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Messages - Pillz

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« on: September 13, 2011, 10:16:36 PM »


QFT, you have to ask them. /creep.

I think it was about the one kid narrating this video, lol

« on: September 13, 2011, 06:41:55 PM »
I have never had a problem with kids, and the only times it hurts my ears, is when they're misusing the mic, as any aged person has the ability to do. I believe that it's very immature when people start trolling kids for their voices, and yelling at them to "please stop talking", over and over again, essentially annoying the fuck out of me by having a pissing contest with a kid.

Finnie I can't tell if your post made sense or not(language barrier I'm sure), I'm sorry your so easily angered by such small things, life must be an extraordinarily hard to live if the upcoming generation annoys you so much. I believe myself to be somewhat a man of reason, and the fact that they don't annoy me at all, and manage to annoy everyone else perplexes me. Usually it's the idiots on the server who don't shut the fuck up to begin with, who usually start bitching at kids for no reason. I mean, I'm sure there's a reason to state the obvious and pick on someone for something they can't yet help, but really, it doesn't seem like too much of a problem. I got over it years ago, and ever since I just view them as normal players. Same as people who speak foreign languages, or poor english. Sure it bugs me on the inside, just like almost everyone on the planet to some degree, but why the fuck should I bother discussing it with them? Especially as an admin, I defend who needs to be defended. If someone's being mistreated because their voice is puny, that's disrespect and server disruption, it doesn't need to happen.

Kids play minecraft. Adults play minecraft. Everyone plays games. I played games when I was 9-12 online, and nobody ever bitched at me for my voice, minus a few people, and everytime they did, I wanted to punch them in the face, because it's pointless bickering. "What are you 9 or something, shut up queer." You might as well start a fight with someone for the way their accent sounds. It's just dumb. I don't care how much you justify it, you're wasting your time, and you're being an asshole. You wouldn't tell a kid face to face his voice is dumb(unless your a bully and get satisfaction from that), so why do it online?

Unless the kid is screaming at the top of his lungs, or his mic is forever retarded (Niptorch anyone?) then it shouldn't be an issue.

Anyway, /on topic/. I just bought minecraft, and already I'm addicted. I can't wait for this release.

Also, do we have a MC server anymore? I know we've had a few here and there, the site still lists there being one, so I'm confused.

« on: September 12, 2011, 07:29:46 PM »
Wow people still hate kids for not being as old as they are? Now they hate games because *GASP* kids play them too? I'm surprised that's a problem on minecraft, as opposed to, you know, the mature games.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: September 12, 2011, 04:29:26 PM »

Solved Applications / Re: admin app
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:59:43 AM »
Not exactly my decision, but no.

He has less than 25 hours on steam games, period, and has 12.9 hours on ZPS. Member since April 19th.

Saw him on the server earlier today, he's still there, so I'm guessing today was his first day.

« on: September 11, 2011, 12:24:31 AM »

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxPaLsZXjgk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxPaLsZXjgk</a>

Like this outdoes the others by far.

Voice Server / Re: To many!
« on: September 06, 2011, 01:21:58 PM »
Having mass amounts of people playing a game like LoL, WoW, Runescape or what the fuck ever, that the group doesn't have a server for always seemed dumb to me. It annoys me enough when I enter a room in vent and there are people in a room screaming at each other about the game their playing, something that isn't ours and is essentially "wasting" time that could be spent helping actual other game servers out, so I couldn't imagine adding three vent servers to further deter people from other servers. It reminds me of being a CL/Head, and seeing admins for our servers constantly playing other games.

When CG was just ZPS, ZM, TTT and the such, people didn't bitch about shit like this, they didn't want extra rooms in vent for their new gaming addictions, and where I reside, I wouldn't allow it.

Sure it's fun to play with friends, but to spend so much time, where you need three vent channels? Uhhh, durr. Maybe when every other game NEEDS three vent channels, and people are always filling those games/channels.

Also if you have 20 slots, definitely get rid of them. I assumed you were all at like 100 slots by now, but if not, and vent is actually filling up due to LoL, then yeah..

Solved Ban Requests / Re: [BOSS] Mr.President
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:47:22 PM »

I signed on and was told by Blood that someone named Mr. President had been RDMing on CG's servers, he said:
7:13 PM - [BOSS] Blood☆: yo Pillz
7:13 PM - [BOSS] Pillz: sup
7:13 PM - [BOSS] Blood☆: Apparently theres some guy in BOSS named Mr. President whos been going onto CG's TTT server and RDMing
7:14 PM - [BOSS] Blood☆: either hes a kid or hes trying to make us look bad
7:16 PM - [BOSS] Pillz: fantastic

I came here to see if a thread had been made, and here we are. I didn't know it was fearless, neither of us did. How upsetting to discover.

Crypto, Ghast, DarkEmo, and I are the Founders, I am the owner. Blood, Doc., Skies, Web, and a few others all wanted to help out. We pretty much just started, everythings all wobbly and we're just figuring shit out for right now. I don't know why the fuck Thor would go and do that, and again, reading this was the first time I've heard of anything like this. I don't want to be known as a group of trolls or whatever, so this happening so early is very frustrating.

While I do have some differences with CG, as some of us do, I don't want a negative relationship with it, and have stupid shit like this happen all the time.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hey there, heard you guys needed coders?
« on: August 02, 2011, 07:02:56 PM »
So I'm confused. If Remscar recommended he come here, should we be worried?

Debate Forum / Re: Zombie Master or Zombiepanic Source
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:55:21 PM »

pretty much sums this entire thread lol.gif

I can't even begin to fathom how, but maybeee.

Anyway, people tend to like one or the other more, because of fucking threads like this that ask you to pick one. When you set it up like that, people pick one, and defend why. I like both games. I've spend AT LEAST, literally, 100x's more time on ZPS than ZM, so I'm a little biased. It was always really hard to sit in the ZM server for that long though because it didn't populate as fast, it has a smaller player basis I believe, and ZPS is just more fun, IMO. The only game I ever truly appreciated dying, and having to wait for the next round, was NeoTokyo, but sadly that mod died. Rip.

But in the ZPS server's current state? I'd rather play ZM. Or buy a better ZPS server for myself.

Debate Forum / Re: Zombie Master or Zombiepanic Source
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:51:01 PM »
Yeah seriously this question is so retarded, kind of. They aren't two games to compare, it'd be like comparing Fallout3 with Crysis. They're two different games that do different things.

That said, Zombie panic is my favorite game, probably ever. Besides like Zelda and shit. For some reason I can just play that game for hours on end without getting bored. It's hard to enjoy playing on CG's ZPS server, but otherwise it's amazing.


Infection- Though 30% is fucking stupid, I like the ability to infect survivors and have them turn on their teammates, it's fun and strategic. Though on our server it's less strategic, and more idiotic chaos, considering 1 out of 3 hits from whitey infects a survivor.

Dying =/= Sitting and waiting for the next round, unless zombies are out of lives on a zps_ map, not zpo_.

Ability to play as a zombie and rape the humans you were once protecting.

I prefer the weapons in ZPS and how they handle WAYYY better than ZM. Plus it's actually a challenge playing against REAL people, not AI controlled by someone.

Also, ZPS isn't a dead mod. ZM is. Sure the dev's are "lazy", not updating things every god damn second like every other mod, oh wait, they're all mostly the same. 3-4 major updates a year would seem fine to me, if even that much.

Everyone likes to bitch and complain that dev's "ruined" it though, which gets really annoying. I actually can't really find any problems with the game, they fixed knockback and a lot of other problems. It's balanced and I love it. I think I've YET to hear someone follow their complaint against the devs with actual reasons, or anything. The games fun, and I'd rather be playing it in it's current state, than the shitty state it was in 3 years ago.

The Art Forum / Re: Techno
« on: July 24, 2011, 02:46:40 AM »
Hardstyle? Heard of Angerfist? Used to be all I listened to a few years back.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa7SzjL0lHg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa7SzjL0lHg</a>

and some Azrael. <33

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLb6yGTJuV8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLb6yGTJuV8</a>

Fav remix by him.

Don't even get me started on Renard's Speedcore..

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:24:57 PM »


V Fire extinguisher.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:19:58 PM »
^ Has set the meal for tonight in stone.

< Is getting some peppers.

V Ily <3

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:04:14 PM »
^ Might be lying but I'm not sure.

< On the clouds inside my room

v Wants to eat some asian food

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