was. I didnt realize he actually believed I hacked, he straight up told me sorry the next day.

Also I got this account from a friend after being banned from almost every server for "Hacking". Slyder told me a good point the other week one this was brought up again. He said "I dont care what he did on other servers, hes been fine here"

The only other names Ive been banned under are "Harper" "Harper The Second" Any ban on those IDs are usually for "Hacking" which has stopped since Vac was enabled and the only other time has been just pretty much saying "Fuck this server". When I see an admin ban a player for killing them as a traitor. I don't want to be in that server anymore, why give me any chance to go back to admins like that?

I haven't been banned in months since Ive been here, and since Vac has been enabled.

I will also tell you, Yes I did rage. I raged hard, I told you that because I do not stand injustices. If an admin does a complete dick move Im probably going to bring it up to him. Admin or not. I didnt realize he actually believed I hacked. I thought he was still holding a grudge but the next day he came up to me and apologized so I was wrong. I told him the same thing.

Ive been playing this game for a year, My other account is banned on almost every other server. Even this one. First of all, I got banned in 1.6 when I was about 13 for speedhacking on my own server with other people speed-hacking. It was even unsecure and I got banned for it. I can show you the pictures, that's why I cant join conjoin on my old account. I can give you screen shots showing I was vac banned in 1.6. You must have a script that automatically bans vac banned users. Im actually for that, but it sucks that my account still shows "vac banned" even though it was years ago on a 1.6 account for hacking in my own server.

Seeing as Im "Harper the second". My friend decided he hated how many idiots were on TTT so I traded him my second warband account for it. Since then Ive only "trolled" on shitty servers. Ill give you a few examples. TNS- most idiotic admins around, Athiest gaming - bans for killing an admin as a traitor when he failed at knifing me, the list goes on.

Pretty much this is my statement on that. I havent done anything wrong in this server, The only thing Ive done is played because I realized theres good unbiased, reasonable admins, an okay regular crowd and reason behind everything this community does. Almost every other garrys mod servers are ran by biased assholes that don't know what the fuck they are doing. I came here and realized it was my home.

The basics still stay. I'm unbiased, seriously get pissed off at unjustices, I notice everything, I also try to resolve stuff.  So what if Ive been banned for "hacking" those guys are morons. I can literally give you a story for almost every reason Im banned. Athiest gaming, I killed two traitors when one failed to throw a knife. Admin was the one that didnt, Im instantly banned right after. No explination, nothing.

Theirs ALOT of servers with admins like this on them and Like I said I get pissed off at injustices.

Anyone that requests to see my game-play over remote-desktop may do so. You can then play a round on my computer, and I will do nothing else and play a round right after to show you I have no "Aimbots" or "traitor hacks".

God toast, do you have anything productive to do?

Yeah that was me. About a couple days earlier I got abused as fuck by a guy named rem-scar and I put your server under my list of idiots Id piss off when I was drunk. This sounds dumb but its true. At that point in time I was pretty much banned from any decent server for playing the game to well. I literally got abused by a guy named remscar and some idiot named.. ugh I cant remember but he was supporting him. Like I said. Injustices piss me off. I haven't done anything this on your server for the month Ive been there. If anything Ive helped out and I want to continue making a great TTT environment because I'm absolutely SICK of playing on servers where your scared to kill an admin.

Actually I can bring back the memory perfectly, I killed rem-scar when he was a traitor. He kicked me, I complained, I get muted, I kill him again. (When I was a traitor) and I'm kicked before the round is even over... Right then I put your server under "black list".

I don't do this anymore as I'm not getting unjustly banned every 5 seconds for hacking since Vac has been enabled now. I mean, I bet you would get pissed off at the fucking retarded admins that have been banning you for playing the game.

Like I said, I don't take injustices easy. Which is why I would be a very good admin.

Solved Applications / Re: Harpers TTT Admin App
« on: January 26, 2011, 09:53:18 AM »
Yeah thats what I plan on doing. Im not very good dramatically at all but I usually try to prove my point even If I have to put it in way to many sentences.

I also want to try to make some you-tube TTT videos, just random facts Ill try to put into words, logic of the game, ect. I just hope it works as well as it does in my mind. Where should I post that?

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« on: January 26, 2011, 07:45:14 AM »
and to this day, Kwaurtz is still fucking with people, haha :D

You guys have to relax, it's how Kwaurtz is and will always be.
Hell, I always had problems with him back then (and they never got solved)

of course he'll abuse here and then, but its never out of pure malice.
He wouldn't be an admin if he didn't have a good sense of fairness and shit.

He's already unbanned you OP, so it's alright isn't it?

Thats what I believe as-well people just seem to always find one admin that they can call abuse. He acts like an asshole, its part of his character as an admin. It still gets the job done, and it still one of the type of admins we need. You cant run a server with all 100% perfect admins, You always need one person saying "Wouldnt it be easier just to shoot this guy?". Someone like that is more important then you know.

All I'm saying, is yes he acts like an asshole but most of the time he really isn't. Its just the way he chooses to admin.

Solved Applications / Harpers TTT Admin App *APPROVED*
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:31:19 AM »
What server are you applying for: TTT

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: TheSlyder told me he and ducky thought I would make a good admin and should apply, Ive also got a few others saying they'll most likely say yes.

In game name: Harper The Second

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989463317

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14598794

Do you have past admin experience: Yes, I use to run a few different types of servers throughout my gaming "career".

What are some good qualities you possess: I'm usually unbiased, logical, I usually notice everything that happens, I'm usually an insomniac so I'm on late at night (6 am eastern). I also usually get along with all the good players and admins. I try to be as fair as possible, you can ask slyder.

What country are you from: America west coast

Age: 19

Additional notes: Im usually on when the packs of trolls get on, and Ive noticed I got use to backseat administering with sylder because he goes afk sometimes updating rules and stuff and I notice it during the game. I also usually get pissed off at injustices or biased judgment. If an fellow admin is being a complete dick I usually point it out even if I am just a normal player.

Ive also had some arguments and almost being banned, but thats in the past. Sigma came to me and apologized and I feel the same way.

I also plan on making video tutorials in the near future to teach people how to aim and the basic logic behind the TTT game, I also want to make one for advanced players if it works out properly which I don't see how it wouldn't. If theirs one thing Im good at its rambling about something I'm good at.

But to be honest. I believe Ill be a great admin. I know the game inside and out, I know how be fair and I know how to just generally be an admin. A professional symbol of control. Without being power-hungry or arrogant. If they break the rules, they must be punished accordingly or it will just repeat itself.  Without that "symbol" the server is chaotic.

You should see it at 4 am my time when the team of trolls come on, Literally team of trolls that work together to take over servers. Its pretty sad.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:23:03 AM »
Okay. This is going to be a long post. This comes from an unbiased, honest player that has really no ties to either of them, also my "evidence" or observations only come back as far as a month or so since Ive been here.

Im really bad at posting on forums but here goes.

I honestly believe kwaurtz went to far, but I don't believe he should lose his admin.

First of all, after this incident I believe kwaurtz will realize his admin is at stake with all of his behavior. I believe he will become a better admin by default after this incident.

Second of all, I also believe we need more admins like him. I don't mean to offend anyone when I say any of this. Im trying to make a unbiased claim here. From what Ive observed (And I see a lot when I play). Ive noticed that the admins that "Push back" more. They tend to stop "trolling" in its track. Much faster then someone too lenient. Its simple psychology. Someone pushes you. You push back. Kwaurtz has been going a-bit far and punching people in the face as of recent and he needs to stop.

He realizes that now, which goes back to my first point. He knows hes on thin ice now, let him gain respect back. Other then allowing his character to take over sometimes, hes usually a rational, reasonable admin. He says ban, he usually does ban but then. No one does it again. It stops general idiotiy, lying, hatred, mic spamming, rdming. You know, those type of people that just cause trouble and directly lie to you?

Im not saying he should be-able to perma ban whoever he wants or ban on simple shit. What Im saying is he needs to use his rational side more then his emotional. He knows when to push, and when not to push but sometimes he goes to far.

yeah, you push those type of people and they stop. They push you, you push them. Other admins don't seem to really notice that and as an admin you MUST push back. Even slightly, or they will keep on pushing and then chaos will ensue with chain reactions of trolls trolling good players of trolls trolling trolls. If that makes any sense.

Kwuartz is someone that stops "Trolling" almost instantly.

As an admin you must push back, except like I said earlier. Kwuatz has been metaphorically punching people in the face instead of pushing back.

He needs to realize that he needs to hold his character and after this I think he will.

This is what I believe, but then again I'm just some random player trying to give an unbiased opinion. I have no power.

I just believe theirs no point in not giving him a second chance, he can prove himself either as a good admin or a bad. We will be watching and he knows that.

If anything, this incident solves some problems and creates a better admin. As long as no grudges are held. I talked to tower and he doesn't seem to pissed, He knows kwuartz went to far and kwaurtz knows it as well.

"Whatever kills you only makes you stronger" I think.. that applies here.

If he goes to far again, I say its the end but I'm expecting that wont happen.

I realized I didn't even talk about the incident. Kwaurtz went to far on banning him, but I believe kwaurtz should of at leased kicked tower for getting him RDMed as a traitor. Hell I would be pissed too.

With all the name-calling, that was just blowing steam off. Theres no reason to hold grudges here, Kwaurtz is reasonable and if hes not in the future we can hold this over his head. Tower you realize now you need to be more professional as an admin.

In this incident everyone wins, Kwaurtz just needs to realize hes on thin ice.

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