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Messages - Pillz

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Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Play more ZPS please?
« on: April 09, 2012, 01:43:03 PM »
ZPS is weird, because it's basically a well known underground mod, to put simply.. People from hundresds of ountries play, but only a few six hundred or more play at one time. The server is most easily populated from 12pm-5pm EST, I've noticed. It becomes harder as night comes on but I've filled servers at 2am in the morning with foriegners..

Best maps to populate with when alone:
any deathrun

You can essentially go afk for 30 minutes on any of these and usually one to four people join. Armory is the best though, you just have to make sure any players tat join don't leave immediately because you're afk and nobody joins. Some people patiently wait for more joiners, preferring emptier servers.

there's just something about armory that attracts players, I'm almost certain that the erver being on armory makes it higher in the server list when they're looking for a server to join. I think this because we get SOO MANY first timers on armory it's retarded. If you ask them why they picked our server, they either have no idea or say it was one of the first ones. Even when I was the only person in the server I've gotten new people like that.

so while most of you hate armory, maybe you'll understand my love for it a bit more. You also get some nice, quick target practice. :)

Minecraft / Re: New Minecraft Server!
« on: April 07, 2012, 06:58:19 PM »
I'm always put off by other people doing this with MC servers because they only last as long as their interested. So as long as you actively update mods and the server, and don't let it become this boring unupdated blob of grief; I'm happy.

I allowed my sister to play on our server, and took all my valuables out of my chests so she couldnt steal them, and when I went to find her in my cave, she had rerouted my minecart route into lava, so I lost all my nether items, diamonds, and anything else important that I had lots of. I raged hard, but oh well, getting a new server makes me happy again.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Play more ZPS please?
« on: April 07, 2012, 04:10:18 AM »
I like the whole, you die and become a zombie, aspect of it, but to me it feels like I am playing as one of the useless horde zombies, not a zombie that will actually cause some damage. Also in my defense, Left 4 dead IS different each time, the horde is the same, but there is usually different ways of dealing with situations and different people you have to cope with.

Idunno, I just feel like whenever I play L4D2 campaign, I pick Dark Carnival or another, and it's about the same all the way through, just dying differently and using different guns, dealing with different zombies as they spawn wherever.. After you play a while you kind of expect everything there is, just not knowing when exactly it'll happen, etc. They have their own ways of being different each time, and so does ZPS but you aren't really a useless horde zombie, standard zombies can drop a human in 4 hits w/o armor, and whitey, the faster and stronger zombie that can control where zombies spawn and infect humans; can drop a human in 3 hits if they have no armor. If a human is a good shot, one zombie might not be able to stop a human; but the more zombies the better.

So as zombies, you have to do on the fly planning with other zombies to corner humans. Sometimes there's an excess of 20 other human players at the start of a round, and as a zombie you can lay back and watch for stragglers, humans that look like an easy kill because they're focused on something else or for whatever reason. You build up your numbers and team up with other zombies you pass to increase your chance to kill, etc. As an experience player, it's really fun for me to be able to help others out as I find them, often saving their lives as humans; and raping a human or two with a few zombie buddies never gets old.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Play more ZPS please?
« on: April 06, 2012, 07:55:21 PM »
I would play more zps, but I could never get around the fact that it felt like a larger shittier version of Left 4 dead. Meme12

:l It's not like L4D at all really, I don't believe ZPS ever gets old due to NO AI at all. L4D and L4D2 got boring after a few weeks, and I only play if friends invite me, and even then it kind of bores me. L4D offers the same  linear levels with seeminly random zombie spawns, and linear based objective that get harder based on difficulty and the other random things L4D added. While ZPS offers human v human levels that range from linear objective maps, non-linear objective maps, time limit objective maps, survival maps where zombies have X amount of lives and the humans have to survive, and then we have fun custom maps like dodgeball and deathruns. There's even more than that, such as ZPA where zombies and humans have to capture different spots on the map, earning them extra carrier zombies or weapons, etc. ZPA mode was kind of a dumb idea but some people like it, then there's ZPH, hardcore mode where zombies have 90% infection and weapons deal less damage. Humans just have to survive 5 minutes. I have 2400+ hours on ZPS, and less than 200 on L4D 1 and 2 combined. Clearly I prefer one over the other, which is why I'm a head admin, but from my experience I'd say ZPS is the coolest.

It's quite different, I wouldn't say it's bigger and I suppose since L4D has made hundreds of thousands of dollars it probably more played, liked and "better". Especially graphically. I prefer ZPS for it's playability though, endlessly capping retarded AI zombies in L4D gets old, where in ZPS every zombie has it's own skill level depending on the player. Some zombies like I know how to spin around and avoid bullets, where others walk in straight lines making headshots too easy. I really enjoy playing Zombie and destroying the human team, I'd even say zombie is overpowered but people always complain about getting Zombie and don't even try... There are many different servers that offer different gameplay styles and sometimes you just have to find the type of map you like. Some people prefer cabin/lake maps and barricading for 10 minutes while I prefer doing objectives and leading a team around. Basically the game is ALWAYS different because you spawn with different people, different zombies, so what people choose to do is always changing, giving each map gives you enough options.

Yeah.. but anyway saying L4D is better than ZPS in any ZPS server causes mass rage. Most people will defend L4D as a good game but everyone agree's it's not as replayable and that ZPS offers much more fun and lulz. It's a hell of a lot prettier, but like women, beauty doesn't ensure a long, happy relationship.

I prescribe a heavy dose of ZPS, that should clear your botched opinion of the game right up!

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Play more ZPS please?
« on: April 05, 2012, 07:39:33 PM »
i would love to play zps but the invalid steam ticket of death impedes my way  meme1

Yeah, there's a fix for it, not to hard. If all else fails Sejo got his to work by deleting almost everything, copying important files and dragging them back afterwards.

It even happened to me 3-4 times, and sometimes it gives me a single INVALID STEAMUSERID TICKET error, and when I reconnect it goes away.

Zombie Panic: Source / Play more ZPS please?
« on: April 05, 2012, 05:04:04 PM »
I made a steam community post about it, I'm going to post it here. Nobody plays ZPS anymore, I'm not going to bother with doing ZPS hours for now because only 2-3 of my admins have ANY hours. I'd like to keep the 2wk minimal to 15-20hrs, given I have had 35 on average when I was away for a week as opposed to the usual 60-80hrs. Sadly I can't do this, because nobody has more than ten hours.

I posted an away thread because I won't be able to play 6-10 hours every day anymore. I have work, a girlfriend, and soon a house. After all that settles down I might be back, but we REALLY need everyone to play more ZPS. I don't understand why you guys won't play this game. It used to be the backbone of SKG/KAT/EarlyCG, and now I feel I'm the only person that gives a poop about it. Patty, Sejo and Pyro seem to be the only people showing any interest anymore, and for that I am very thankful.

I still have no idea who a replacement HA would be though, I'm not planning on stepping down, but if I had to; I'd like for the ZPS server to live on for me to play on still. I know we all have our games we like, and most of you don't care for ZPS; but please give it more time. The game is NOT dead, a minor update was released not to long ago to fix some issues, and they are working on the next update. They even opened up playtesting again and I applied. Who knows what they're working on, but it's coming out before the end of the year. Contagion is looking better and better also, perhaps we could get a server for that when it comes out.

But seriously, come on CG, play more ZPS. If you never tried it, get it and try it. If you don't like it, give it another try on different maps. We have ZPO maps, ZPS maps, fun maps, cabin, deathruns and others too. I really need everyone's help; it's a fun game and our server was ranked top 20 for a while, now it's slipping past 30 and 40 on Gametracker..

Admins especially. I see to many of ZPS's admins playing many other games, and then when I ask them about playing ZPS they don't have the time. Hmph.

ZPS is slipping away from CG.. and by extension I am too; it's like ZPS players are a minority now. All.. 7 or 8 of us..

Introductions Forum / Re: Sup.
« on: April 05, 2012, 02:33:09 PM »
[Started Debate thread on"Arrogance"; copied posts to that thread.]


Debate Forum / Arrogance~
« on: April 05, 2012, 02:32:15 PM »
Other than that, I tend to seem fairly arrogant to people. This may include me telling them they're massive morons, but also my general attitude on everything. Don't take offense, I usually don't mean any.
I have fun with discussions and arguments.

We're all morons, it's a small disadvantage to being a human. We all spend our lives trying to become as un-moronic as possible and we all do that differently; learning some things/not learning other things, making each human their own individual. Sometimes people get rash when you challenge what they know; depending on how you go about doing so. Most anyone who firmly believes in the knowledge they've collected can be called arrogant; I even get called so sometimes when I strive not to seem arrogant at all. All you can do is try to share your knowledge as kindly as possible when it's appropriate; and sometimes not say anything and let people learn on their own. You'll have to do a lot of the later to get along well here.. Hahh.

On the subject of arrogance: Just knowing a bunch of information does not give you grounds to be arrogant. It is your ability to use the information you have accumulated.
Because if information was intelligence then the people with photographic memory would be the biggest geniuses of human kind.

Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

So from my experience, arrogant people can be dumb, smart, or anywhere in between. It's just a matter of how they share what they know, and some people start to assume they're better because they think they know more than others. All I'm saying is technically everyone learns things differently, at our own paces, sometimes missing information others focused on learning about more than we did. My idea of arrogance is the people who think lower of other people because they didn't know that one or two bits of knowledge they did, and sometimes they just assume that person is stupid for not knowing. Arrogance can come from completely unrelated things too, like money, massive muscles, and good looks. It's always up to you how you appear to other people, so don't walk and talk like a God when you aren't. While some people think it's good to fully express their opinion regardless of how other people respond/feel about it, sometimes it's better to just let it go; unless you can do so in a way people will listen to you.

I could be arrogant about how I expressed my view on arrogance, but that would be retarded because I doubt anyone's opinion is the same; like in most cases. So I'd essentially be starting a flame war, which I feel like we've seen on the forums quite a few times before. Especially when it came down to opinion-biased things like religion and whatnot.. A great example of arrogance is just thinking religious people are dumb after recently adopting atheism, picking fights with people over how much sense their religion makes. That's part of the reason why we don't allow religious debates here anymore I believe.. Everyone here's been pretty good boys and girls lately though..

So anyway, what do you all think of arrogance or any present opinions on it? Is arrogance just another way to be a douchebag, or can you kindly be arrogant perhaps? :o

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft News :D and :C
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:35:56 PM »
Yeah most of them are out now I believe..

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:54:29 PM »
^ Has questionably unfunny obnoxious retarded gifs as his signature that I don't understand, but I prefer the current over the previous sig. Your mom is also a slutwhore on tuseday mornings.  trollface

< Caribou

v Will aid me in my quest to create a Zombie Outbreak

Introductions Forum / Re: Sup.
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:48:20 PM »
Other than that, I tend to seem fairly arrogant to people. This may include me telling them they're massive morons, but also my general attitude on everything. Don't take offense, I usually don't mean any.
I have fun with discussions and arguments.

We're all morons, it's a small disadvantage to being a human. We all spend our lives trying to become as un-moronic as possible and we all do that differently; learning some things/not learning other things, making each human their own individual. Sometimes people get rash when you challenge what they know; depending on how you go about doing so. Most anyone who firmly believes in the knowledge they've collected can be called arrogant; I even get called so sometimes when I strive not to seem arrogant at all. All you can do is try to share your knowledge as kindly as possible when it's appropriate; and sometimes not say anything and let people learn on their own. You'll have to do a lot of the later to get along well here.. Hahh.

Anywho, it's not to often I see an intro that doesn't make me facepalm, so please stick around.

Install and Download Zombie Panic Source also, if you haven't. Nobody in this community cares about it anymore. Q_Q

Introductions Forum / Re: Guess whos back........
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:27:34 PM »
I prefer MAU5, though I think it's a little obnoxious. BRACKET MOUSE BRACKET UNDERSCORE V UNDERSCORE Like Cortez said, it's your forum name and admin name, might as well keep it that way. I don't really like name changes at all, people who change their names daily-weekly make me want to rage so bad. I'm not going to call you something different every goddamn week, there are too many goddamn players on Steam to have to keep up with name changes. It's the best way to have me forget you and delete you.

Don't pick a name you're not going to like, so fuck our opinion; pick whatever you think you could be for 3+ more years.

I've been Pillz for 7 years, and now that I'm not on Adderall/Stratera/Ritalin anymore I should probably change my nickname, but it would take weeks for me to settle on a name I liked. Pillz was original-ish back in the day, the only other people I could find via searches were Rappers and Drug addicts sharing the nickname on myspace, now there's like 10 million kids on steam "BILLS PILLZ" "PILLZ HERE" "PILLZY" etc. Fucking L4D.

Old Time Aways / Probable Decreased Activity/Away Time
« on: April 02, 2012, 03:07:11 AM »
Name: Asshole

Time you are leaving: Not really leaving, but things should start happening within the next month.

In Which server you are admin on: ZPS

Additional Comments: My Grandpa from my dad's side lives in cali, he's about 80 now, and can't exactly live on his own out there anymore. He's coming to live in my house, and basically me and the girlfriend are getting a house together at somepoint soon. Before that I get to fly to Cali and drive Grandpa's 97 truck cross country with me madre n shit, or just stay out there.. that's actually a really good idea now that I think of it, he won't be needing his old house.. ANYWAY I'll have my computer set up in our apartment/house eventually and things might go back to normal. If not I might have to think about stepping down, but I figure if I could play ZPS at least every now and then I'm still playing as much as anyone else; I can't imagine who'd be a replacement head and be active.

Anywho, TL:DR moving out of moms house eventually, nobody give me shit for not playing ZPS enough. All of you reading this go play more, nobody plays anymore and I want to punch my dick sometimes.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: =DiG= vs. -=CG=-
« on: March 30, 2012, 03:17:29 PM »
Oh, well let us know when our match is, most of our community hardly plays ZPS as it is, I'd like to be able to tell people when WE play so they can figure out if they can.

As predicted this had me rallying up CG members to play friday.  Meme9

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: =DiG= vs. -=CG=-
« on: March 29, 2012, 08:01:02 PM »
Wait, I'm still confused, is this the DIG match WE were invited to, or not?

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  • Inject OH 4: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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