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Messages - Pillz

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43] 44 45 ... 173
Maps Area / Re: New Map Rotation
« on: February 11, 2013, 12:31:20 AM »
Also asking for a whole new map rotation in general would basically mean scrap every map on the rotation and replace them; which wouldn't make any sense. If you only wanted Camel removed; why wouldn't you just say "please remove camel because X, Y and Z".

I understand your discontent with the map as I played it on ZPS before playing it on Gmod and didn't care for it when I played TTT; but I believe many of the others enjoy playing it. There are probably shittier maps than Camel that are on rotation too, but it's all a matter of opinion. Some maps are as entertaining as others but if there's nothing game breaking in it such as glitches or designs that make it unbalanced there's no real reason to remove it.

Solved Applications / Re: Wanna help ZM
« on: February 11, 2013, 12:19:00 AM »

Rofl; you HAVE to be accepted by now, isn't that what your trial status is for?

Old Time Aways / Re: Pillz~ Moving
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:21:38 PM »
No I'm not moving to Norway you silly goose; I've moved into the Fiance's house a few minutes down the road.

Anywho; since I've got ZPS working and everythings all good I might as well close this. It was more of an explanation for my absence and I'll still be busy from time to time but I'll be playing ZPS almost every day. I thought I'd be unable to play longer than I was, but everything's back to normal. I'm trying to get a few people signed up on the forums so they can apply for admin soon; hoping to really get ZPS back into shape.


Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: February 10, 2013, 07:19:51 PM »
Uploaded a few new maps from FPSbanana and threw a few older maps in rotation too; I'm getting back into ZPS now so everyone can start playing again. I'm going to need some help though, so if there are any veterans or just people looking for something else to help out with; join our ZPS server and tell me which maps you like and which ones you don't like and why.

Post any suggestions for new maps in the suggestion thread; and let me know what I need to do to keep you interested. Warning, there are a few deathruns on and I brought Smashcannonz and buses of the dead back so the people who haven't played them can get an idea of how fun they can be; and I'll remove them if people get tired of them. Deathrun corrida has gotten some recent updates and is a bit more fun albeit impossible for me to beat; so give everything a chance. Armory's on there too again for a short while just in case muffin needs some help populating; but I'll probably remove it and switch to it with admin commands when I need to.

Play play play! Current map rotation is on the first page but I'll put it below also in a spoiler.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:42:11 PM »
Each hair on my beard was a little over an inch when I shaved it; it's just too itchy and I was tired of getting food and woman juice up inside that thing. A little chinstrap is good for me, to compliment my beautiful face.

Solved Applications / Re: Muffins ZPS
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:14:29 PM »
Approved for Veteran admin on ZPS! Muffin I still want you to read over my post; and be sure to read through the ZPS rules twice. Message me when you think you'll be able to play some ZPS and I can run you through the basics when we can get on together.

We run on source mod so you type commands out in chat like; /sm_ban pillz 0 (aimbot) or /sm_vote "Should we change map to XXX" "Yes" "No" ; /sm_slay pillz ; /sm_slap muffin (25) ; /sm_map zpl_armory2 ; and so on.

So again get them hours up and welcome to the ZPS side sir Muffin!

Solved Applications / Re: Muffins ZPS
« on: February 10, 2013, 03:29:05 PM »
While I'd love to have additional help on the ZPS server I feel I'd have to deny you:

Must have a minimum average of 7.5 hours a week, for a month, for the server you are apply for. That is 7.5 hours a week, for 4 consecutive weeks.

I feel if a player can meet the minimum hour requirement for both servers, there should be a chance for them to try both servers; because the next step which is Veteran gives them Admin on ALL servers.

NOTE: Muffins has been registered in CG since June 2012, and has 150+ posts. What are our standard for promotion to Vet again? I recall it used to be six months and approval from others got vet admin; but I'm not sure if he's been admin for six months but he's been around on the forums for about eight months. Nor can I find any posts regarding these standards, so I'm just going from memory. We were always lazy and weird about who gets vet and when.

Either way your interest in ZPS is enough to make me happy and want to give you admin; but you're definitely going to need some more hours. Perhaps play ZPS and try to populate the server, I'll re-add zpl_armory2 into rotation as a populating tool for others so you can RTV for that map to try to populate. Works best earlier in the day.

Don't feel locked into our server either, feel free to play around on other servers too but I'd still want at least 5-7 hours on the server per week before I accept you for trial or regular there. You only have 2.2 hours total and I'd feel more comfortable after you had at least 10-20 total.

I'll leave the thread open a bit longer for more input from CL's & gang on the subject but if you can't become Vet I'd have to deny you because you don't yet meet the requirements. If you get vet though I'll be glad to add you to the admin list. Then you can play both games, but you might want to cut back on the Dota2 and other games first. :p Thanks again for the interest in the server.

The Art Forum / Re: Scary childhood movies
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:05:05 PM »
Pennywise the Clown, scarred my childhood.

Of course, nobody... likes clowns. Nobody.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuLkQMQBZA4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuLkQMQBZA4</a>

So much this. I was at my Babysitters when I was 7 waiting to go to the Zoo with them, and for some reason they had "IT" playing and I got to watch the whole thing. It's hilarious to watch now, and while it wasn't really that scary then; I never stopped thinking about it. All sewers made me think of IT, refrigerators, school showers and even rusty sinks.

Jurassic Park I was also another one of mine which I saw when I was even younger; it was cool and traumatizing at the same time.

I also saw the original AmityVille Horror when I was young and that made me scared of any dark or weird looking houses I ever saw; not like afraid of them literally but idunno.. even now some houses give me chills when I see them.

So I forgot the thread yesterday CAUSE I'M A JERK ok more like it didn't show up in my unread/updated topics lists, but anyway today gets TWO UPDATES to make up for it!

Ok so this is WAY more mainstream because it is dubstep, but I really like these guys and they aren't fucking worldwide like Skrillex and shit.

Bassnectar.  Delicious bass nectar.  More musical than some harsher dubstep like Skril, but harsher than the chill stuff. 
For me its the goldilocks of dubstep, not too ridiculous, not too tame, it is JUST RIGHT.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M-jOZRe0-8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M-jOZRe0-8</a>

Yeah I got into Bassnectar lately and have a whole Pandora station for them; they're awesome. Teleport Massive is one of my favorites by them right now for some reason, that Time Stretch and anything else they make.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Your GOTY of 2012?
« on: February 08, 2013, 03:00:18 PM »
Journey, Far Cry 3 or Dishonored. Gamespot picked Journey and it made it to a lot of other top 5's or top 10's.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Your GOTY?
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:19:45 AM »
It's not out yet but I'll have to say Pokemon X and Y; or Bioshock infinite for console/PC.

Maybe HL2:Ep3; if this year's the year.

Old Time Aways / Re: Tyber's Time Away
« on: February 08, 2013, 12:25:07 AM »
Get well soon

Old Time Aways / Re: Pillz~ Moving
« on: February 07, 2013, 03:52:59 PM »
Well for those of you who didn't know she's been living with me at my house for 10 months prior to this; her family has been trying to get her back so we finally came here where the house is bigger, they give us money for shit and we get our own rooms rooms. Shit's alright, just not used to being away from my family. Basically we started off moving too fast but it managed to work out; pushed through my doubts and regardless of how cynical and pessimistic I am about marriage and relationships (due to all previous relationshits being shortlived and mentally abusive) I feel I found someone special and worth keeping around forever.

Anywho; living in her house will help me get healthy, find a job and do more. I'll still have spare time for CG I hope, but I won't be online all the time like I used to be; and I have to go to bed much earlier because they rise and shine early here, and I'm kinda sick of waking up at 2pm anyway. I was getting sick of smoking weed too, and with my friends and family living so close by always offering more it was hard to get away from it. I feel good and my mind feels clearer than ever.

Also they upgraded the internet speed and my wireless card seems to function flawlessly; not as perfect as my 30mb/s download with verizon fios was but still pretty dope. Her dad bought me the USB wireless for 50$ so I ain't complainin but I'm sure Wooley's suggestion would work better.

Old Time Aways / Re: Brittney's time away
« on: February 07, 2013, 01:17:04 AM »
Pillz has invited you to play Zombie Panic!: Source

Old Time Aways / Pillz~ Moving
« on: February 06, 2013, 07:12:30 PM »
So me and the fiance decided to move into her parents house instead of mine since her parents have a 3-story house and a bit mo money; so we'll be hanging here for some time. Right now we're working on getting internet set up for my computer since it has no wireless card and we need to buy one or get a longass wire; and it might be a few days before I'm really back to gaming.

After doing speedtests on grace's laptop next to the modem I can only get like 0.60-2.00Mbps download and 2.00-4.00mbps upload, and I don't think my connection would improve much on that even if I was wired into the modem. So we're probably going to see if her dad will up the ante on the internet speeds and I should have internet in general by the end of today if I'm lucky.

ALL THAT ASIDE; I might be on even less in general, but I'll dedicate my playing time to ZPS when I can instead of Minecraft and Pokemon like I have been doing. The annoying Invalid SteamID problem shouldn't happen to me anymore hypothetically since I don't have two other people on steam in the house, unless grace gets her laptop fixed and then we'll both be playing! That or I get my life together, get a job and have even less time for CG; but I doubt that'll ever happen. I'm going to really cut back or completely stop smokindaganja, hopefully; so if I seem different that's why.

So I'll close this thread when I'm back and ready for action; I really should of made an away thread a month or two ago when I slowly fell off the face of ZPS. Either way I can check forums still with this laptop so I'll be around. Luv u guiese <3

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  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: oh wow its still here
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  • SlyWilliam: For the record, I don't REALLY remember all of you, but goddamn do I MISS all of you <3
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  • Inject OH 4: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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