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Minecraft / Re: Snapshots
« on: January 12, 2013, 03:02:56 PM »
Fuck yeah, time for more.

January 10

    Improved texture packs
        Textures now use one file per block/item, which are stitched together at runtime - Texture sizes don't need to be consistent
        Any block and item can be animated by putting the frames underneath each other in the right .png - Use an optional .txt to specify frame order and duration
        Special rules apply for water, lava, compass and clock
        Existing texture packs will "automagically" be converted
        Vanilla textures will be used if texture files are missing
        See the wiki's page on texture packs for more information
    Improved Skeletons aim - Now shoot from 15 blocks away, instead of 10
    Improved naming (using the anvil) of containers and mob eggs
        Mobs spawned from renamed eggs have the name of the egg and the names will appear in the death message
        Mobs can now display their custom name as nametag using an NBT tag
        Renamed Chests, Trapped Chests, Dispensers, Furnaces, Brewing Stands, and Enchantment Tables will display the new name in their GUI where the normal name used to appear
    Added and improved death messages - Now include the cause of death, the player the deceased player was fighting at time of death and the name of the item used to kill
        Player fell off a ladder
        Player fell off some vines
        Player fell out of the water
        Player fell from a high place
        Player fell into a patch of fire
        Player fell into a patch of cacti
        Player got finished off by Player/Mob using Weapon
        Player walked into a fire whilst fighting Player/Mob
        Player was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting Player/Mob
        Player tried to swim in lava while trying to escape Player/Mob
        Player walked into a cactus while trying to escape Player/Mob
        Player was slain by Player/Mob using Weapon
        Player was killed trying to hurt Player/Mob
    Trapped chests now give off the redstone signal through walls - Doesn't actually work
    Updated language files
        Language files can now be updated via the background downloader (no need for a new Minecraft release)
    Trapped Chest is now in Decoration Blocks in creative mode inventory
    Added Block of Quartz, Chiseled Quartz Block, Pillar Quartz Block, Quartz Stairs, and Quartz Slab
    Added Activator Rail
        Used to trigger TNT Minecarts
        Needs to be powered by redstone
        Transmits power up to 8 activator rails far
        Crafted the same way as normal rails except without a stick in the middle
    Added Minecart with TNT
        Triggered by Activator Rails
        Crafting recipe is a TNT block on top of a minecart (allowing for creation in the 2x2 inventory)
        When it derails, it explodes instantly, ignoring the usual timer delay
        Explodes even more violently the faster it goes
        In Creative mode when left clicked while moving, the Minecart with TNT explodes
    Improved the Redstone Comparator
        Updated texture
        When fed by containers, they will now start giving out a signal as soon as 1 item is in the container, allowing for empty container detection
    Improved the Hopper
        Is now controllable by redstone - Power it to disable item forwarding
        Added a proper icon
        Is no longer considered wooden (can't be used as a fuel in a furnace, etc.)
        New crafting recipe uses iron ingots rather than stone
        The redstone signal emitted when a Comparator is placed against it directly has changed
            1 item will give a signal strength of 1, a 1/3 of a stack (21 for items which stack to 64) gives a signal strength of 2
            The number of full stacks x 3 = Signal strength
            E.g. 2 stacks of an item/block will give a signal strength of 6, while 2 potions will also give a signal strength of 6 because a potion occupies one stack). 1/3 of a stack
    Removed the Smooth Stone slab.
    Changed the chests in abandoned mineshafts to Minecart with Chest

January 11

    Trapped Chests can now transmit signal downward through one block. This does not apply horizontally (through walls)[2]
    Powering the hopper now also stops it from taking in items (see comparison between 13w02a and 13w02b[3])
    Large/double chests can now release a redstone signal when connected to a Comparator depending on the amount of stacks within. Before, double chests would only emit a signal depending on how full each individual chest was (a double chest with only the the top half full would emit a full signal from the side that the items were in).
    Changed the Activator Rail recipe - the new recipe includes two sticks and a redstone torch, as well as the 6 iron ingots. Dinnerbone stated this was previously a bug.[4]

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:47:49 PM »
Its more a case of more people have gaming consoles, than gaming PCs.  I have an xbox so I can play with my friends on xbox live who dont have steam.  Plus there are some rather good console exclusive games.  I love PC gaming and have always been primarily a PC gamer, but consoles have their place, they are much more accessible for non-techie people and more of my friends have consoles than gaming PCs (everyone has a PC but not good enough to play new games well)

i like the idea of Piston cause that way i can choose whether I want to play steam games at my desk on my PC with my 32" HD monitor, or on the couch on the steam console with my 32" HDTV  ;D
That's misleading, since all consoles are by definition "Gaming Consoles" who has any "non gaming consoles"

So I'm not so sure that's true.

The center console in my car is strictly non-gaming

Also Death: RAM is Random-access memory I believe, as opposed to your HDD and other storage devices which store data in a predetermined order while RAM can be accessed in any random order when info is needed. This is important for any complicated task a computer performs such as playing games. Ps3's and other consoles hardly use half a GB of RAM b/c it's all they need. Steambox gets' 8-16x more RAM because it's awesome and will need more.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:54:20 AM »
We still don't know the specs on the individual components. And I wasn't saying it isn't better then any the console. Of course it'd be the best console, thats a no brainer.
But their is people who say LOL CONSOLES ARE NOW BETTER THEN PCS, STEAM  BOX EATS EVERY PC EVER FOR BREAKFAST. And i'm here to tell you no... that's false. That's all.

I doubt the ram will be max quality ram, good ram sure, but not super uber overclocked ram.

Imo consoles are becoming computers, they basically are simple PC's for games. The steambox is based on a minicomputer so ideally it is a computer; but people still think consoles are something completely different.. But customizable ram and mobo specs is a great idea; and I think this is going to make Steam A LOT of money, more for Gabe to swim in.
Their not becomeing computers. They were always computers, I never denied that. Their RESTRICTED computers though. Why would I want to use a PC with limited accuses when I have one with unlimited access?

Restrictions are for making you behave (no stealing), and making it simplistic for thoes who want a smoothie for a brain.

I still am not in giant OOHM for this. I see it's advantages however, and await it's arrival.

Yes I think everyone would rather have a customizable PC, but at the same time I feel the need to have at least one console of some type for social reasons. I can play computer games all day but unless my friends or girlfriend has a gaming computer also they can't really play with me. So if we have multiplayer on Piston, I wonder if everyone will login with a steam username or not.. Hopefully it supports split screen but the idea of getting extra monitors hooked up for everyone else playing to use is awesome. It's like a mobile LAN Party, if you have the money and controllers/TV's/cords.  I doubt I'll be able to afford it unless they really stay under $500 anyway..

"Today marks the beginning of a new era for Xi3," says Xi3 CEO Jason A. Sullivan. "This new development-stage product will allow users to take full-advantage of their large high-definition TV displays for an amazing computer game experience. As a result, this new system could provide access to thousands of gaming titles through an integrated system that exceeds the capabilities of leading game consoles, but can fit in the palm of your hand."

Gabe Newell has made it clear that it is just one of a number of prospective models, and there's a chance that Xi3's model may never actually come to market at all in its current form.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: January 11, 2013, 06:04:54 PM »
We still don't know the specs on the individual components. And I wasn't saying it isn't better then any the console. Of course it'd be the best console, thats a no brainer.
But their is people who say LOL CONSOLES ARE NOW BETTER THEN PCS, STEAM  BOX EATS EVERY PC EVER FOR BREAKFAST. And i'm here to tell you no... that's false. That's all.

I doubt the ram will be max quality ram, good ram sure, but not super uber overclocked ram.

Imo consoles are becoming computers, they basically are simple PC's for games. The steambox is based on a minicomputer so ideally it is a computer; but people still think consoles are something completely different.. But customizable ram and mobo specs is a great idea; and I think this is going to make Steam A LOT of money, more for Gabe to swim in.

Debate Forum / Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:33:39 PM »
Due to recent "events" in the United States the gaming tournament that my class is hosting can no longer play CS:GO so yeah, this sucks.
Did you tell your teacher (or whoever is in charge) that their a retard? You should.


General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:31:28 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwFWPk4lOz4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwFWPk4lOz4</a>

1:17 for Steambox info

People forget things and go crazy when they see  OMG QUAD CORE

Not really. The ram's going to be customizable and better than current consoles bullshit, and better than most computers out there but I don't think anyone's freaking about like how you exaggerated. If they are it's because this thing is better than any console, and the fact that it can play on 8+ screens at once on a single game is amazing.

Here's XBOX360 RAM basics;
    512 MB of GDDR3 RAM
    700 MHz of DDR

    256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz
    256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz

   4 and 8 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM

Sounds pretty good to me, but I'm sure there are people out there who also care about the super-specifics of the RAM; which we'll find out later.
The Steam Box will have up to 1 TB of storage with a modular motherboard that will give us the option to upgrade the CPU and RAM. It's also said to feature one Ethernet port, optical audio ports, two display ports, one HDMI port, four USB 2.0 ports, four USB 3.0 ports and four eSATAp ports.

Sadly I don't think the GPU will be upgradable but if it can support 4000k TV's and 8 HD monitors at once so who needs more GPU.

Why? This is their console, what many people have been wanting and asking for. This way people can socially play together in their houses with one another, on a giant TV if they want. Maybe they don't feel like dropping 700-1500$ on a computer and just want to play games on a console. Now, instead of picking between WiiU, PS3 and Xbox; you can choose the Piston and get a lot more visually than you can get anywhere else.

The specs aren't final, but this is the first actual information people have seen/heard from CES; and if it's not the specs you see here, they'll probably be even better as those are guestimations based on the Xi3's X7A model PC's specs as that's what the Piston is based off of. That's the system that runs for a grand or more, etc. Minicomputer bullshit n stuff.

Admin Resignation / Re: Multigrains Resignation
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:05:02 PM »
As if all of our vet admins actually play with a commitment to keeping their hours up.. ;p

Come back when Contagion comes out and we will pretend its like the good ole days of ZPS

General Gaming Talk / Steam's "Piston"
« on: January 10, 2013, 08:38:32 PM »


From what I hear it will be able to output video onto EIGHT TV's if you wanted, so you could have a separate monitor and controller for each player that wants to play; and the game won't be too stressed out.

It will have 1TB of space for you, between 4 and 8 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM, a quad-core 64-bit x86-based 32nm processor running at up to 3.2GHz (with 4MB of Level2 Cache), an integrated graphics card containing up to 384 programmable cores and then of course you have the four USB2.0 ports and so on. Apparently the motherboard will be virtually available along with other things I'm sure that help save space on the system.

Gabe even talked about desires to incorporate Gazetracking technology and other "futuretech" into the Piston, oh and the pistons colors will be fully customizable.

Systems with similar technology run about 1000$-1500$ but I really don't think Steam will sell this for more than 600$ or they know they'll have a relatively small market.

There's also word that Steam's working on a portable device called "LittleFoot".

The Steambox should be out by the end of this year for public purchase.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon X and Y
« on: January 10, 2013, 08:16:25 PM »
Pokemon Colosseum has 3d battles, not all that new.

Yeah but I've always preferred actual pokemon games over the stadium games, which offer nothing cool other than to battle in 3D. I thought black/white was going to incorporate the 3D battles but only constant animation was achieved. So this will be rather interesting, along with the "3D environment".

It's plausible X and Y only are there because of the legendaries, but given they have full names and we're not describing them by their colors anymore there's gotta be something more to this one. I know all the other games simply referenced the legendary colors, even RBY which I imagine were colorized after the legendary birds in the game since the only other legendary was Mewtwo.

I still think it's retarded they couldn't find a better name for Ruby and Saphire; which is blue and red again basically. Then we went to diamond and pearl which can both be many different colors.. so meh.

If they're leaving the colors idea though I can't imagine what they'll be naming them now.. POKEMON DARKNESS AND LIGHT, POKEMON A AND B, POKEMON 1 and 2, POKEMON ASS AND TITTIES

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon X and Y
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:52:47 PM »
Way I see it, only way I'm getting it is if I own a Nintendo 3DS. If that happens, you might as well buy Pokemon for it.

Everyone has mixed feelings 'bout Pokemon before it comes out. At this point we're all like god damn it the Pokemon are probably going to be retarded; but don't forget how retarded the first Pokemon were. Our parents probably thought we were insane for watching that shit, and now we get it. It's a Japanese fictional monster show, and while I understand a floating ice cream bowl is a bit ridiculous; the more pokemanz the better.

You get to swing on vines and shit; plus 3D battles? It's probably got more to offer than the Pokemon titles before it.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon X and Y
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:27:33 PM »

It's funny because you KNOW the befamed 3rd version HAS to be Pokemon Z.

I'm also kind of excited because despite the entire series revolving around evolution I think they're going to focus on genetics maybe; or something cool. >.>

Minecraft / Re: Snapshots
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:25:19 PM »
Updates to the January3 snapshot ++ the two things that come with the newer snapshot

    Death messages now show the weapon someone was killed with
    Redstones circuits are more consistent and pistons should be more stable
    Added the Redstone Comparator
        Has 2 inputs and 1 output
        If A≥B, the output will be A, otherwise it will stay off - When the comparator is toggled, it will output full strength instead of A it will subtract B from A and need a comparator as input for B
        Replacement for the capacitor
        Whichever side gives the bigger signal will be considered signal B
    Added the Daylight Sensor block
    Added a Hopper block
        Places and takes out items in Hoppers, Chests, Furnaces, Chest Minecart, Dispensers, and Brewing Stands.
        Allows for the automation of many processes
        Still a work in progress (as indicated by the inventory icon).
    Added a Trapped Chest that activates redstone
        Gives out a signal depending on the amount of players looking inside. 1 person = 1 strength signal, 2 people = 2, etc.
        Crafted with a Chest and a Tripwire Hook.
        Large Trapped Chests can be staggered with Large Chests to allow more compact storage.
        Texture is slightly different than a normal chest, with a red stain around the latch.
    Added Weighted Pressure Plates that detects item stacks
        Gold version reaches full strength at 60 items.
        Iron version reaches full strength at 600 items.
        Linear, so 10 strength signal means twice as many items as a 5 strength signal
    Added Block of Redstone
        Stores redstone dust similar to blocks of diamond, etc.
        Emits constant redstone power
        Works as pushable redstone power source
    Added a new Nether Quartz Ore to the Nether
        Drops 1 Nether Quartz item when mined
        Generates around Netherrack in the Nether
    Added a Nether Brick (item) for crafting Nether Brick blocks
        Obtained by smelting Netherrack
        Crafting recipe is 2x2 Nether Bricks
    Inventory management changes
        Double-click items to fill the stack up as much as possible
        Drag item stacks around to divide them up over the dragged-over slots
        Drag item stacks around with the right mouse button to place one of that stack in each dragged-over slot, if that slot is not occupied already
        Shift double click an item stack to move all other item stacks of that kind to that part of the inventory
        Press Q while the mouse is over an item in the inventory or a container to drop it
    The texture for the Locked Chest block has been changed
    Now shows the item name in game


    You can now shift-click rails onto Hoppers to empty Chest Minecarts
    All containers output a redstone signal when a Comparator is placed against it directly. The strength of it depends on how full the container is.[2]
        This works with Trapped Chests as well, meaning it can provide two redstone signals with different causes at the same time.

Also; Nether Quartz Blocks. :D

General Gaming Talk / Pokemon X and Y
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:06:59 PM »
Nintendo Direct discusses the history of Pokemon and the announcement of their upcoming pokemon title that features fully 3D pokemon battles. Only for Nintendo3DS and it's due out this October.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP15ATrJt6s" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP15ATrJt6s</a>
Skip to 7:15 for the trailer that includes game footage.

Here are the new starters, I'm on team firefox. If I ever get a 3DS I guess.

In The News / Re: Violent Video games to be destroyed
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:21:58 PM »
What the fuck, hahahha. So a grown adult kills 28 kids, and the problem is children playing violent video games? WHAT?

Also, why the fuck would parents buy a game for their kid, then question whether or not it's too violent after the fact?

I don't even.. I can't.. I don't... what...

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