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Debate Forum / Re: Role of a Spiritual Person in a Civil Society
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:13:47 AM »
Thanks to all of you for calling me a worthless piece of shit, no really, I appreciate it. Good job.

Spiritual people don't contribute anything huh?
- http://community.ob.org/site/PageServer (Opporation Blessing)
- http://www.ehow.com/how_4660144_receive-church-donations.html (Helps the needy)
- http://atgrace.com/counseling (Free counseling/therapy)

These people are good people and I don't appreciate the insults you all just stated.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:00:06 PM »
Please, DO NOT justify yourself by stating "God has always existed. God is timeless". Just don't.

Christians live by the bible, the bible says he is omnipresent. It isn't a justification, it is what He is. To say a mortal made everything is quite silly. Telling Christians to not say what they believe doesn't make things easier.

I Don't understand why people keep arguing about these things (Origin of Life,God,Evolution) It servers no purpose, If your lucky you have maybe 70 years to live are you really going to spend your life trying to prove that the big bang really happened or that there is a god. I could never figure out why people keep bringing this topic up What happens if one side managed to prove what they believe (By the way no ones going to prove either belief fully) nothing people well keep believing in their god(s). I say give up on trying to figure out these things, If you spend your entire life trying to find out how the everything got here you are never going to see anything here.

We are arguing because this is a debate forum. The advancement of the human race serves no purpose? I'm sure past prodigies who invented air condition, vehicles, the internet (which you are using right now) would laugh. Thanks to other people devoting their life to something future generations may live on. The origin of life is an interesting topic. Deep down it's only natural to want to know more. Also, you stating a general assumption that because someone like me, who ponders about where it all happened, takes life for granted. You are dead wrong. I enjoy my life.

Debate Forum / Re: Are we slaves to money?
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:25:29 PM »
I'd have to disagree and say man, who harbors greed, is more evil than money. Money wasn't the issue. Actually it was Ford motors which begot this chain of greed we live in today. Cars were supposed to run off of alcohol. Oil would bring in more money so it was used as a fuel source.

Thanks to Ford motors' display of greed, social interaction between strangers doesn't happen as often as it used to. You used to be able to go to your mechanic and would have a conversation with them, now all they care about is your money and would rather skip the social interaction just to do their job.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:31:56 AM »
If you guys need me for admin on the server I'd be glad to again. I'd have to find time between school work and my band but I can devote a few hours a week for sure when I need a break from studying.

With over 900 hours on gmod (70%+ being on roleplay) I am sure I can do a good job in holding the server down while on.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« on: January 30, 2011, 05:14:07 PM »
-Good rules and good tools.
-Can't furnish your house/business with props.
-Wiremod is useless without props to wire with.
-Can't use the door tool.
-Some of the admin only wire tools such as: Thrusters, forcers, vector thrustors, e2, ect... are really not that big of a deal and should be respected instead. If you wish to argue this, gun dealer is for everyone and they sell weapons that kill. Forcers/e2 are helpful when making auto gunshops in buildings.
-Due to lack of non-combat alternatives (such as building or furnishing) or encouragement to be a cook or bartender, RDM is more likely to happen.

The Art Forum / Re: Chaos Aeon [Holys Band]
« on: January 30, 2011, 04:15:13 PM »
That's awesome that the music makes you invision the mood we try to portray. The grim aspects comes from the black metal influence. I agree on the reverb part. That was the studio we went to. The 2 songs we have up are unique. The other 7 we have are completely different sounding. There is one called Reborn which is upbeat and energetic in contrast to the grim sound. I know there is going to be another video with segments of our original 4 songs on the EP to give a better idea of our sound. I'll post that when it comes out.

The Art Forum / Re: Chaos Aeon [Holys Band]
« on: January 30, 2011, 07:16:36 AM »
The people we went to put reverb on the screams, we got 4 songs for $400 which was the best we could do. JP and I have different styles of screaming, usually fans either like his style of writing music or mine. JP is into black metal like Watain and Gorgoroth. I'm into Dark Tranquility and Amon Amarth. Then we have logan who has a lot of classic rock, blues, and punk influence on guitar and Kaji on drums who is a huge prog metal head.

Our LP is going to be recorded at a different place, luckily JP and Phil Anselmo know each other on a first name basis from working at the House of Shock in New Orleans and he is going to listen to us and hopefully sign us with Housecore Records which he owns.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:39:42 PM »
I see you stance and agree that one day science will be able to do some pretty mind blowing things. I just cannot fathom the idea of such events happening in nature to create life, that's all.

The Art Forum / Re: Chaos Aeon [Holys Band]
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:37:10 PM »
Yeah, I apologize for the quality of the recordings, it's all we can afford at the moment since we are just starting out. We try to make a style of music that does metal justice and at the same time have something pleasing that everyone can like and hopefully have fun listening to... of course figuring out what genre this is has been a challenge in itself. x-x

The Art Forum / Chaos Aeon [Holys Band]
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:25:32 PM »
Hey guys, my band just put out 2 songs on youtube and I wanted to get opinions. We only added our 2 fan favorites for now. Even if you aren't into metal it would be cool to hear what you think. I play keyboard and do lead vocals for Karnival Killer, the guitarist, JP, does lead vocals for Screams of the Voodoo Priest.

Screams of the Voodoo Priest:

Karnival Killer: (Our fun song)

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:17:59 PM »
Jorgen, read up on this: http://www.sciencecodex.com/lost_millerurey_experiment_created_more_of_lifes_building_blocks

Stanley Miller had an experiment to product simple amino acids with his experiments, but he was not happy with his results. If it is that hard for Miller (after 3 different attempts) to make amino acids in perfect lab conditions, it is highly unlikely for amino acids to form in nature. Also, considering the complexity of a strand of DNA (which you should know is no simple thing to make) I assume, out of probability, that the likelihood of DNA strands forming in nature is slim to none.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 27, 2011, 10:08:53 PM »
If you can't find the glaring scientific inaccuracies in the Bible then I don't know why I bother arguing with you.

An excuse to not answer the given question, as I too am curious seeing that as said before, science can only explain the natural.

Scientific theories may be fallible. Science is not fallible. Until they are disproved, tested and approved theories are held to be true.

Theories are falliable.. good good.. science is not falliable.. a matter of opinion, but I like it. The last sentence is wrong. "Until they are disproved, tested and supported theories are more likely to be true."

None of these quotes rebut my actual points (unsurprising; theists tend not to sufficiently rebut any point made by atheists), but hey, congratulations! You just pointed out some of the many instances where your precious God condemns freethinking. Thank you for reminding the us how much of an iron-fisted tyrant he is.

With respect to your commentary on the first quote, the mere possibility that atheists was wrong is not even remotely a legitimate argument against our conclusions.

Not sure what this has to do with the origin of life.

Superstitions use the supernatural to answer the questions that science has not yet found an answer to. There is a long and deep history of superstitions diminishing with scientific advances. You ("you" generally) are stupidly jumping to absurd and unsupported conclusions just because you don't have answers immediately at hand. The fact that something is unexplainable does not give you the license to shit out whatever fantasy you find most appealing. Superstitions are a human construct. The supernatural is a device functioning within that human construct.

It's extremely unlikely that science, study of natural, will never be able to explain the supernatural. Beyond sentence one is just bickering until you get to sentence five which is a true statement, well the explanation of what a superstition is man made anyway. Real supernatural events are in no way, shape, or form conceived by the human mind or brought on upon by a human. If it were, it would be a natural prank or natural lie and not supernatural.

Yes, RANDOMLY. One person is RANDOMLY born in the United States and so is RANDOMLY a Christian. Another person is RANDOMLY born in Iran and so is RANDOMLY a Muslim. Another person is RANDOMLY born in India and so is RANDOMLY a Hindu. Another person was born in ancient Greece two and a half millennia ago and so RANDOMLY yearned to suck Zeus' dick. Then, if you DO consider conversion to another religion, or if, godforfuckingbid, you convert from atheism, you RANDOMLY reject one unprovable religion in favor of whichever other tickles your culturally prejudiced fancy.

There are some random elements which come into play. When parents have sex, they know that it's possible for them to have a kid. If they are really trying for a kid then it is not random, it is that child's future to be a child of those parents. As far as faith, yes, parents have something to do with that. It isn't random though. Once the child grows up to.. let's say a teen, that teen is given the option to decide on it's own. It isn't random at all. Also, there are those who decide to convert.. they don't flip a coin and say, "Uh oh, it's heads today, I'm going Christian!"


If you consider that one sentence which was an example evidence, I can see where you get your "facts" from.

Do not fucking mischaracterize atheists with "I don't care" when the crux of the entire debate (deciding whether or not to be—how do I say this without offending you?—rational) is staring you in the face. If you DON'T know the answer's staring you in the face, then you need a fucking high school–level education in science and theology.

Lol, that just sounded like "You don't agree with me so you are stupid."

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:25:34 PM »
Science is the study of the natural, not the supernatural, because the supernatural is a figment of the imagination unsupported by a single piece of evidence. Belief in the Christian God is no different than belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Just because your fantasy is impossible to disprove doesn't mean it should be taken seriously. There's no logic behind randomly choosing to subscribe to one superstition while rejecting however many others the human species has concocted over the course of its existence.

No evidence? That explains the 1,000,000's of hours of paranormal footage and audio recordings. Not to mention the enormous amount of personal stories and claims of personal experiences. Now there is not much telling us what exactly these entities are, but it's more likely that they are, in fact, existent. I'd appreciate it if you didn't troll and take out your anger on religion here. This is a group effort to educate each other which what knowledge we have, not an out lashing with the "fantasy" and "flying spaghetti monster" comments. You make it sound like you know everything there is to know about life, it makes you seem arrogant and distasteful. Also if you read my post, my beliefs aren't random and do contain logic.

Pillz you brought up an interesting point:

There may of been elements on the earth that are now extinct. Perhaps there (in the pool theory) were a few protiens and whatnot, but element X jumped in the equation and we have life. That may be the reason for the creation of a lot of things. We're the answer to an equation we can't solve. We won't find x.

I am not to familiar with carbon dating or whatever method would be used, but wouldn't traces of element x be able to be traced on fossils that were dated a long time ago. Also, I would think that the element x would be abundant in living animals assuming it is the building blocks of life.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 19, 2011, 07:19:30 PM »
I have been biding my time to say what my beliefs are. Rest assured, this is different than the religion thread, although religion is an acceptable answer to what you believe, this is meant to gather all knowledge shared by this community to perhaps give a hint to this answer. It's also beneficial that we correct mistakes and show where we got our information from to make a more valid point to avoid bickering.

I believe what the Bible says in that God created everything and I have scientific reasoning for this.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the amount of usable energy in a closed system (the universe) is decreasing. In layman's terms, that states that the universe is slowly coming to an end over time. So it did have a beginning. Aristotle's causality (cause and effect) says that every effect must have a cause. This is to not say the Big bang didn't occur, but rather, that it must of had something or some being (God) make it happen. So If the big bang could occur, and a being (God) is capable of doing such a thing. Then it is a plausible to consider that the creation story has credibility to it and even that the Big Bang was part of the creation story. In Genesis, it says the first day water was formed [Jorgen brought up hydrogen being composed in the start of earth.] Science's explanation of land forming, then plants and animals goes hand in hand with God's creation.

Answers to where life came from similar to Jorgen's answer made me do some research. I found an error with:

Then most likely small carbon chains started reacting with things around it acids were made, aminoacids so forth.

Although this is a plausible guess, it has already been tested:

Evolutionists speculated that life came from chemical pools containing carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia which combined randomly to form DNA molecules. In the 1950s, Stanley Miller performed a simple experiment to see if these theories would actually work. He succeeded in producing some simple amino acids, and his experiment was hailed as proving that life could be generated spontaneously from non-living matter. However, the proclamations were premature. No one has yet produced life from a pool of chemicals in spite of a lot of tinkering. Astrophysicist Hugh Ross comments: “Even under highly favorable conditions of a laboratory, these soups have failed to produce anything remotely resembling life. One problem is that they produce only a random distribution of left- and right-handed pre-biotic molecules… Life chemistry demands that all the molecules be either right- or left-handed. With all our learning and technology we cannot even come close to bringing life together in the lab” (This quote is located in "The Creator and the Cosmos", Ross, 1993, p. 148)

With that being said. I feel that this doesn't necessarily prove God, but rather states what the law of biogenesis states which is that life can only come from other life. This means that life demands a life giver, which points more to a deity which I believe to be God.

I also believe that science cannot disprove God because science is the study of the natural, not the super natural. Thus science can only disprove itself.

Jorgen, where did you read up on your beliefs? I'd like to check them out and do more research.

Debate Forum / Origin of Life
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:13:35 AM »
How did life get here?

-All posts must contain the word "life" or a variant of the word "life" in it at least once.

Trendy ways to start this:
-Big Bang
-Dark Emo's chest hairs

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