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Messages - Global_Meltdown

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27
Maps Area / Re: Tutorial: SwingingDoors! - Medium Mapping Skills
« on: February 12, 2010, 08:57:02 PM »
Cool :)

 Yeah the springs are kind of shitty, but you can adjust the friction on the door or the springs i believe to make it slower somehow. If you want i'll take another look later.

Maps Area / Re: Tutorial: SwingingDoors! - Medium Mapping Skills
« on: February 12, 2010, 05:50:13 PM »
a spring restrained swinging door :P  I know it seems difficult but once you start with the small stuff and work you way up it's not so bad.

Any suggestions for the next one?

Maps Area / Tutorial: SwingingDoors! - Medium Mapping Skills
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:25:30 AM »
Alright, I said I'd start making some Tutorials so why not start here.

Ok today we're going to learn how to do a physics (spring) hinged door.

I'll create a small square room with two lights in it.

Inside this test room I'm going to select the brush tool and make a post
or frame for my door to sit against.

Ok now depending on how many doors you want, depends on how many hinges you'll need
so for this example we'll place a double swinging door. To do that we'll select the right
post and right click and select "TIE TO ENTITY" Func_Brush to each one specifically. (NOT ALL TOGETHER LIKE THIS) or you'll have problems later on.

Now name the left side something, I named mine FrameLeft.

Now name the right side something, I named mine FrameRight.

Now I'm going to place the doors. (When making your doors its a good idea to
make a space between the door and the frame for better performance)

Now Select your doors one at a time.

First door to the left we'll right click and select "TIE TO ENTITY"

Now select Func_Physbox

Name your LEFT door whatever you want. I named mine "door1".

Do the same to the right side.

Right Click, select "TIE TO ENTITY"

Now select Func_physbox

Name your RIGHT door the same as the first except in numerical order to
keep it simple. So mine is door2.

After that we'll select the entity tool and browse through the objects till
we find something called "PHYS_HINGE"

Now place this at the center of the door to the left side.

Now right click your "PHYS_HINGE" and select properties if the window isn't already
up, and edit a couple of lines:

Name: Hinge1
Entity 1: FrameLeft (This is your frame piece it's connected too)
Entity 2: Door1 (This is the door the PHYS_HINGE will be attached too)

Ok now lets take our selected "HINGE1" and drag the center ball to the top of the door.

Ok Now we'll do the same for the other door
select the entity tool and browse through the objects till
we find something called "PHYS_HINGE" Now place this at the center of the door
to the right side.

Now right click your "PHYS_HINGE" and select properties if the window isn't already
up, and edit a couple of lines:

Name: Hinge2
Entity 1:FrameRight (This is your frame piece it's connected too)
Entity 2:Door2 (This is the door the PHYS_HINGE will be attached too)

Ok now lets take our selected "HINGE2" and drag the center ball to the top of the door.

Awesome so we have hinged doors, now comes the spring part. STAY WITH ME !

Go to your Entity Tool, browse through the objects till you get something called "PHYS_SPRING"
and place this in the center of the left door.

Now were going to right click and select Properties if the window isn't up and edit a couple of lines

Name:Spring1 (What I named my Phys_Spring)
Entity 1:Door1 (Left Door)
Entity 2:Door2 (Right Door)
Spring Constant: 900 (This is the stiffness of the spring, play around with it to find what number suits you.)
exit this window (Always remember to hit Apply)

Now drag your ball across the left door to the center of the right door

IF your really motivated, you can set up individual springs for each door side, but this is a great start.

Now you should have something that looks like a room and a couple of doors.
Place your info_player_start or your spawn entity (I'm using ZPS for my example) So I'll place 1 Info_Player_Human
and 1 Info_Player_Zombie. (This is important if you want to explore your map)

Now make sure you have no leaks or anything and hit F9. Shortly after a screen to compile your map should appear.

I select Normal for all, choose what you wish if you know the difference.

and click "OK"

A screen like this should appear and hopefully with no errors.

Either load up your map upon completion by going to your game and selecting create server
then select your map (Mine is saved as "PhysHingeTutorial" ) or set the run map when completed option after compiling.

If you've ever wondered how to test your map (ZPS specifically) open your developer console
using the "~" tilde key below the ESC button in the upper left of your

In the console type Sv_testmode 1 for THEN select F1 or F2 for human or zombie.
Type Kill in the console if your want to reselect.
Type Sv_cheats 1 then type NOCLIP to fly around your map if you wish.

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial, and if you did I'll look forward to making more.
If you have any questions email me. Youlostchris@gmail.com

Here's the link to the Hammer/ZPS Map example that I made for this if you need more help.

Please do not redistribute without credit + permission thanks :)
Let me know what you guys think.

The Art Forum / Re: Avatar Thread
« on: February 11, 2010, 06:24:37 AM »
Hey if you could make me a 480 or w/e the best resolution might be for that. I'd like to have something like that or a banner perhaps (feel free to put a CG web address and logo) so i can put them in my tutorials for future use.

Something  the size of a small wall in HL2 so that when is stretch the image in the hammer editor it wont pixelate.

Thanks :P

Old Map News / Re: add claire map to zps cg server
« on: February 11, 2010, 04:25:52 AM »
Oh yeah, any activity in the map forums is highly looked upon :P PLZ come back haha.

Old Map News / Re: add claire map to zps cg server
« on: February 11, 2010, 04:23:42 AM »
If someone wants to hook me up with that map. I'll have it up in a heartbeat. Something like a spawn change isn't that big of a deal.

The Art Forum / Re: Books
« on: February 10, 2010, 09:15:38 AM »
you know the pigs blood might help protect you against jews too. Just thinking you know 2 birds one stone......

The Art Forum / Re: Avatar Thread
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:37:04 PM »
I'm very happy thank you :)

Maps Area / SourceMappingHQ or (SMHQ) -New Steam Group-
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:30:14 PM »

I'm starting a new steam group. Like it says SourceMappingHQ is the name.
In my spare time I'm going to try to put together some original Tutorials at least once a week for mapping on there.

If anyone has something to contribute that would be awesome. It's a open steam group, if your interested feel free to join. I've got some other ideas I'd like to incorporate into this as well. But we'll go over that some more later.

If you have never mapped, but want to JOIN

If you map, and need advice, JOIN

If you are in the design community, your welcome to JOIN as well :)

I'd like this to be an easy way for people to contact each other, VIA steam and these forums. I know most steam groups aren't all that active, but this will be much easier for me to manage, and my first priority would be to help those in need.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any ideas or comments feel free to express yourself.

Old Map News / Re: Something I've Noticed
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:42:41 PM »
I have a tetris map (zps), as well as the pacman map  (actually i have alot of maps). So if theres a favorite someone needs a version of let me know, i'll check it out.

Old Map News / Re: Van Dodgeball - Improved Version - E7
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:40:55 PM »
awesome :P

Old Map News / UPDATE
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:25:48 AM »
Licker Box I'm working on. You can clearly see the difference between the square box I had and the 3d Model.

Some of the colors on the textures need tweaked, were ripped out of the movie lost some quality.

Tomorrow im doing the door that will explode upon zombie spawn :P just like in the movie with the licker. So bare with the plainness of the front (use your imagination)

Let me know what you guys think. I know i'm dragging but with school I have less time, and I'm trying to model some cool shit too :)

Old Map News / Re: New Map In Progress
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:58:48 PM »
Nice thinking. I'm giving you a raise :)

Old Map News / Re: New Map In Progress
« on: January 25, 2010, 05:54:25 PM »
Thanks i have no idea wtf im doing but as long as it comes out good, im happy. You guys would of been playing one choppy fucking map if i made it all out of brushes in the hammer editor.

 so the likelyhood of it getting done has now increased quite a bit.

If people can think of other RE inspired props that might be easy post a pic or just name it. (movie inspired that is)

I want this map to be good. So bare with me well I work it out.

Thanks for the motivational support guys. :)

Old Map News / Re: ZPA Map
« on: January 25, 2010, 05:50:55 PM »
yeah msg me on steam, at which point does it freeze at? and if you have BSP i'll take a look.

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