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Messages - Pillz

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 173
Solved Applications / Re: Ðeath.'s Admin Application (CG TTT)
« on: September 16, 2012, 01:07:22 AM »

Cause yolo

Solved Applications / Re: No Names Admin Application 2
« on: September 16, 2012, 01:02:57 AM »

Pretty recent, would like an explanation

Interesting, he flipped over to LoS for a while and made that thread on being in other communities. Guess that's why he came back. :p I'd like to hear that story too though.

Solved Applications / Re: No Names Admin Application 2
« on: September 16, 2012, 12:55:53 AM »
Not sure. I told him a month ago I wasn't sure and I'd like to see him on the server more and here he is I guess.

Admining for ZPS isn't really that hard at all, and often very little needs to be done. I'm just worried he might mute people for the wrong things, and involuntarily evoke rage from other players. I know he wouldn't do anything wrong on purpose, but it's impossible to know how he fairs as admin until you let him try for the first time.

It's not really up to me anymore, so I'll let multi decide. No Name it still might be a little early, and nobody in CG really knows you and that's a key factor in getting accepted as admin.

Unless multigrain's up for training him and babysitting; I'd say no. I don't think it'd be wise to give anyone admin and let them be alone on the server if it's their first time being an admin ever. He's watched how I've handled things so maybe he knows more than I think, but in the current state of the ZPS server we definitely need admins, but only if they're willing to POPULATE, not wait for the server to fill up before joining.


Head Admin nomination / Re: Multigrain ZPS head admin
« on: September 12, 2012, 11:17:19 PM »

Good guy and only pisses people off if I'm there and we're talking for 40 minutes.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:23:40 PM »
^ Is very small. Get bigger.

< Is only allergic to blue Cacti.

v Didn't make this thread.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Hour Logs 2.0
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:05:37 PM »
For four years I've sat on armory when the server died, and gotten the population back up; then RTV'd for another map. People will join for armory, that's just a proven fact; Idunno what does it, because half the time you get noobs asking what the hell we're playing.

If that's too much for you, I suppose ZPS isn't your thing anymore. You can use other maps to populate, they just take a hell of a lot longer because nobody wants to play Cinema with 1-5 people. Once you get 10-13 people, most any map will continue to populate the server.

The whole point to playing video games is having fun while the whole point to being an admin is making sure a place exists for others to have fun. It's volunteer work, it's not always fun, but once you have a full server going it feels amazing and you never want it to die. Sadly for CG, ZPS seems to be dying due to lack of interest from everyone who plays it; and now we're left with a buncha people who want to wait for the server to be populated before playing. With me playing even less this is bad news, but maybe we can keep it going for a few more months before we lose it forever.

If it becomes a dead and useless server; it will probably go down. Don't let that happen.

Get them hours up little boys and girls.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Hour Logs 2.0
« on: September 04, 2012, 05:26:00 PM »
Yeah the most important part of being an admin on ZPS is populating. Nobody does it so the server stays dead. If you play armory for 20 minutes, you'll have a populated server.

Admin Resignation / Re: Pillz's Resignation
« on: September 01, 2012, 01:46:44 AM »
I know we've had out rough patches and a few fights. But I still consider you a friend a good strong part of CG. Sorry to see you go :(

I assume your not quiting pcs in total tho... rite?

<3 Yes while I may disagree with everyone sometimes I still love you all, you're all my CG broskies. If we agreed all the time and got along it would be inhuman and against internet protocol.

Not abandoning the computer though, the addictions already hardwired into my brain. I'll just be replacing computer time with.. well.. I'm not sure yet. Outside and sun related stuff.

Admin Resignation / Re: Pillz's Resignation
« on: August 31, 2012, 11:34:05 PM »
Fuck. I don't want you to leave :'( and what happens if you two break up? Da fuq you giving it up for then:/

I know. Hopefully we won't break up because I would totally pwnd my lyfe. Just kidding, that's a terrible joke and nobodies even old enough to get that reference anymore; but ideally this will make things work a bit better between us, we might move out and work a whole lot then I might get some CG time back when she's busy.

We'll see. Even if we break up it might be better to find different and healthier hobbies; I myself have become a bit disinterested in spending whole afternoons on the computer. I'll still be around every once in a while though.

Admin Resignation / Pillz's Resignation
« on: August 31, 2012, 10:34:18 PM »

In-Game Name: (=CG=) Pillz

Which server(s) are you resigning from?: ZPS as HA

Steam ID: Why?

Reason for resignation: Expecting lot's of future inactivity. Girlfriend doesn't like the extended computer usage when we're home together, understandable; so adjusting playing schedule. I'll rarely be playing anymore, and I've already been inactive, using an existing away thread as an excuse. It's been a nice run but there's probably a better choice for Head Admin at this point. I'll take vet or no admin at all; I'd play a bit here and there regardless.

 I'll still do FTP if Wholegrain wants, or he can do any ZPS business if it stays up. My ideas for replacements are Multigrain, Sly, or maybe even Patty. Not sure if Multi is currently up for HA and I know Doc doesn't want it. It's not like any of them really know how to work FTP. Anywho; good luck with the ZPS server, again I'll help when I can, and will be on the forums sometimes.

Temporary?: Possibly. I'm not sure.


Introductions Forum / Re: Hi im jjrock
« on: August 30, 2012, 08:56:10 PM »
Wait who's older, you or Arth?

This is a relevant question.

You're damn straight it is.

Debate Forum / Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« on: August 29, 2012, 12:07:37 AM »
There is no magic age for weed, it all depends on the mind. If you have flexed your mind and become open-minded and very self aware, then it shouldn't cause any harm. 16-18 is usually the best age that minimizes the harm (like there are any). Besides, why smoke dat shit? Use a bong or vaporizer, much healthier. Or make some brownies :)))

(Not saying this from a personal experience, but science does say vaporization is much healthier. Smoke isn't healthy no matter whats burning)

They just said that anytime before 18 when the brain is developing still is harmful  Meme9

That includes alcohol and other drugs, but this study was geared towards Weed.

Also instant happiness???? Isn't that what video games and puppies are for?

Anytime before 24 is detrimental to your growth, not just 18; cigs, beer or weed. It's not as bad when you're 18-24 because your mind is more developed then, but it's not done growing.

+Have you ever tried video games or puppies, ON WEEEEEED?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Hour Logs 2.0
« on: August 29, 2012, 12:02:05 AM »
Updated, btw. Was busy and was scared to see everyone's hours, and I'll be updating hours when I can; if anyone's even playing anymore.

Minecraft / Re: Should we change some things in Minecraft
« on: August 28, 2012, 11:27:19 PM »
I think if you whitelist it, and make people apply on the forums; not only do you get more forum traffic, but we know everyone who's playing, and where they plan to be playing/what faction they want to join if any. It's not like you can get the IP unless you know of CG to begin with, it's not like there's a serverlist they pick from; unless we have our IP on some websites advertising to play there. If that's the case I definitely won't be playing.

It would be more organized, and I highly doubt having an unwhitelisted server brings people into the COMMUNITY. Most people on there come from other CG servers, and we already know from CG. I seriously doubt minecraft will bring in many new people, and the people that it does are probably just there to play Minecraft with their friends, which they could do on a whitelist.

Anyone who actually wanted to play Minecraft semi-long-term and become part of the community, would be willing to put a single post on the forum asking to play with us. It's really not that hard. It doesn't make or break playing for me, I just would seriously prefer it and would feel safer playing. I'll probably play more eventually and try to start my own faction so I can know who I'm building next to.. instead of joining the server to find 3 new people building a few dozen blocks next to me.

Till then, I'll be playing with Sqtgdog on the server he's running from his PC, lag free. :p

Debate Forum / Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« on: August 28, 2012, 06:53:58 PM »
We might as well talk about IQ here since it's vaguely on topic..

IQ's not to be taken seriously. I ask someone go take 3 IQ tests in the same week, and see if you get the same results every time. Probably a costly/impossible task but the point is, it'll more than likely be different every time. I've taken one when I was in 6th grade school and was 126, and 10th grade I was 138. Then if you take the seemingly legit 100+question ones online, it'll work the same. Every time I took it I got about 134-140, and the friends I had take it to as controls; got 98 the first time, tried again for 110, and then got 118. That was the one I thought would get higher points like me, and her friend ended up getting 118, 124 and 128; and rubbed it in her face for weeks like she was smarter b/c the other girl got 98 on her first try. I wasn't sure if the online ones could be taken seriously but I guess so. Either way it's not worth gloating about, people will still think you're a moron because they're smart and you're not. 
I wouldn't be surprised if smoking pot did lower your IQ over a long period of time, but it'd be a worthwhile investment since the longtime-potheads probably didn't want those IQ points anyway. On-Demand happiness trumps depression and intelligent-clear headedness for some people. Studies show that more intelligent people with 140+ IQ's tend to be more depressed and apathetic and end up doing nothing with their lives more often than normal IQ'd people; so perhaps pot's the perfect answer for some people, while others have no need for it.

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  • Inject OH 4: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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