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Messages - Justice

Pages: [1] 2
Admin Resignation / Re: Blackllama is now your everyday simpleton!
« on: April 13, 2013, 05:39:39 PM »
rip in peace in peace in pieces

The Art Forum / Brucey the Buzzy Beetle
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:34:09 PM »
So, you guys are familiar with Paper Mario's art style, right?
I decided to make this. Once again, this was done with a mouse.

Brucey is a partner.

Admin Resignation / Re: rip in peace justice
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:50:44 PM »
I did that on purpose you git.

Not leaving either

Admin Resignation / rip in peace justice
« on: March 23, 2013, 04:44:02 PM »
In-Game Name: ϗ̢͇᷃͜͠҈͡Justice

Which server(s) are you resigning from?: All Hidden servers.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40856879

Reason for resignation: Yeah, I'm sorry for basically doing exactly what Wellrgr did. Red has been doing such an AMAZING job that I think it's time I threw in the towel. Red does pretty much everything I did, but better, and still manages to play the game. He's been playing since Hidden came back in January. As for me, I've lost interest. I will still play every once in a while, don't worry.

Pyro knows all the details already so I'll let him snap to it! Ciao!

Temporary?: No.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: strangefryingpanstrangefryingpanstrangefryingpan
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:23:13 AM »
Sorry about that! I forgot that this was an all purpose forum and that maybe 10% of people here play TF2

Team Fortress 2 / strangefryingpanstrangefryingpanstrangefryingpan
« on: March 12, 2013, 11:43:24 PM »


From crate #50 in TF2, you have a chance to get this, add it to a Frying Pan and you get a


gotta go fast, with better text

Solved Applications / [Hidden] Justice
« on: February 24, 2013, 05:48:22 PM »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:

In game name:


Steam ID:

Do you have past admin experience:
TTT admin on NorthStarGaming. I eventually stopped playing because of the lack of any players.
I was also a Moderator on a *MINECRAFT* hardcore PvP server around a year ago

Why you wish to be admin:
I wish to be admin because there is an extreme lack of admins anywhere in the Hidden server, which leads to lot of TKers ruining the fun. I wish to end these TKers.

What are some good qualities you possess:
I'm a very sarcastic person and not easily affected by the TKing trolls. I managed to get several of the TKers to leave or stop by simply not reacting negatively towards them.

What country are you from:



Additional Notes:
I've been part of CG since August and officially joined the forums in December.
I make the majority of Tendovvi's art.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Your favourite game of all time?
« on: February 23, 2013, 06:06:25 AM »
Donkey Kong 64

My childhood that I still enjoy to this day.

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 24, 2013, 02:45:34 AM »

All that shit.

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:32:29 PM »
I'm sure the Holocaust didn't happen either; it was all just a way for the Jewish to move to other countries without having to pay fees.

GarrysMod / Re: The Vintar nerf and why you should all shut up about it
« on: January 20, 2013, 05:38:43 PM »
For god's sake... You do realize that the Vintar is STILL a 7 slot sniper?


GarrysMod / The Vintar nerf and why you should all shut up about it
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:53:36 PM »
So, I know basically everyone on here uses the Vintar (Including me), because it is a great sniper.
But since that Vintar nerf, that petition thread was made.

In all honesty, it balanced once an OP weapon.
-The recoil doesn't affect the gun too badly, why complain about such a SMALL, INSIGNIFICANT thing?
-Yes, the fire rate was reduced, but it's still SUPER fast compared to the scout.

This is like fucking youtube layouts in a nutshell: You people are just going to bitch and complain for them to revert them and end up not caring later on.

The Art Forum / Re: Beware! The Terrible Drawing Needs Fresh Blood!
« on: December 24, 2012, 07:51:47 PM »
How do i put this, this is terrible and would fit in on the most 90s fan anime website.

thx bb i new dat

The Art Forum / Beware! The Terrible Drawing Needs Fresh Blood!
« on: December 24, 2012, 03:21:04 PM »
I'm not to pleased with how it came out (although I didn't expect much), but here is a character I drew using Don't Starve's Art Style. Her face and body are fairly disproportionate, so please excuse her disability.

Meet Waverly

Pages: [1] 2

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  • Finniespin: More of a Patrick Hernandez guy - Born to be Alive
    June 16, 2024, 09:14:27 AM
  • Sly: Aaron Hernandez was a legend of a man
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  • Inject OH 4: Lost my discord rip
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  • Inject OH 4: And yes thank you very much Finnie! You are a champion xP
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:12 PM
  • Inject OH 4: Hey abrys agreed we should.
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:02 PM
  • Finniespin: Totally not a spam-bot, also totally not a limited time offer
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  • Finniespin: Anyone looking for a datacenter technician job? We got postings available around US and Europe (EMEA)
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  • Finniespin: Gave Inject 50 euros to pay for fees ^^
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  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: we gotta get the crew together again one day and hang, add me on discord: ogarbies
    February 12, 2024, 06:52:07 PM
  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: yo who is still paying for this lol
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  • Inject OH 4: xD
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  • Finniespin: Get a load of this guy
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  • Inject OH 4: Sure
    December 09, 2023, 07:22:27 PM
  • HailToTheKing: cum shot . and cum shot. an d cum shot
    December 01, 2023, 01:54:12 PM
  • Finniespin: ffuck
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  • Inject OH 4: ee
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  • Inject OH 4: cc
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  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: oh wow its still here
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  • Pyro: parrot
    September 07, 2021, 05:23:18 AM

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