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Messages - ProfUltima

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Solved Applications / Re: Ultima's Application
« on: January 30, 2011, 08:55:43 PM »
I am.  Just a busy week.  I should be on more often from here on.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Games based off of movies are awful...
« on: January 27, 2011, 04:19:36 PM »
On the flip side, Movies based off of games are worse.
Blame this Troll director.

Anywho I remember playing a horrible Toy Story game on the Super Nintendo, It was a poor attempt at a platformer.

Ahh, Uwe...I've only seen bits and pieces of Alone in The Dark, but I have a friend who barely survived Far Cry.  It's offensive and insulting what he does, really: even if one of his movies bombs, he still has the ability to release another one with a even bigger budget.

Debate Forum / Re: What do you believe is the most overrated game??
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:20:23 PM »
The most highly overrated game of all time would probably be the entire Halo franchise.

The stories were mediocre at best and very clichéd in  reality, the controls were alright, but the graphics were always bad, and the worst part would probably be the multiplayer.  The online community was the worst, the people were awful, the gameplay was blan and flavorless at its best. 

They were always unenjoyable games that everyone bought.  I never understood why.

I dunno....I mean, I don't enjoy Halo 3 or 2 for these reasons, but in the age of Reach, it's pretty awesome, and does a good job of defying these issues.

But you're talking about the franchise as a whole, so...One part doesn't wholly matter, I suppose.

Solved Applications / Re: Ultima's Application
« on: January 22, 2011, 07:44:01 PM »
Fixed.  I think;  Status wouldn't work so I just got an outside app to do the job.

General Gaming Talk / Re: I TOLD YOU ALL!
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:20:38 PM »

Ah, well...We all have our mornings.

So, apology accepted and no worries to you, dirty. :3

General Gaming Talk / Re: I TOLD YOU ALL!
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:23:42 PM »
I know, right?  I mean, the fact they tried to start another franchise while it was still being "developed" is audacious.

I mean, what company in their right mind would try such a risky tactic: dragging along new series while their flagship is left in the dust?!

Oh, right...

General Gaming Talk / Re: I TOLD YOU ALL!
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:42:21 PM »
And how long before the delay announcement?

To be entirely fair, Gearbox certainly knows what it's doing when it comes to releasing games.  It's just that 3D Realms was gone before it even realized it.

General Gaming Talk / Re: I TOLD YOU ALL!
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:35:11 PM »

Seven before mine.  High-five. :D

General Gaming Talk / Re: Games based off of movies are awful...
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:12:50 PM »
Even the clone wars game for PS2 was pretty fantastic in my eyes. 

Are you talking about the all vehicle one? That was fun

I'm talking about the one based on the new "series".

The all-vehicle one was fantastic.  Fun summer days spent playing it through.

General Gaming Talk / Re: I TOLD YOU ALL!
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:11:25 PM »
Hey, relax...I was stating that's why others were complaining, and why it has a threat towards being successful as a whole.  If new fans won't get it, or old fans don't like it because they're elitist asses, it won't be huge.

I'm a console person, myself.  After owning my PC for four years, I've only just now started using Steam.

I apologize for not wording what I said better.  Though it's good to know that others are riled up about it.

General Gaming Talk / Re: I TOLD YOU ALL!
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:20:19 PM »
As excited as I am for the game, I have my doubts about how well-off this game will be.

I mean, it's been well over ten years since Duke was really relevant.  And everything I know who played the games originally on the PC is particularly unsettled by the thought of how "console-ized" it will be.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Games based off of movies are awful...
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:14:11 PM »

[/quote] Starwars games have never really disapointed me exept for that clonewars game :\

Which one?  The recent one, or the one from way back?

Because I didn't touch the recent one.  I wouldn't touch it with a nine-foot spear.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Games based off of movies are awful...
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:57:24 PM »
A lot of the Lucas Arts games have been good.  The Tie Fighter Series, several of the Jedi series, and the like.  Others have tanked badly.

Jedi Outcast and Battlefront, anyone?

Debate Forum / Re: What do you believe is the most overrated game??
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:09:09 PM »
For the sake of reason, though, people praise it for too much, like it's an absolute masterpiece instead of a pet project.  That's the main problem I have and, admittedly, it does have more shining benefits than glaring flaws.

But it's when blatant fanboyism occurs, and when it shifts the priorities of an entire gaming studio to put assets towards franchises that have just been started, instead of ones that need to be finished...That's when things are just absurd.

The fact that it's so popular was not challenged, and is actually the issue.  At least Halo kids or Call Of Duty noobs don't insist that they're gamers when they've only played one four-hour game.

And comparing it to Tetris is pushing it; comparing a hallmark to a game that just came about is...suspicious.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Games based off of movies are awful...
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:20:20 AM »
Ah, the glory of opinions!

However, Spiderman 2 and Wolverine were made with much more effort and tact than any other movie games I've seen.

Out of the people that have actually played the former, you cannot possibly deny how much fun it was to just swing around NYC and drop down on some unsuspecting bad guys.

Or the latter, where you descend from 1800 feet in the air, dodging flak rounds just to absolutely spike a guy and crater with your landing.  And that's just the intro.

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