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Messages - Pillz

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 173
Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: November 23, 2013, 02:56:20 PM »
I was thinking if we did get an official CG server maybe we could have Sqtg run it, but I feel if we put it on the serverbox it'll only be a smidgen better than Sqtg's spare computer.

When he get's bukkit and everything back on the current server it should be back to normal though. When we have the funds and resources we can look to purchasing upgrades and have Sqtg run as HA with a HA/a or two for when he's busy.

Until then, we can move the board; just waiting on a fancy banner.

Admin Applications / Re: Guztav. Global Mod
« on: November 23, 2013, 01:20:38 AM »
60 views and only 1 reply so far!? You're all crazy!

I think this man has done a lot for CG and would be glad to have him as one of our GM's.


The Art Forum / Re: Rate that Song!
« on: November 23, 2013, 12:44:59 AM »
I like most Staind songs although I haven't heard but 5 or 6 of them from Pandora and the radio.. I don't really listen to much rock for some reason aside from what comes on the radio but they're probably in my top 15 bands, always has powerful lyrics and sound to it.

Anyone wanna try some Beats Antique?
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLx3u7Y6tJA" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLx3u7Y6tJA</a>

We can use Gametracker to track hours played based on name. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

Of course there's still issues when people change their names but you just have to add together the names; it's what I've done for ZPS for years, as it shows what day's they played and the minutes played that day in a graph.

Here's your chart for this past week on Server#1 Red.

Player score-

Player Time-

Or time over the past month-

Steam only tells you what game they've spent their hours on, it's not server in particular so this and other websites help.

The Gold Stars suggestion is just something I threw out there and I'm not sure how exactly it would work yet. I'm 100% open to ideas and suggestions but the main idea is inspiring admins to populate when they see the server empty.

I also think it would be cool to have admins communicate with other admins when they leave the server adminless. I know that especially seems a little far-fetched but it would be cool if when there were no admins on it like posted where only admins could see it, like they all get a PM or Steam message when no admins are on.

I think that would be a fun task for someone who's willing to do it.. haha.. just sit and watch all the servers making sure we have admins on, but that seems a bit much; possible GA task though.

For your last question~
I don't want to diversify Veteran into separate mini-vet sections, if that's what you mean. We just feel like tweaking what needs to be done to get Vet and what it takes to keep it.

Same goes for the other groups like Trial and Regular, as the only change for Trial I suggested was optional.

Aside from being moderator everyone should only ever be just a single group. I think we have VIP and then Senior VIP and I need to look into that more but otherwise we don't really do anything like that as far as I know.

That isn't going to work for ZM because the name-changing is in-game and literally we change names almost daily.  I know I do and Tic used to do it even more than me.  Thats about a metric fuckload of names to add up and thats a lot of nope/

That's understandable, but there are ways to make sure the admins are playing. I just would like each HA or the HA/a(s) to create a small list of their admins and keep tabs on everyone's hours/whereabouts to the best of their ability.

EDIT: Red's been looking at time tracking plugins~

If one HA wants to send me a Spreadsheet of their admins and hours, sweet.
If you want to write a paragraph on who's been playing, who's not and who you're not sure about, I would be glad to take that too.
Then we can make active decisions together and if we need to, we start recruiting new admins. I think we all just need the proper direction and motivation. I know how it feels to be tired of the same game and same maps but if we're going to commit to this community and to being an admin we need to take it a little more seriously. Nothing's immediate but this is the plan. It's also optional if it causes too much of an issue or if nobodies playing the game currently like both ZPS and ZM.

We can use Gametracker to track hours played based on name. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

Of course there's still issues when people change their names but you just have to add together the names; it's what I've done for ZPS for years, as it shows what day's they played and the minutes played that day in a graph.

Here's your chart for this past week on Server#1 Red.

Player score-

Player Time-

Or time over the past month-

Steam only tells you what game they've spent their hours on, it's not server in particular so this and other websites help.

The Gold Stars suggestion is just something I threw out there and I'm not sure how exactly it would work yet. I'm 100% open to ideas and suggestions but the main idea is inspiring admins to populate when they see the server empty.

I also think it would be cool to have admins communicate with other admins when they leave the server adminless. I know that especially seems a little far-fetched but it would be cool if when there were no admins on it like posted where only admins could see it, like they all get a PM or Steam message when no admins are on.

I think that would be a fun task for someone who's willing to do it.. haha.. just sit and watch all the servers making sure we have admins on, but that seems a bit much; possible GA task though.

For your last question~
I don't want to diversify Veteran into separate mini-vet sections, if that's what you mean. We just feel like tweaking what needs to be done to get Vet and what it takes to keep it.

Same goes for the other groups like Trial and Regular, as the only change for Trial I suggested was optional.

Aside from being moderator everyone should only ever be just a single group. I think we have VIP and then Senior VIP and I need to look into that more but otherwise we don't really do anything like that as far as I know.

Everyone also focus on keeping your hours above 7.5 for the server you're admin on as we'll be watching you. We'll be giving everyone a little leeway at first but ideally we'd like to have all the inactive and unmotivated admins weeded out by start of December. The holidays are often very popular for gamers so we're going to try to use that towards our advantage.

I was thinking of a "gold star" system where admins who populate a server from 0-8 are given a gold star and getting X amount of gold stars will reward you with a new rank or some other form of reward for your hard work.

We seriously need some activity reform though. This is the current admin hours for Gmod Vet admins. They aren't too good..

Cortez- 0.0
Death- 100+
ashes relandi- 25.4
muffins- 0.9
blazyd- 0.6
caboose- 6.5
yankees- 5.5
wooley- 1.9

So I'd hate to call you all out, and there's no punishments or anything yet but if you rarely play on the server you might as well just play as a regular CG member, no hard feelings. We just need active people to enforce the rules and populate on TTT and other servers.

--Elaboration on Bigger Changes--

GA- Basically a HA/a across all servers, updates + maintains servers, same forum powers as GM(if we can trust them with FTP might as well), enforces activity and hour requirements, recruits and trains new players, keeps CL's informed of server status (with weekly reports possibly) and they watch the forums for information CL's/HA's might miss or see to late (IE Finnies post about how he's still TF2 mod), requires user to be Veteran with at least 100 posts.

HA/a- Has FTP(maps/plugins) and CP(restart/stop/start) access, only does FTP / CP when HA is busy, encourages players to populate, recruits trial admins for servers, watches admin hours for inactivity, keeps tabs on what maps the playerbase enjoys and what maps need to be removed, looks for updates and helpful plugins.

Comm. Officer- Maintains steam page, creating rough-draft announcements for CL's to approve, takes notes on meetings + responsible for getting information out that we want public (IE stuff like ZM SERVER IS GETTING UPDATED, UPDATE SDK IF YOU HAVENT), handles public relations + drama if necessary, makes sure the people are happy + more

Retired(or just change Vet to Retired?) Admin- If you were an honorary admin in CG and did your job well, you are eligible for Retired admin. If you broke the rules and were mostly inactive you will lose your admin completely and must begin the process again later. Ideally only Veteran admins and above are eligible for Retired admin but exceptions can be made if needed.

Veteran(and then change Veteran to Super?) Admin- Must EXCEED the required hours/playtime for their server and go above expectations for being an admin. If a regular admin proves them self worthy they will be rewarded basic admin powers to any server of their choice if the HA allows it. Laziness and abusing time away format will no longer be tolerated for Vets much longer.

--Minor Changes--

Moderator- Maintains the rules in the 1-3 boards applied for, reports posts before editing them, stickies/locks threads when appropriate, keeps threads on topic and intervenes before things get too off track, keeps things organized

Trial Admin- Ideally standards for applying should be low, but standards for promotions would be high. So anyone who wants to help can try for trial admin and post later if the HA thinks they're capable, but I think people like trial the way it is. I just don't expect any possible new admins we could get from ZPS, ZM or TF2 would be immediately interested in the forums, so like I said in the last post the post count should be optional for each server. If we're keeping closer tabs on our admins activity this shouldn't be an issue.

Regular Admin- Must have 20-30 posts, full understanding of the rules, active at least 7.5 hours every week, no rule infractions as trial, love and compassion

Community Leader- Must have experience as HA/HAa/GA/GM, must have minimum of X posts, 90% approval rate minimum when applying, active at least 4 out of the 7 days of the week, blahblahblah(more basics to come)

Admin Applications / Re: DBag for Global Administrator... maybe
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:34:42 AM »

We are thinking that you're one of the prime candidates for HA assistant on Hidden though so keep up the good work.

Admin Applications / Re: Tictactoe360 [Comms Officer Application]
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:33:19 AM »

Please PM me for further details and meeting times.

Admin Applications / Re: Oobla [forum/board moderator]
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:32:05 AM »

Please PM me Oobla for instructions on what to do and then I will set you up.

Admin Applications / Re: Leetgrain - Global Forum Mod
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:30:21 AM »
Denied for GM.

If you would like to instead take along the Comms Officer position we'd be glad to have you there, and we can discuss the details over Steam. More information will be posted to the forum once it's obtained.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: CG Fun Nights
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:23:02 AM »

How does a day once every two weeks sound? We decide on a game/server to all play together on and a time to do it, and for games like L4D we can meet in Steam chats and try to organize games where we play with everyone.

Again what would ideal days be and what times are you all usually free?

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Why cant I see my madness corner anymore...
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:32:43 AM »
I'm pretty sure you also could've used it to move shit-theads to anywhere on the forum.
yeah it was a waist of space that just caused issues. No real reason for it.

You had access to all permissions in that board, so anyone could create retarded spam and move it to the debate board. To take away that ability would take away the whole concept of that section the way permissions are set up.

So we made a "No Rules Donator Only" board for donators to post anything they want as long as it's not too obnoxious or obscene.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: November 20, 2013, 08:05:21 PM »
Minecraft really doesn't need one. Sure people play it, but nobody really posts stuff on the forums concerning minecraft.

We talk about it more on the forums than TF2, NMRiH and ZPS, though. It helps to have a more obvious section of the forum to effectively plan building and to communicate with other MC players outside the server itself.

I say when the server has a functioning bukkit plugin and the such we should throw it up there. I think Minecraft is a common game for most everyone in CG so hey, why not.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: November 20, 2013, 06:42:00 PM »
Yeah I often wonder this too, and think it was just because of how MC has always been ran by someone outside of CG just helping out. It's a big enough part of the community to have a forum for.

I think someone has also offered their Pixelmon MC server for CG in a similar fashion but I don't know if that's still alive or not..

So I'll be glad to get you a banner up and have the section changed, we just need to get a decent banner that's similar to the others and then I'll throw it up.

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  • Finniespin: More of a Patrick Hernandez guy - Born to be Alive
    June 16, 2024, 09:14:27 AM
  • Sly: Aaron Hernandez was a legend of a man
    June 14, 2024, 01:46:02 AM
  • Finniespin: how? what?
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  • Inject OH 4: And yes thank you very much Finnie! You are a champion xP
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:12 PM
  • Inject OH 4: Hey abrys agreed we should.
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:02 PM
  • Finniespin: Totally not a spam-bot, also totally not a limited time offer
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  • Finniespin: Anyone looking for a datacenter technician job? We got postings available around US and Europe (EMEA)
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  • Finniespin: https://www.google.com/about/careers/applications/jobs/results/118336179041903302-data-center-technician-global-server-operations
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  • Finniespin: Gave Inject 50 euros to pay for fees ^^
    February 17, 2024, 07:17:42 AM
  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: we gotta get the crew together again one day and hang, add me on discord: ogarbies
    February 12, 2024, 06:52:07 PM
  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: yo who is still paying for this lol
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  • Klondor: wow CG still lives, mind blown
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  • Inject OH 4: xD
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  • Finniespin: Get a load of this guy
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  • Inject OH 4: Sure
    December 09, 2023, 07:22:27 PM
  • HailToTheKing: cum shot . and cum shot. an d cum shot
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  • Finniespin: ffuck
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  • Inject OH 4: ee
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  • Inject OH 4: cc
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  • Shikaru: Oh wow my account is STILL active :)
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  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: holy shit
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  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: oh wow its still here
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  • Mr_Rainbow: Still alive. Hope all is well with everyone this Christmas
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  • SlyWilliam: Much love, from our MC server to our ZPS server <3
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  • SlyWilliam: For the record, I don't REALLY remember all of you, but goddamn do I MISS all of you <3
    December 07, 2021, 10:23:10 PM
  • Pyro: parrot
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  • Inject OH 4: Do you mean for people that haven't come on in a long time and have to reagree?
    August 02, 2021, 11:39:42 PM

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