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Debate Forum / Re: Born Gay
« on: January 01, 2012, 05:58:36 PM »
It's genetics I say!!! I know a group of quadruplets who are all gay. Not that they aren't nice though :P fun to hang around.

If they're quad's that means they all had similar lives though.. same parents same house and whatnot for most of their lives, so it could possibly be experience also.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Envy admin abuse
« on: January 01, 2012, 05:55:01 PM »
Jesus Christ.

Envy, I highly doubt Llama was doing anything worth banning, slaying or kicking. He's usually one of the most helpful people on the server, though like I, he is a long time Vet of ZPS. He knows how to strafe jump and unlike your friend Blah, I've neverr seen him actually Bhopping. He strafe jumps as do I, it's a technique to avoid getting shot, unlike bhopping which is exploiting the source engine to gain speed, which would be obvious on a deathrun map.

Sgt.Backstabber is some twelve year old who never has anything valuable to say and whenever I do any admin command he begs for slap or noclip, just because he asked for slap (again) you don't have to do it. Sure the server might of almost been empty but clearly it makes you look bad. That kind of abuse is only appropriate if everyone there is an admin.. even then it's obnoxious.

If the server was full I probably would take his admin away immediately, but I planted the idea you can slap people when the servers empty, so it's partially my fault. He'll get his first and last warning, if anything happens again Envy loses his admin. He's not as bad as he seems, though he could use spellcheck some more. Envy you sound mentally retarded on the forums. I'll work on getting the ZPS people more involved in the community. Maybe. If the community gets more involved in ZPS. :D Nobutseriously I'll try.

Admin Department / Re: server lagging/ crashing
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:39:02 PM »
For the record, Saxton Hale and ZPS lag like shit when other servers are full also. ZPS has had a really bad lag problem recently, and really it's kind of always been there since it was on the box. Anytime any of the other servers filled up when ZPS was pushing 20 people, everyone's ping would shoot up and I look at our other servers and their lagging too. ZPS isn't a game that works well with lag, because then zombies start teleporting and attacking you from far away, which is VERY fucking irritating.

Doubt it's related but I'm really close to posting a really angry thread about finally upgrading the Serverbox RAM, which was suggested months ago. I'm sick of people asking me why the server sucks so bad, then I have to explain why, or they just ragequit after saying fuck this server I'm going to play where it isn't laggy. etc.

The Art Forum / Re: They've recruited me for the new Twilight movie!
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:32:58 PM »
You need shinier hair and paler skin~ Like this guy-

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam Total Hours
« on: December 29, 2011, 04:59:20 PM »
Fuck that I never got to post here.

Zombie Panic Source: 2020+ Hours

Any other game: >100 Hours

Debate Forum / Re: Born Gay
« on: December 29, 2011, 04:55:36 PM »
This is like asking why you have a certain fetish

I also agree. It seems to be more of a fetish for me at least, considering it's not interupting my sexual prefernce for women which still very heavily exists, sometimes the idea of being with a guy turns me on too though. Just like the idea of a few other NSFW things turns me on also.. This is something completely different from a guy who could never imagine being with a woman, and who falls in love with men only. Clearly something in their life happened to deter them from wanting to date women, that's why some guys are gay but still like women, while others hardly want anything to do with them. Gene's only decide so much, but they don't decide your preference in anything else, why would it determine your sexuality.

Debate Forum / Re: Born Gay
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:23:03 AM »
If your parents were both straight, and made you, where does this gay gene come from?

If you're gay, shouldn't you be unable to pass such genes along...?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: December 25, 2011, 05:18:08 PM »
Trying to keep the deathruns that still work for the most part since they populate so easy, server's currently ranked 20th on Gametracker. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

I'm seriously surprised, that people even want to play on our server with the problems we have. Random lag that brings my own ping up to 300 due to OUR FUCKING SERVER BOX, and the recent glitchyness that started when WG tried to fix the server.

Added a few maps as they came out on Fpsbanana.

Still waiting for glitchy annoyingness to go away, really thinking of just buying CG a new ZPS server with imaginary money.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Another ZPS Issues thread
« on: December 25, 2011, 05:14:12 PM »
Server's still having problems. The ZPS playtester, NeoAssassain agreed to look at the server and see if he could notice anything. He brought up how he noticed we're missing some tickrate settings in the .cfg file, and then I brought up how WG attempted to switch the Tickrate, and when he did, that glitchyness started.

I'm thinking it never got changed back, or something, because whatthefuckelse could it be. Wholegrain, you need to fix this, you had to of done something.

ALSO, the maps I've been trying to add lately don't work. I add the .bsp and .bz2 file's to the zps/maps section, and upload a .bz2 to the FastDL, but it still says MISSING MAP, DISCONNECTING, when I try to switch the server to the maps I added.

The only one that didn't do this was the zpo_deathrun_jungle_v3, that worked fine.

Programming / Re: Formal Request: New boards
« on: December 25, 2011, 05:03:01 PM »
Why not, we already have a giant clusterfuck of forums to choose from, nobody will notice if there's 2 more.

Introductions Forum / Re: Im back
« on: December 25, 2011, 04:49:34 PM »
Welcome to CG! Hope you enjoy your stay.

Debate Forum / Re: Born Gay
« on: December 25, 2011, 04:14:34 PM »
Are you born gay or is it something that comes through experience? How can someone be bisexual?
Science has already pretty much touched enough on this in my opinion. According to what i've read some Scientiest believe no one factor makes someone gay or bisexual and that its a bunch of factions such as genetics and life experiences etc etc.

Either way the human isn't made to be like this. If they were men would have vagina's and dicks.

Don't get me wrong. Theres nothing wrong with being gay or bisexual in terms of acceptance.

I don't have anything agenst them. But its still a defect. Changeing they after birth however would cause an extream moral/social/ etc issues. It would be imoral to change someone stright after they've been birthed HOWEVER there is no issue in insureing that no more people are born gay or bisexual.

Also, when you say something like "Science has touched on this" you should probably post like, sources. I'm sure science has "touched on it", but how do you explain bi-sexuality? I'm bisexual, by the way.

Gay is a birth defect it's already well known. The human species (and all species for that matter) has 1 purpose. To reproduce, if one of them can't because there sexual attraction prevents this it's a defect. Huamns are made to be stright. I don't care if someones gay but its redicilious to deny the obvious.

ITS A BIRTH DEFECT? So bisexuality is also a birth defect? As far as I'm concerned your sexual preference isn't something hardwired into your brain, at birth at least. That's ridiculous. I heard there was research on the "Gay Gene" but I'm weary to believe that, so again post your scientific findings kind sir. Most of the 100% gay people I know didn't appear gay at all, hell I feel gayer than them sometimes. But they went to my elementary school, we had classes, recess, I saw them all the time. Most of them weren't openly gay till high school, but I wouldn't of guessed they'd ever be gay. I mean  this one kid was always made fun of for sounding funny, and apparently he only lived with his mom. So no big surprise when he was gay..

Like everything I've ever seen in my life makes me believe you aren't born gay or straight 100%. It's something in your head you have to develop, like religion. You might have Christianity shoved down your throat for 18 years, and turn into a god loving homophobe, or maybe not, I got 13 years of church before I got tired of asking serious questions at church that made things awkward and lost all my faith and started seeing things differently, or perhaps your parents are shit and 18 years of Christianity drives you insane, gay and suicidal.

Either way, just being gay your whole life since day one, doesn't make sense..

Debate Forum / Re: Genetic Testing.
« on: December 25, 2011, 03:58:01 PM »
to the point where people are changing their races and stuff, and if this can happen racism can be an obvious problem.

Dude what. You decide to make babby with a black person. Yet you don't want a black child.

I don't think.. that's what.. he meant? I'm not really sure what he meant either though, racism wouldn't be an issue.

Debating isn't fighting. If thats how you see it your looking at it wrong.

Also fiction is actually quite often based off of real science and expanded from that. Theres nothing to stop the capability of humans eventually making things like from desu ex. But I'm not even argueing that point.

Gay is a birth defect it's already well known. The human species (and all species for that matter) has 1 purpose. To reproduce, if one of them can't because there sexual attraction prevents this it's a defect. Huamns are made to be stright. I don't care if someones gay but its redicilious to deny the obvious.

I don't see it that way, but usually these turn into fights, or contain little ones. Like when someone doesn't understand what the hell you're talking about, why you're talking about it or how you spelled it and you ask them if they have a tumor on their brain. Which I would of replied to violently, with words. So it's a fight, ritelol?

(Insert Desu Ex joke here)
My point is fiction =/= reality. We're talking about genetic testing, my interests are focused on realities, not what happened in a script somewhere. It's based off of reality and then the imagination of the writer or director is applied. While it's very possible that could be our future, word for word it won't be. Just because robotics and prostethics exist and are being worked on, doesn't mean that we can achieve Deus Ex. Why the fuck would we want to honestly?

Let's talk about genetic testing and where it'll get us, not what happened in fiction and where it got "them". Or more importantly, what's going on today.

Debate Forum / Re: Born Gay
« on: December 25, 2011, 03:10:50 PM »
There really is no meaning of life as far as I'm concerned, but when it comes down to a basic survival objective, reproduction sounds great. Does that mean I think everyone's going to reproduce? No. Some people are going to drop dead at 6 years old, some are going to go gay and adopt kids, who cares. There are 7billion of us now, reproduction and sex are growing less and less necessary but sadly we want it more this century than ever before.

Regardless that's a bit off topic. Animals don't have sexual preference, of course they'd rather mate with a female, given that's how they reproduce and survive, but like everyone says, you put enough males in a room together long enough, they'll start attempting to "reproduce". You put me in a room with a cute guy long enough and I might try myself, but I have standards. Wat.

Anyway, the question is are you BORN gay, or do you TURN gay? Not whatever the fuck you're all talking about now. Inject's telling people they have tumors because they can't understand his typos about giraffes again and Finnie's confusing me.

Debate Forum / Born Gay
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:23:01 PM »
Are you born gay or is it something that comes through experience? How can someone be bisexual?

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