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Messages - Pillz

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General Gaming Talk / Re: SWTOR or WoW (No COD players allowed)
« on: November 26, 2011, 01:28:51 AM »
All games are created unequally. Comparing them is silly because they are all completely different, each with their own unique experiences.

Star Wars =/= World of Warcraft. Unless the come out with a Star World of Warscraft..

So if you had the chance, I would say continue playing both. If you're poor, play Star Wars for a bit and decide which offers you more entertainment, then play that. Then feel free to boot up MW3 and BF3 on your PS3/XBOX when you're done.

Old Time Aways / Re: Tower's TEMPORARY Departure
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:49:48 AM »
Enjoy your brake, sorry things have been so difficult lately.

Debate Forum / Re: GoogleChrome Vs Firefox Vs IE
« on: November 19, 2011, 07:27:57 AM »
Yeah but Safari's like.. the Apple browser. So I'll never experience unless I start using Mac's, or iphones, but I won't because I don't want cancer.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Server Problems
« on: November 17, 2011, 10:29:49 PM »
Also, Wholegrain, reinstall the server when you get a chance. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS. It's pretty goddamn broken now, people are getting mysteriously gagged when they join the game, but no ungagging restores their ability to speak. That on top of all the other problems, is too much, so let's start off fresh plx.

As long as it's running sourcemod and everything deliciously I should be able to re-add addons and the such as necessary.

Seriously. If it's not reinstalled in a week, I'm fucking done with this shit. I'm fucking tired of explaining to players why our server sucks so much cock for a month straight. I can't even get SM radio to fucking work, this is fucking retarded. (Insert more rage that has been building up)

At least give me the ability to restart already, so I don't have to wait 20 minutes for it to get fucking restarted, losing all 14-16 players we had who might of joined again.

I'm surprised the servers managed to climb to rank 20 on GT, apparently that's inaccurate though, but all the other GT's for our other servers rank them really highly.. besides ZM but that's got less servers than ZPS.. anyway yeah. Fix plz.

Debate Forum / GoogleChrome Vs Firefox Vs IE
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:58:27 PM »

I personally prefer firefox, it never gives me issues on my retarded computer, lot's of nifty addons and it doesn't do this in task manager~

Idunno why the uncropped and unmarked version of the picture showed up but there are about 8 googlechrome processes going on. I wouldn't think this mattered if Chrome ran the same speed as firefox, but on my computer it doesn't. So the choice is obvious for me.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Server Problems
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:56:04 AM »
Also, Wholegrain, reinstall the server when you get a chance. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS. It's pretty goddamn broken now, people are getting mysteriously gagged when they join the game, but no ungagging restores their ability to speak. That on top of all the other problems, is too much, so let's start off fresh plx.

As long as it's running sourcemod and everything deliciously I should be able to re-add addons and the such as necessary.

Debate Forum / Re: MW3, or BF3
« on: November 16, 2011, 06:22:23 PM »
MW3 is the gift given to all the people who hated BlackOps, and preferred the InfinityWard build of Call of Duty, like MW1 and MW2. The only thing I really liked about BO was: Zombies, Flamethrowers, and diving down flights of stairs to take massive fall damage.

In specs of being a greater Modern Warfare, MW3 does just that. The multiplayer is back to the way I like it, yet I didn't notice any Zombies, so idk what Symbolzz is talking about. Still figuring out a whole bunch of shit, like the multiple kill streak reward trees and such, but I also don't see anything that would make you not want to play the game.

BF3 has jets, you can see your feet and it looks more realistic. Not sure about all those bugs but I still want to play it, the campaign looked sexy as hell.

Really, all the games suggested in this thread are good games, probably the like, top 10 of the past few years, so arguing which one is better is pointless.. usually arguing any opinion is pointless but yeah..

Debate Forum / Re: MW3, or BF3
« on: November 15, 2011, 06:45:51 PM »
Skyward Sword.

Introductions Forum / Re: Oh hai thar
« on: November 15, 2011, 06:45:26 PM »
Is he just dropping by to say hi or is he going to be around a bit on the zps server? :(

He better be around there more often.

If he wants to live.

Introductions Forum / Re: Oh hai thar
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:29:20 PM »
Pillz you look sexy in that pic. XP didnt you use that one in the post a pic of yourself sand started way back.

Still think you are bold.

Sejo that picture is WAY before Sand was even introduced to us.. haha. That's back in SKG's post a pic of yourself thread.. That is probably the shortest my hair's been in 4 years right there, since my last hair cut was when I was like 14. I'm either 14 or 15 in that picture..

++ I still have the hots for stocky.

Introductions Forum / Re: Oh hai thar
« on: November 14, 2011, 04:27:53 PM »
Me and Web are the only ones still around in that pictures sadly, Well I mean, Will, Wirs, Juke, and Shadow I've seen around but as far as CG goes, I'm the only one left. Web plays on ZPS though so I still <3 him. :D

And I <3 youuu Melon. That picture made me so happy, it's been like.. two years since I've seen it.. haha

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Server Problems
« on: November 12, 2011, 06:35:55 PM »
Ugh, my computer's currently under Siege by virus's and shit, so hopefully I'll get to check later, but let's see..



!votekick, I'm not sure if I want a voteban or not, only if it can be set for temp bans, like a week.

Health on melee kill mod

I want to get radio, and see if I can get some online radio stations of my own on their, I never got radio working though, installed it but yeah.

I'm about to post a few requests on the Alliedmodders forum to see if they can help.

Any other ideas?

melee mod was customized by a good friend of mine a few years back

It was never released but I do have the files

I could even add the new melee weapons and recompile the plugin

Well then yeah son get on it!

Maybe we get someone who can code to put a maximum health cap on, and make it so it only gives 10 health per kill.

Given 25 is the damage of a standard zombie attack people think that would be the ideal reward, 25hp. But I could shoot a zombie till he has 20 health and then hit him once, and get the health. If we could code around that, that would also be amazing.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Server Problems
« on: November 10, 2011, 07:09:42 PM »
Ugh, my computer's currently under Siege by virus's and shit, so hopefully I'll get to check later, but let's see..



!votekick, I'm not sure if I want a voteban or not, only if it can be set for temp bans, like a week.

Health on melee kill mod

I want to get radio, and see if I can get some online radio stations of my own on their, I never got radio working though, installed it but yeah.

I'm about to post a few requests on the Alliedmodders forum to see if they can help.

Any other ideas?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Server Problems
« on: November 10, 2011, 05:43:46 PM »
From Tatsuro-

I did want to mention that there are plans to put more effort into 2.3 here in the near future with support from the Contagion devs but because I can't guarantee that atm I left it out.

So yeah, one day, maybe.. I'd say they do updates like once a year, so probably springtime next year we MIGHT see one, if it takes longer than that, I can imagine they'd give up.. idk

Anyway, yeah, the map hangup problem existed before Tower did the update, and it was just his idea to get a fix, ideally if you're not familar with a game and you see an outdated mod you're like OLESDOIT.

We should just do a clean reinstall of everything, and I'll add maps and plugins again.. I suppose. I still have more trouble finding plugins than I did back in the day.. I can't find mods like the Health upon melee kill mod, and the such.

Browsing other servers I saw a few cool plugins I liked, like the ability to type !menu, and an onscreen menu pops up with options on votekicking, votemuting, nominate, votemaps, vote for hardcore, blah blah. It also had a page for the Motd and the !motd pillz plugin worked beautifully.

In order to get the MOTD plugin working effectively we'd need a HTML page with the rules on it, I tried the ZPS rules page from the forums but forums don't display correctly ingame~

ANYYWAY, get shit fixed dawgs.

Tired of that lag and inability to revote/kick.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Skyward Sword
« on: November 10, 2011, 04:40:54 PM »
Each Zelda experience was uniquely different. This one has potential to be amazing, but I feel like the REAL Zelda sequel we all have been waiting for, won't come around till the WiiU is out.

Skyward sword is going to be AMAZING, but just from the way it looks, it gets scoffs and doubts from people who've never experienced a Zelda game, with comments like "Idk about that RPG shit, it looks like  you just solve puzzles and shit, I wanna kill people". Quote from my friend when he came in and saw me playing Zelda.

What I'M looking for is the revolution OoT brought to the world. I want graphics completely redesigned, no more cartoony shit. Like I said it won't be till the WiiU's bluray, and superior to PS3 and 360 graphics, that Zelda get's the re-up it deserves.

HD realism Zelda, can you imagine?

Anyway, I'm probably the biggest Zelda nerd here, anyone else play OoT literally 12+ times? I got the water temple memorized dawg.

Problem. There's a huge chance that Nintendo is going to screw the Wii U up in major way. Just from what Ive heard and ill have to find the article to prove it but Nintendo is already behind the hardware curve with the Wii U, so they are just gonna be behind again since it comes out what at the same year the new Xbox comes out, which is next year. New Zelda games take about 2-4 years to make. HD graphics yes but still its not gonna look anything compared to what the new Xbox will look like (and i don't care about the new Xbox, PC gamers unite!)

New XBOX? Well quite frankly I could give less of a fuck about the newer consoles and how the new "Better than PS3 and 360 graphics" will disappoint ANY Nindendo fans. This is a big step for Nintendo, BluRay? C'mon man. This will put a Nintendo console up at par with computers for the first time.

Regardless of the competition (Apparently PS4 is on the way in the next two years..) the WiiU is going to be the closest Nintedo ever comes to the competition. It's scheduled for release in the next year or so, and if Skyward Sword is on it's way to the shelves/out, they're already working on another one. For fucks sake it better for WiiU, not DS again..


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arHNcSMXaBk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arHNcSMXaBk</a>


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