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Messages - Pillz

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Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS!
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:48:38 PM »
The old server won't let me access the Control Panel anymore to restart it so I'm guessing it's gone? Admin and everything was broken anyway so I guess it makes sense, but when is a new ZPS server coming? D:

General Gaming Talk / Re: Anyone getting a WiiU?
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:40:03 PM »
I like the way it works but I won't buy it, i'm not a big fan of zelda and stuff but I do like Mario games.  But now I stopped playing on nintendo consoles. Back then I used to play with an Atari playin mario bros, then a nintendo 64 finally a gamecube gamecube. But I never bought the wii, since it's all the same just movement recognition included and new menus. It would be cooler if they integrated this system to Pc or other consoles tough.

What? Mario for Atari? Gamecube Gamecube? The Wii's the same as Gamecube Gamecube with movement recognition and new menus?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Anyone getting a WiiU?
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:17:45 PM »
Why? It's a waste of a console. What can it do that my PC, or for that matter any other console can't? Besides play stupid Mario games. Which btw really needs to fucking die. Talk about over milking a franchise. Seriously Nintendo go fuck your self. I have played enough Mario to last several life times.

Hater :D I like Mario games.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaG5SAw1n0c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaG5SAw1n0c</a>

Inject, biggest Troll in CG

General Gaming Talk / Re: Anyone getting a WiiU?
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:13:56 PM »
Well the only thing that makes it different than computers and consoles is retardedly obvious. That would be the ability to minimize your game to the WiiU-pad and take it back to your room; then you can return to play on the TV again when you want. Then when you're playing the game on the TV the touchpad works as your inventory, map, weapon or whatever the game wants it to be. Screw pausing the game to look at your inventory and map, now you can just look at your hands and use a sexy touch screen. There's probably going to be all sorts of touch related mini-games or items jammed into everything we see; just thinking of what the next Zelda will be like gives me orgasms.

Finally, HD Legend of Zelda is on the way and we won't be expected to hold the fucking WiiMote like a sword the whole time. THANK YOU HESUS; FUCK SKYWARD SWORD WAS ANNOYING. I mean it was alright but from the flapping arm motions on the bird to fighting Deku Baba's for 10 minutes on end trying to get the perfect diagonal slice; that game just wore me out. Hopefully we'll finally see something greater than OoT, WW and TP combined.

We would of preordered one but they were completely out of room for preorders- and the waiting list was 6000+ people long so it'll be a while before we get one. Hopefully we'll have one by Christmas, but I'll just be happy to have a Wii again since ours broke. I better be able to port over all my NES, SNES and N64 games though.. OOOH and maybe they'll sell GameCube games and whatnot in the WiiU store now..

It's any Xbox or PS release after this that'll be a waste of a console; now that they're all turning into computers with controller ports.

WiiU "Info"
Internal flash memory: 8GB(7.2GB usable) - $299 for Basic Set, 32GB(29GB usable) - $349 Deluxe Set.
Expandable memory via external USB hard drive and SDHC memory cards

IBM Power®-based multi-core microprocessor

IBM has revealed it to be a 45nm chip, with embedded DRAM. Additionally, the CPU is based on the same chip that is used in the Watson supercomputer, implying it is a Power7 model. (Source: Kotaku)

Previously rumored to be roughly 50% more powerful than PS3. (Source: IGN) Recent reports of actual hardware however suggest it to be much greater, putting it around 20% less powerful than the next gen Xbox (which is rumored to be at least 6 times more powerful than current gen consoles). Again, all rumors however, so please don't get too obsessed with power.

The Wii U has 2GB of RAM.  1GB of RAM is allocated to system functions. Examples of system functions include TVii and Mii-verse.  The other 1GB is allocated for games. 

Solved Applications / Re: Snak Admin application (Hidden source)
« on: November 24, 2012, 07:33:06 PM »
Yeah, he trolls occasionally, but so does half of the admin staff.
but as Kwaurtz said he does troll sometimes, but so do a lot of us.

This is no justification as the admins shouldn't be trolling.

Well we should ban and demote all of the ones that have then!

Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 21, 2012, 08:36:35 PM »
Depends on what you consider wasteful?  If you enjoy the same gameplay as the older ones, then it is not wasteful.

If you enjoy the same gameplay as the older ones, why not play the older ones if it has the same gameplay ?     Meme9

Because the older ones don't have 10x more content and better graphics? It's like making a remake of an old movie; you have better CGI and more ideas to make it cooler so they do. Take the same game, change the story and make it more awesome and like I said earlier that's how you make a sequel.

Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 20, 2012, 01:20:45 AM »
MW2 had that snowy level in the trainyard that was massive and I've seen quite a few other giant ones; but they're only good for 32 players and whatnot.

Fully controllable vehicles? Like jeeps and cars? Why would anyone want that in their multiplayer experience? They have them in story mode and didn't implement them into MP for obvious reasons. The killstreak copters and jets are bad enough; not to mention the RC car you can control and detonate on people. Battlefield3 tried to let people control tanks and Jet's but for some reason that game still doesn't feel as fun as COD; I had both for some time before selling BF3 while it was still worth something. Maybe it's because I wasn't as good at it, but the fast paced action of COD never gets old.

EVERY sequel to an older game is like an expansion. It's called a fucking SEQUEL. Go bitch about the 7 dynasty warriors and the 20 megaman's while you're at it. You notice how they're all the same game with slightly different ideas? Sonic? Madden? Super Smash Bros? Mario-Party? Super Mario Brothers? Gran Turismo?

They add more guns, new maps, new gadgets and killstreaks and everyone's happy; really they should just ditch single player completely and just release CALL OF DUTY; and update it constantly. Then they couldn't get your money as much though; so I doubt that'll happen. If you don't like it though, don't get it.

Not every person is going to enjoy every game. Kind of like how most COD players look at Zelda and go "Wow so you just run around with a sword looking for shit and solving puzzles? Do you get to kill things? God I wanna shoot something where's COD at"

Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 19, 2012, 10:58:02 PM »
I agree with the fact that the campaign is pretty cool, but in terms of engines, my brother , who studies 3d animation tells me that this is a prehistoric way of making the game, compared to crysis who's graphics are the best on the market.

Graphics don't matter - Gameplay does.

Crysis is fun, but so is tetris; Dead Space 2 is fun but alas, so is Doom.

My point is that triarch and infinity uses the same technique to make new games, it's 2012, can't they change their games? Today all you see is bang bang bang, no more interesting shit, the story is nice tough, but what i'm trying to say is that the gameplay too is starting to look the same as the other cod's. Battle field for example, they started in 1999, had 2d graphics, then they put ww2 theme with airplanes and huge maps, next bf2, wich was even better because you had the commander option, the artilery, the new planes, new way of playing. And Bf3, destroyable environnement etc etc. This means that through out the history of the cod franchise, no significant changes have been made, this is a question consumers should ask themselves, why should they keep buying the game if it looks like the old version? Gameplays, graphics, all those aspects make the game look and feel better. Mine craft has shitty graphics, but it's very gun to play, and people don't complain about the graphics because theyre ment to be what way.

So basically you're tired of FPS's? You also think there haven't been significant changes to the games? I thought the only thing that stayed the same was the fact that you kill people with guns; which is everyone's secret fantasy that we can't accomplish because it's illegal.

What do you want from COD? A RPG? Everyone would hate it.

Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:24:40 PM »
Everyone was fucking complaining when all we had was WWII games; we've finally moved on and now they're bitching about futuristic FPS's. God damn; why?

Honestly they're all the same to me, Rainbow Six, COD, MoH, BF3; etc. I just happen to prefer COD over the others, and if I'm going to get an FPS it's going to be COD because I've been playing them since COD1, and because Zombies are AWESOME. Each FPS one has something different to offer and maybe different people prefer other games, but COD is GOLD compared to 70% of console games out there that are complete shit, from the movie game spinoffs(some of them) to Dynasty Warriors (yeah their still making those) and so on.

There is a little bit of fun to be had in every game, it's the replay value that makes the game really worth purchasing. Specially when you're dropping 60$ on the game, and with Zombies, an always improving/changing multiplayer and a beautiful action packed story line that makes you feel like you're the most badass dude on the planet; it's the perfect game for everyone. My mom and dad watched me play through MW2 on the PS3 when it first came out, well mostly my dad but he really wanted to play it; and so did my little sister. Clearly the game is doing something right.

Seriously though, ALL games are a waste of money. Except ZPS because it's free, and I've played that for 4000+ hours and I still crave it after a few days without it.

TLDR Try to borrow it from a friend then it's totally worth it.

Solved Applications / Re: MrAcorn TTT Admin
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:07:54 PM »
Like I've said before, -1, too much of a shit disturber.

I'm afraid to even ask but what does that even mean?
It either means he bothers cortez when he is trying to poop or causes trouble.

I'm pretty much neutral on this app.
I have never had a personal conversation with Cortez so I am guessing he has heard my old stories or something else but I am not sure.

Sounds like Cortez.

So anyway; I think he should of been a Hidden Admin so we have some of those but if this is what you all REALLY want...


Solved Applications / Re: MrAcorn TTT Admin
« on: November 14, 2012, 04:14:12 PM »
Like I've said before, -1, too much of a shit disturber.

I'm afraid to even ask but what does that even mean?

Zombie Master / Can't Find Servers in ZM
« on: November 12, 2012, 11:31:37 PM »
Everytime I try to connect to the server via server list it times out after four retries, and when I look for servers under the internet tab none show up and it says "Can't connect to ZM to find servers" or some shit; and I've been unable to play because of so. I tried looking online and nobody seems to of found a consistent resolve to it; one being disabling an antivirus (which I don't run or use often at all, especially while in game) and others being wiping all of your steam files. I might just need to reinstall it but I thought I did it fine, got SourceSDK installed and everything, got the DL for the game off the website, so yepp.'

Anyone have any ideas?

Zombie Master / Re: Zombie Master Interest
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:45:10 AM »
Ok, sorry I don't check the forums every day and most announcements change every couple days...especailly with all the game events you guys are doing lately @_@  I just go to main page and hit recent unread topics so I guess thats how I missed it.
Accoutrements usually don't change for a month. Are you sure your not just pulling stuff out of your ass at this point?  Meme12

Also it would have poped up in recent unread.

Regardless you know about it now.

He's online like 2 days out of the week and I never got to tell him it went up; so I'm sure he checks the forums even less than that but is Pyro or any of the other old ZM admins even interested?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: New Server Mascot
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:26:20 PM »
I joined ZPS for half an hour for the first time and when i actually decided to listen to chat it was something about a website and Thomas the Train anal sex or something of the matter.  Meme7

Yeah. ZPS has always had tendencies to go to really dark places- and someone just had to mention Rule34 then all of a sudden everyone had a story to share about the weird things they've seen.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: New Server Mascot
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:59:23 PM »
I don't want to know, but I agree that we should make this the mascot. Look at his face. It looks just like you tictac :3

Nope that would require a sloth face on that tank engine, the current face would not do  Meme9

Anyone with 2 minutes and photoshop who wants to make this happen?

Someone already photoshopped an ass onto a tank engine and made them have anal sex; so I think that's enough. Adding sloths would be taking it too far.

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62 ... 173

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