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Messages - Pillz

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In The News / Re: Game Devs Are Child Molesters
« on: January 26, 2013, 04:40:40 PM »
Every time Inject posts one of these threads about the dumbest human beings (like the one about the spam email) my brain attempts suicide so I lose a few brain cells.  I should really stop reading these things because otherwise I will act in self-defense of my brain and start killing these idiotic people (the people who say these things, not Inject)

I'm mad the Sandy Hook thread died.. I still need to be convinced it really happened D:

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: January 26, 2013, 04:31:24 PM »
^ Secretly watches the entire MLP series twice a day

< Stole this game from a Christian forum I argued on when I was 14

v Will hold me and call me darling then massage my neck and call me bb

Minecraft / Re: Snapshots
« on: January 26, 2013, 02:09:29 AM »
    Renamed command blocks now use their name instead of @ in the chat
    Comparators can now be used with jukeboxes
        Output signal strength relates to disk number
    Changed bone meal
        No longer gives instant growth - instead, each use advances one growth stage. Crops now need seven bone meal, saplings need two
            Brown and Red Mushrooms still grow instantly
        Gives off green particles when used
    Added a new command feature - scoreboard
        Not 100% done yet
        The scoreboard can be used to track deaths, players killing another player, players killing something a mob, or players activating commands
        The complicated system uses a combination of name, display name, and criteria, and track an integer number of points for players
    Mobs now show their renamed name (using an anvil) above their head within a circular radius of 6 blocks, while looking directly at them
    Improved double slabs
        43:8 will now be the "smooth stone full half-slab block" and will remain so
        Generally: If the top bit is set, the top texture will be used on all sides, also allowing for smooth sandstone full half-slab blocks (43:9)
    Improved dispensers
        Now equip players with armor from one block away.
        They now activate TNT
        They now use bonemeal
        They now use flint and steel, decreasing durability of the tool
    Dispensers and droppers can now face all directions
    In Creative, you can now hit mobs/players from five blocks away
        The original range only goes for Survival and Adventure mode
    Mobs now won't walk over rails.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon X and Y
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:50:49 PM »
So, all the humans in the Pokemon world, have to eat.  Considering there are no animals, and many of the "plants" seem to be Pokemon, too, guess what they eat?

In the original Pokémon games and concept, it seems that most Pokémon were more animal-like. As such, wild Pokémon were originally portrayed as eating one another by some sources, in a very animal-like prey-predator system; for example, The Official Pokémon Handbook's entry for Pidgeot says that "When they hunt, Pidgeot fly on the surface of the water at top speed to catch unsuspecting Fish element prey like Magikarp." The Handbook also lists Golbat as drinking the blood of its enemies, not just sucking their "energy," as the Handbook refers to Leech Life in Zubat's entry.

This theme is not as explicit in the anime or games; rarely being shown or mentioned. This may be because of moral issues; as the anime and games progress, Pokémon seem to be growing more human, with personalities, human mannerisms, etc., and such behavior might border on cannibalism (although in the original series, Pidgeotto immediately began to peck at Ash's Caterpie when Ash first attempted to catch the Bird Pokémon). Misty took notice and warned Ash that Pidgeotto might try to eat Caterpie, who was quickly returned to his Ball. Pidgeotto never attempted to harm Caterpie again once it had been captured by Ash. This concept was brought up again in Pokémon Shipwreck when Meowth attempts to eat James's Magikarp only to have its hard scales break his teeth.

So while some pokemon produce foods like Chansey's eggs; the series brushes on the eating of pokemon more in the first generation because Pokemon were more animal based than they are now.

There's still Pokemon-eating-Pokemon references in the pokedex and handbooks; saying certain parts of the pokemon taste sweet or that pokemon X prays on pokemon Y.

Then as the wiki said the Pokedex for Venonat and Venonmoth say they pray on small insects, insinuating that there are smaller creatures out there for pokemon to eat. Pidgeotto eats a worm before ash catches it in the first gen, etc.

But they never explain where the giant hunks of meat they eat come from though..

GarrysMod / Re: Can i be ungagged?
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:36:45 PM »
how the fuck do I troll people with my voice? I just talk? apparently just by me talking I am trolling

because I would like to come and play and use my mic and not be instantly gagged by whatever admin is on. so if any admin or community leader or whoever the fuck is here please respond and let me know what you think.
Also, just one more thing, don't just be a dick and say "NO, DONT DO IT, THIS KID IS ANNOYING AS FUCK BECAUSE OF HIS VOICE!" because that just gets on my nerves like fuck.

Too much angry language for me to give a damn about the fate of this child; and he still refuses to use a format. Perhaps we should have "Person you were banned/muted/gagged by" instead of just banned for these cases.

He himself warns us not to explain how annoying his voice is; admitting he realizes he's annoying as fuck. If many people have told you not to talk because you're annoying, maybe a break from the mic is what you need. Especially if people requesting you to be quiet gets on your nerves like fuck.

Your post gets on my nerves like fuck.


General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon X and Y
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:19:23 PM »
I'm sorry nothing gets more stupid looking than Jynx, Mr. Mime or Muk. We have a humanoid blacklady with blonde hair in a red dress; apparently that's an Ice type. Maybe she's a cold ass bitch, but anyway then you have a Mime with psychic powers.. Then you have a puddle of muk; with a mouth and eyes. Oddish was weird looking, and the list probably goes on. Especially when you bring Johto or Hoenn pokemon into the mix.

Some resemble actual animals and I feel like that makes even less sense given there are NO animals in pokemon; and they're all monsters. The gear that evolves into more gears makes perfect sense if you're not going to complain about Magnemite-Magnezone.

None of it makes sense, and they all look weird; that's why it's SO AWESOME. The game hasn't gotten any worse it's only gotten better; I just wish battles went by faster and I feel with 3D battles it's only going to get slower. Playing older pokemon's on emulators really spoiled me.

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 24, 2013, 03:36:09 AM »
Regardless of everything said; I urge you to at least look over these videos and tell me what you think of them. These are what have me wondering about the situation to begin with.

Controvesal Dad(daughter is alive, she's the one that took pics with obama after the shooting)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMINqFGNr-w" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMINqFGNr-w</a>

Full Medical Examiner Convo

Bestof Medical Examiner (bloopers?)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShgdN8arHCc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShgdN8arHCc</a>

Grieving Family; at least this one didn't act like she was crying, but laughing and joking a day after your daughter died is one way to cope with the grief I guess..
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToQNVJE4xgk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToQNVJE4xgk</a>

While some stories make it sound more believable like the teachers video but I don't know.

Like you all though I want to believe the kids really died horrible deaths but for some reason it's really hard.

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:07:30 AM »
There's just so much "off" news footage from the shooting that raises so many questions, I'm not sure if the man murdered as many people as we think or if it was completely fake. Either way it doesn't affect me and I don't care, people die all around the world like this all the time. Most of what I said was me simply regurgitating what the video camper posted said, and when you see things like the old man telling the news stories that he harbored children who had ran from the school in his house and he gives the news teams mixed stories about what happened. He was probably lying his ass off to try to get in the spotlight but when it comes to the families meeting obama and the "information " and funds that had already been created about the shooting before it happened;  I just don't know if I should completely dismiss it as bullshit or not. Especially after that one video of the medical examiner acting like a complete moron.

Fuck 9/11, because we'll never know what exactly happened, we can only trust the news sources and what people affected by the attack have to say; not what the criminals and people involved have to say. Either way it definitely did happen and many people died. We blamed Osama for it and hunted him down, and people think Osama was in on the whole shebang due to his past involvement with the US/CIA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA-Osama_bin_Laden_controversy Then other people get riled up about how the building falls in a controlled manner and people claim there's explosions at the base of the towers that cause them to fall the way they did.

I hate the idea of considering myself a conspiracy theorist because I'm really not; I just like to question everything that happens before I believe it. Also because you never know what really happened since people lie so much, both with misleading information online and in the news; but anyway all I'm trying to do is look for facts on these events so I CAN be more informed and I end up sorting through all this sketchy sounding information. Some of it sounds legit but if this really is some thorough plan; that'd be the idea wouldn't it? I just like to question everything as much as possible before I choose to believe it.

I feel like the media makes a living out of blowing stories out of proportion, and it's possible that incorrect information got out there while they tried to cover the story. If the whole things real, then that's sad, people be crazy. If it's all fake, the media is full of shit and a puppet to the gov't. Either sounds perfectly plausible to me in this day and age. Anyway; for the sake of fueling my argument, someone should continue convincing me with proof that the shooting happened so I'm on the correct page.

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:39:55 PM »
I just don't get why everyone has 0% doubt that what you've heard might not be completely true. Is it really that crazy to believe? I didn't really think too much about it until today and I have little reason to think it happened the way we think it did.

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:34:42 PM »
IMO it was a training excercise that the news tried to film; and it somehow turns into a school shooting with 30ish dead and 2-3 wounded. Apparently the no experience autistic kid who shot them all down a single rifle managed to make every shot count where the professional shooters at past shootings had problems getting more than 18-25 kills in all their experience and extra ammo.

I don't know what to believe; but I know not to trust the news and fuck the police

In The News / Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:29:38 PM »
How about you twats watch Camperstrikes video; it might take you some time but then you'll have some of the proof you claim doesn't exist. You know what else doesn't exist? Fullproof witness stories that are consistent or any video/photo proof that anything happened besides grieving families hanging outside the school. Did you know there are teams of people who move around and grieve for the news? I wonder if they act too.

A) Medical Examiner present at the school describing the situation for news teams often laughs and has no clue what he's talking about, claims he doesn't know to half the question, and offers no useful information and seems to find the whole situation hilarious.

B) Parents that got to meet Obama from the school shooting b/c of their loss created their facebook page as the shooting was "happening" and posted that their child was dead; then later that day said THE SCHOOL IS STILL ON LOCKDOWN PLEASE PRAY. They later posed with Obama for pictures, and somehow a picture gets out of Obama with their two children.

C) They claim there was ONE Shooter with an assault rifle and two guns. Four pistols were found in the school according to the news teams and there's video of police finding the gun in the back of the shooters car. The medical examiner claims the wounds of the victims were AR-15 rounds as do many other sources. There's from helicopter near the beginning of the shooting that shows a man being chased from the school into the forest and the camera falls him until the pursuer has them laying on the ground in the woods. Another man was reported walking past parents and getting into the front of a police car handcuffed telling people "He didn't do it". The alleged killer we heard of shot himself in the school and only entered it once. He didn't use the assault rifle; and many people are wondering if many kids were killed at all, if any.

D) 3-5 separate families that appeared on the news for interviews seem almost happy their children are gone, while one father who spoke was unaware filming had started; entered the room laughing, smiled and said "are we ready to start" then he gets into character and starts acting solemn about the shooting. Another parent who supposedly lost their child the day before. One couple has the mom talking in an interview smiling and remaining happy through through the whole video despite losing their child.

E) Facebook pages were created 1-3 days before the shooting happened, pages for shot children along with support fund pages that were later taken down; and FEMA had scheduled a Disaster training program for children 20 minutes away from Sandy Hook elementary.

F) There was a blockade recorded from helicopters of the school during the shooting, and there were hundreds of cars parked up the road with the Ambulance and EMS team a block away from the school. Many people were filmed walking around the school bored, some just patroling around and talking to each other. There were no children seen running from the school that day or no sense of urgency. The only photo evidence found was a single picture of children being lead out of the school by a teacher looking person. 7-8 kids in a picture, and then all the other pictures are post-shooting of the memorials and everything set up.

G) Children who were allegedly in the school for the shooting described what they could hear during the incident as "People banging on doors loudly", not shooting, screaming and death all around. He seemed to giggle about what happened and despite everyone saying assault rifles murdered many children he heard nothing but "banging on doors". There was ONE news video of a man WAY DOWN THE STREET because of the police blockade complaining, but then suddenly a stretcher rushes by but he doesn't manage to catch it on film or see any wounds; nor do any other stretchers get pushed 200+ feet up the street from the school to the SINGLE Ambulance that parked two blocks away.

So TLDR the families of the dead children on the news are happy their kids are dead, the medical examiner was wasted, the children were on LSD, there were others chased from the school and handcuffed that nobody ever mentions, FEMA had a training run 20 minutes down the road from 9am-4pm that day, and children were dying on facebook before shit even happened.

I thought it was forreal at first too, and it's not like I'm trying to make this up to troll; but when you look at all this shit you have to at least WONDER what the fucks going on.

Like the video says, we know what's going on; the debate for gun control.

If anyone has "FACTS" to back up that this isn't a blown-out of proportion media story like EVERY OTHER MEDIA STORY (see treyvon mathews) PLEASE do tell. It's hard to tell what's real at all these days and you all know that; you're not completely ignorant FOX news sponges, are ye?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:33:49 PM »
They'll probably have an 8core piston out if it's necessary lol

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:52:15 PM »
Well it's not that similar given the steambox is 3.2ghz processor and 4-8gb; but uhh, who? Apple? lol

Solved Applications / Re: [ZM] Ðeath.
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:19:37 AM »
Do we even have any admins for ZM...? +1

Dante and Christovski now I believe; if noone else is around

General Gaming Talk / Re: Heart of the Swarm trailer
« on: January 22, 2013, 10:43:44 PM »

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 ... 173

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  • Inject OH 4: Do you mean for people that haven't come on in a long time and have to reagree?
    August 02, 2021, 11:39:42 PM
  • Inject OH 4: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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