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Messages - Mex

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Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 20, 2010, 10:52:32 AM »
so if i'm correct. here your saying a few rdms. which is a bannable offense to any regular player. but since he is admin he is above the rules?

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:15:26 AM »
3 ppl have spoken up your telling me 3 ppl that have witnessed is not enough. i understand the evidence is needed but i dont think i should have to run fraps everytime i play the game just for evidence. all i'm asking is for a little cooperation eps. i just want to enjoy the game along with the others.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:05:12 AM »
i dont know how many times i have to say it i dont ave an attitude i didnt give any attitude. when we (me and coward) rdmed we were apologizing to each other then i was kicked for an attitude? there was no attitude and i wasnt speaking to any admin when i allegedly had an attitude. i'm not a hard person to get along with i just dont like being lied against. these things have happened multiple times during the week. for no apparent reason. its not fair to say just cause there is no proof it didnt happen and should be dropped. i'm just asking for some admins to put a little time into this.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:28:17 AM »
epsilon this was not a 1 time thing this is not the first time it has happened i did not have an attitude and used the mic when noone was talking to make sure i got heard. seeing as its the firdt time i ever rdmed. i found it funny how i was instantly punished by rem and he was going to let the other party off with nothing. until agentorange rocketed him which then remscar asked why he did that.. i am friendly towards everybody i have added a lot of friends from that server so obviously i dont have an attitude. so befriending an admin has nothing to do with it i already tried talking it out with him but like i said was mocked and ignored. All i see here is you putting your 2 cents in to save another admin which if you did not witness dont think you can say  much about. like i said this is not the first time this has happened and it most likely wont be the last unless something is done. i appreciate wholegrain taking the time to look into this thank you. but obviously if so many reports have been posted against rem maybe they are actually true right?

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 03:30:09 PM »
now this may be just me .but i fail to see why multiple witnesses cant be used as proof.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 01:46:37 PM »
i'm a little confused on whats supposed to be gotten over?

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:52:45 AM »
that isnt a threat and you know it remscar you just want to have your way but your wrong.you abuse way too much to where when ppl just want to enjoy the game they cant.you ghost constantly and you slay people who kill you when your traitor. i tried to talk it over with you but you refused to instead you mocked me.and now you want to say he threatened you when clearly there is no threat there. i would prefer the community leaders come talk to me. instead of you trying to solve your own abuse accusation.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:32:14 AM »
he is not the issue right now remscar you are.and seeing as we both apologized for the rdm i'm not holding it against him but the minute someone speaks up against you all of a sudden they caused all sorts of problems.. when the fact of the matter its you not them. maybe you should take responsibility for your actions instead of trying to cover them up and accuse the accuser of being the problem.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:08:22 AM »
see i told you i was apologizing. there was no attitude. you didnt hear us apologizing because me and him were dead at the time but it did happen.and i agree another admin should look into this not the one being accused

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 08:56:23 AM »
i dont have an attitude thats the funny thing and many of the players will vouche for me i dont rdm and was only slayed when i killed you for being a traitor.not to mention the time you ghosted and rdmed me for no reason.i dont know what your issues are but your lying. and you know it. i'm sure it keeps log record on the server check the times i rdm none exactly.your abusing your admin rights and you know.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 08:33:18 AM »
you need to clarify "he" because i know i have never rdmed constantly so i dont believe that is directed towards me and if so its a lie. i was even talking with coward and apologizing. i had no attitude. and its not at the end of the round when you do these things.i try to speak with you in game but you ignore me.as for agentorange he was not there when you did these thing so he can not defend you or me in any way he was only there for this isolated incident .when i was apologizing for my actions to the person i wronged. and then kicked and banned for having an attitude? correct me if i'm wrong but i dont believe someone apologizing has an attitude. i was trying to come with an agreement with you so we could drop this and go on with it but you refuse to.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:48:56 AM »
i know you were there but you were only there for that one time its happened multiple times and i was trying to resolve them but he didnt want to listen it wasnt that i couldnt be heard.then the kicking and ban i'm sure you were there for that to but why was i banned? i've said it multiple times but it appears he has a grudge with me for one resaon or another.like i said this isnt the first time its happened 1 incident i was rocketed cause i was in a area i wasnt supposed to be i asked why his response was cause your not suppose to be there and your gonna die anyway. i mean come on. sometimes and admin will at least try and listen and try to come to an agreement and not just say they are always right.

Solved Admin Abuse / Admin Abuse
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:04:30 AM »

Admin ABuse=Remscar
being rocketed multiple times this is not the first time its happened. then being kicked and banned from a server for no reason
 Time= its happened multiple times at late night

added comments: he claimed i did not report anything when rdmed. even though i said something to him when the room was quite during the rocketing/slaying the next round i was the only one to be slayed until another admin slayed the other guy. to me that was unfair treatment if we both rdmed we both deserve to be slayed. being kicked and banned frm a server when i didnt do anything is uncalled for i was. me and the guy i rdmed (Coward) were apologizing to each other and i said the only reason i rdmed was because the admin (REMSCAR) whom i asked a 100 times to do something refused to and then i was banned.
and on another note i try to talk to him to get the problem resolved without any issues and he refuses to talk to me and tells me to stfu. i didnt disrespect him in any way and dont feel i should be disrespected

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