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Messages - Doc. Mentalist S.

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 35
Debate Forum / Re: drinks
« on: May 05, 2012, 07:12:31 PM »
coffee at day and alcohol at night.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Map Suggestions 2.0
« on: May 05, 2012, 03:01:15 AM »
Remove ZPS_Coldhouse. It's fog is so annoying, making you rely ONLY on sound to find your prey. It kills the server.

Simply the maplist on admin, i made a map vote because of that map with choices like armory, cinema, harvest and smash cannons. Apparently i got the wrong smash cannon map( the one not from the nominate list). 2/3 voted for smash cannons. I was expecting the server to die because of it but actually it got people joining.

Tl;dr we have many repeats of the maps with the same idea but different features. ie cabin this, cabin that etc maybe minimizing it a bit more.

zpo_deadblock was a good map but its from the past and sometimes things should remain buried.

and you look younger than i thought...

the voice of  a 40 year old and the face of a 14 year old , fuck yhea!

That picture is soo old. I remember it back at KAT man, Get your updated one. You're what my age now? In college/university right?

Debate Forum / Re: What's wrong with Society?
« on: April 29, 2012, 12:14:39 AM »
@Pills: some jobs have that but most do not. When I get a job as a pilot I basically have to sit in front of a 3 person board and get my brain picked to get hired. Reason is that in aviation you dot want some macho man trying to fly the plane, and you don't want assholes fighting with their co-pilots. It's something that could be adopted for legit jobs, at least more of them. Thing is, McDonald's is a beginning job for teenagers so they won't always look for the best help, they just need somebody to work the grill

Exactly, most jobs like that require screenings and other things to make sure the person is capable of the job, but not all of them that involve human interaction.

Also when I imagine these ideal cities/civilization, I kind of imagine the whole world working together that way at that point; most every city and nation connected one way or another. So I don't really see overpopulation like that happening, I mean it's entirely possible but we haven't really even completely established how those cities would be, much less how overpopulation would be an issue.

Overpopulation in general is an issue. Overpopulation in a city is not really possible if everything is taken care of like in Toyko, New York, and the such

Yes in a city as a whole is different. Problem with Tokyo however there is not much ethnicity diversity. Its good to see that Japan sharing cultural differences and mixing their own with western. Not to mention western society's views.

Toronto is sort of like New York and is a good example but has districts such as china town, financial district,etc
Initially the government was in short supply of labor so they opened immigration and started constructing districts to represent different ethnicities.

Are you suggesting your ideal cities in different parts of the world WITH a mixed ethnicity?

Debate Forum / Re: What's wrong with Society?
« on: April 28, 2012, 08:25:49 PM »
The Utopian thing is something that is going to take probably 100's of years because of human nature, there is just too much greed like you pointed out, in the world today. Too many people are making too much money and not using it to help others but buy 10 Porsche's or suppress anything that will make them less money. I do disagree with you about building our way out however. America is still a free country, we still have freedom of the press, we still have freedom of speech and so on. We get enough people and resources we can build cities that don't need cars to get everywhere, we can build housing for everybody from the lowest waged workers to middle class to beyond. We can build structures to help the homeless, programs that could help them get some education and prop them up (just not now, Republicans wont allow it, and Democrats just dont care ATM)

1)A free country, sometimes limiting your freedom is a good thing. You don't want to create too much hysteria of course.

2)There are programs such as social safety nets. Its good because it benefits individuals, but there have been cases where individuals have abused its use to gain money that they do not need. Of course spending on things they do not need.

By creating a city where you have your necessities and modernized buildings at you disposal, you attract a lot of people. People migrating into that city, causing over population, competition for jobs causing high unemployment rates.  A higher crime rate... lets just say domino effect.

To prevent over-population you would have to limit who enters. Basically selecting who stays and who goes. Which im strongly opposed to.

Lastly, what my previous post was intending to say was, by solving 1 problem we create 2 others, and so on. We often run away from those problems and progress on. Everyone remember the television cartoon "the jetsons", That right there is what the writer thought to be the future, we living in the sky, with flying cars. But ask yourself where's the land, trees, dirt? Where's the water? obviously we try to run away from our problems.

Take a look at the roman empire. The capital city of Rome in whatever BC ( i am no historian) If you were a citizen of Rome you had little worries, you had armies conquering and enslaving, walls to protect you a job where you had no foreign competition, you were basically living the life. You had slaves, surplus of resources, prosperity, whatever. Years later they over expanded pissed off some barbarians and Rome just shattered itself. To be in more in-depth, the system in Rome was already corrupt, people were bribing and murdering eachother.

Debate Forum / Re: What's wrong with Society?
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:06:57 AM »
Cars? The things you own end up owning you.
Starting a new, would be a utopia, and everything that is meant to be is pre-determined and pre-defined. There is no perfect Society, only progression. Trial and error. ex. A country out of a civil war conflict. A war between socialists and capitalists, socialists win and converts the country to communism, turns out it isn't working looks at the modern world and converts to democracy.

Society, if there were no order, we would fall under chaos and anarchy.

Reason why people will not build a new city OR rebuild cities to the "Utopian View" is because of the current situation we are in. People still living in poverty, other people in the world has their own needs. We're too afraid of of the world sinking under, a nuclear war causing nuclear winter, etc

Generations later, where's the diversity? I mean, you get educated the same as your peers on the same subjects. There would be culture, its called our history. I'm sorry but i am going to have to reference the movie "the hunger games" on this. Take a look at the government structure, totalitarianism. But again those that are living in the "capital" as compared to everyone else in the districts. To create this perfect world there will be some sacrifices, sacrifices involving isolating others.

Another way of viewing is like this: The rich/wealthy and powerful planning our future for us themselves. The chances of your utopia, is if the earth expands itself into space exploration and finds a habitable planet and construct cites on it. But only then that would be a slight probability.

To go back on cars, "control the supply, and you control the demand". They already have these invented, its just that these automotive companies are trying to get consumers spending on gas fuels. Once the demand reaches their expected peak, out comes the new automotive models.

We're too easily corruptible, there is no perfect being.

Sorry if im throwing thse out there but im just too tired to format my points.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Keyboard Attack. XP
« on: April 16, 2012, 10:26:32 PM »

From top of my head-
Sledgehammer     75       long            slowest          Heavy
Chair                      50       longish        slow               Heavy
Shovel                   35       longest      medium          Heavy
Golf club                35       long             fast                 Medium
Crowbar                35        medium       fast                  Light
Baseball Bat         45        medium       medium         Medium
Machete                35        shortish       fast                Medium
Hand Axe             35         medium       fast                Medium
Frying Pan,           45       medium       medium         Medium
Pot                        35         short           fast                   Light
Tire Iron               50        medium       medium           Heavy
Wrench,               50        medium       medium         Medium
Wood                   35       shortest       fast                 Weightless
Keyboard              25        short          fast                    Light
Pipe                     35-45    short       medium               Medium

Lemme know if I missed anything; or was incorrect. I'm not exactly sure which ones are 45 or 50, 35 or 40, etc. I'm pretty close though.

pretty much all confirmed (played amory 1min ago)

My response to the keyboard after finding this out:

*Equips keyboard and hits whitey*

XxTerraria-_-KidxX :  infected ppl
Det. Mentalist :  =jl(%g};m8vy3!4*w
Det. Mentalist :  e;[fi8?w3i1]\(,d1
Det. Mentalist :  9p!e!+&z,o7w->uo
Det. Mentalist :  u]p6
Det. Mentalist :  .?&be>e
There's no such thing as a friendly zombie.
Det. Mentalist :  32a#/]3]f
Det. Mentalist :  d>0.0)�5n18x^
Det. Mentalist :  �(?8m}[/|=e$+(#b-g;$
Det. Mentalist :  -x)g&y+f[;|on
Det. Mentalist :  f\le
Det. Mentalist :  r.i�964>bqye9a56@
Det. Mentalist :  .21ffq]=g!#-!ws9mh$y
Det. Mentalist :  h11s9=}%!0@{ger&�3
NinjaChong :  cwbahdwdvxde dxhbcfbdfhzr wha fuck face
You're still recovering from the last time you panicked.
Det. Mentalist :  0pp(?6<#g[wt3pm3
Det. Mentalist :  luiqc|
If you sound annoying, squeaky, staticy or if you just talk too much, you will get muted.
Det. Mentalist :  #ucu7n0xd=

Solved Applications / Re: Sejo's TF2 Admin App
« on: April 16, 2012, 01:06:42 PM »
What are some good qualities you possess:I am a very dedicated Admin that has probably no abuse except when i Mess Around on a Keyboard on ZPS.

Sejo has a lot of admin experience over the course of CG.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Show us your Skyrim character!
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:18:58 PM »
*inserts custom skyrim skin of Mr. Mochi*

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Hours of zps....
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:17:21 AM »
No map timer? lol

well you start off with your basic 35 min of zps, and then for every extension there is like +20mins i believe, and since when the timer reaches 3:00mins left there is a vote done, which neglects the 3min and just tops off to 20:00mins left.

TL:DR so we had like (20x5 + 35) -3(5) = 2hours exactly...

General Gaming Talk / Re: Everquest 2 or Lord of the Rings Online?
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:08:58 AM »
Yeah WoW is good. I'm going to say Everquest 2 cuz i never played it and LotRO sucked as an MMO. It made my screen feel cluttered and it gave achievments for not dying until a certain level, so when you did die it made you feel like crap. I made it to i think 15 or so until i jumped down a waterfall to find out the water under it was shallow.

FOR Original poster,

If both are free and you have tried and known LOTRO, why not just take the initiative to try Everquest 2?

Zombie Panic: Source / Hours of zps....
« on: April 10, 2012, 12:57:01 AM »
Playing 2 hours straight of Redqueen.... trying to get everyone to change votes... and fortunately we had maxed out on the number of extensions. All of which was roughly 2+ hours and despite the number of rounds we had played and failed, We ONLY managed to beat the map only once... We probably played like 100 rounds.

I went from a score of 110 before the first extension and ended with 379.

Just wanted to share this with CG.  Meme5

What are your pointless achievements in zps?

Edit: all i did was play zps for 7hours today, 24.5 these past few days(4 day vacation) and worked out... all and all met cool people.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Play more ZPS please?
« on: April 09, 2012, 01:46:36 AM »
Its not that hard getting more play hours for ZPS, there are a lot of interesting people on after all.

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 35

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