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Messages - Pillz

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Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:52:02 AM »
Well I know Inject doesn't want it and Death is iffy; Alpha wouldn't mind but as a collective I think we should keep him banned from the forums.

Anyone have a problem with him being unbanned from ZPS or any other game servers though?

In The News / Re: People rustling jimmies
« on: December 19, 2013, 11:20:18 PM »
I think everyone needs to lighten up. The teacher obviously messed up, but we all know, Christmas is white.

Regardless, telling someone they shouldn't have dressed up as someone because of their race is a pretty dick move

Menschen anderer Ethnien erhalten auf weiße Menschen für sie. Oszillierende sollte es nicht anders sein.

My German is too rusty to get what you are saying here, some of these words are really obscure, like "Oszillierende" wat even

Also for lols:
10)   Post in English Only.

Solo ingles es microphono porefourvdoors

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 19, 2013, 08:05:38 PM »
PRETTY sure this broke my WiiU.

The WiiU box reads:
This product contains technical protection measures. Any unauthorized modifcation of the hardware or SOFTWARE, or the use of an unauthorized device or software, will render your Wii U system permanently unplayable and result in removal of unauthorized content.

It's been about five days since I first successfully ran Project M on my smash bros. I had left the SD card in the WiiU and played both BlackOps and Mario while it was still in. Mario was the last game I played before turning the system off, and for some reason it stopped displaying the video output and the Gamepad stopped working. Troubleshat with Nintendo for them to be like "lol thats weird, idk what to tell you I never heard of this" but thank GOD my parents got the 2 year warranty at Gamestop. I didn't tell them I installed project M on an SD Card but that's literally the only thing that could of went wrong.

So fair warning to WiiUsers. I'll be chatting with the Project M people later to see if they know any of this.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Pillz Time Away
« on: December 19, 2013, 01:27:57 AM »
I swear, if I see you on the forums or on Steam..

Don't worry, I'll be walking in park, meditating and drinking tea the entire time.

Admin Time Away Forum / Pillz Time Away
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:53:14 AM »
I'll be taking the next week easy here, won't be on too much and will be moving around a bunch for the holidays too. Things have been a little crazy round here lately and I'm trying to keep stress down for the holidays, I've been a little pissy bitch lately and haven't been sleeping much or eating right due to being on a ramen budget along with family/work stress; but I'll come back after Christmas and try to get back on track. I'll be around still though.

Happy holidays CG.

-Christmas On-

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Can we fix/regroup the header buttons?
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:44:11 PM »
Not compatible with that theme.

not compatible?.. your going to have to elaborate
Oh Sorry my bad, You don't see the bans button because Pillz who setup the retired thing with out waiting for approval did it wrong and it has incorrect permissions. Because everyone thinks they know how to run the forums better then me even tho I've been doing it longer.

Meh, I'll fix it.

*And by run I mean setting up the internals of it, like adding logos modifying themes...setting up new permissions, etc Given I have more experience with SMF then anyone here and I'm a pretty avid webmaster but meh*

You're so fucking cute sometimes Inject.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Map Suggestions 3.0
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:04:35 AM »
For the death run maps its if the admins choice if they want them or not. zpo deathrun corrida v7, zps deathrun buildings v5, zps uberpush v1, zps 8houses(Any map), zps lake of acid siffix and zpo zombhunter.
These could be some nice maps for the server. :D  parrot

Post the links for download and I'll throw them all on to check out, although BuildingsDeathrun requires 400-500 gravity so won't work. The first jumps are too far apart, but we'll see about the others.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Can we fix/regroup the header buttons?
« on: December 18, 2013, 01:50:20 AM »
Ralph is moderator of his MC section and that gives him the Bans and Moderate~ tabs for some reason.

I have had this issue for a while, even with my low-res vertex full screened ATM the logout button is below the Home button and prevents me from clicking the first part from the threads-string (Conjoint Gaming [Game On] >> CG Technical > CG Comm sugg- > post reply) and sometimes causes accidental logouts.

I believe we should remove the Calander,  change My Messages to Mail, blahblah. That might help along with what Ralph said.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 18, 2013, 01:44:05 AM »

Well then the question is now how do we punish Inject for his recent racism thread, I mean yeah he was joking but he had me more convinced that he thinks poor people should stop breeding than Crypto had me convinced he was tired of homosexuality in the news. From what I heard though Inject sounds like he really thought what he's talking about through though, Crypto's post was blatant retardation, just like all the retardation before him in the thread he got banned from.
No you're not pulling that shit.
1 I wasn't racist. 2 It was among only friends in a public talking point on TS. Not related and not the same.
Cryptos post where not blatantly obviously or anything. There was no indication he didn't mean them. No more then my own at least. And I'm really damn good at reading between the lines (or more then most people). And if I sound like I was serious or not in that thread is not relevant since I clearly indicated I wasn't, however even if I was that isn't even an issue. You can't ban someone from having a different opinion, wrong or not. The idea is they don't express there opinion not that they don't have it.

For example if someone was a homophobe, we would let them join the community. We wouldn't know, they wouldn't say. And we'd all go along our Marley days. However if he then expressed he opinions and offended a member  or broke the rule within a homophobic way, then yes we punish him. We aren't therapist. We aren't hear to rebuild people.

And my thread was a joke. Really bad timing for Kwaurtz to post it? Yeah. Did I ask him to? No.

we both know Crypto as a friend where Inject's only ever known him as an enemy,
Wrong again. Before ban 3 we got along. I was fine. Then he did something. Cadaver banned him. Fin.

Worst Case scenario if we unban him: He calls someone dumb, or as Inject used to say "Do you have down syndrome or something?"
Best Case scenario if we unban him: He posts coherently and gets along with everyone.

He knows the rules, and if he's unbanned; he knows we'll be enforcing them (properly).
Did he not know the rules the last 3 times he got banned then?
Your logic is tragically flawed.

By this logic we should unban everyone. I don't see how you are able to be so double standard.
And honestly when is the last time I've said "Do you have down syndrome or something?". It's been a pretty long time. Pretty sure I stoped when CG rules changed and we became the Nazi empire we are today.

Oh shit, sorry was that a secret?

Hey, if changing us from the Nazi empire we are today makes people happy, I'm down because that's half the problem. That's the point behind me saying "I think the ban was too harsh because the whole thread was a joke, it was an aprils fools day thread", and that's how we knew he wasn't serious. Then he wasn't even being grammatically correct, so that should be a big red flag for someone like Crypto. I agree he's pushed the line before but for example; if I understand the situation correctly he was kicked from MC for complaining about not being able to use an addon~ like I can only imagine how much more that antagonized him, but I don't know what happened so I'll stay out of it.

I'm not seriously saying you've done any wrong Inject, I thought the audio was going to be worse when I saw the thread. The point is both of you were claiming to be joking, and neither of you should be punished. If we're going to follow a system that ends up with people banned for saying pushy things like that repeatedly, we should fairly apply it to everyone and start counting every report to a moderator, giving people 3-30 temporary forum bans and blah blah blah. That'd just be more "nazism" to everyone though I'm sure, but I dunno. Crypto was fine back on the SKG forums, with KAT and never caused any problems until CG. He has always been a fun guy to play ZPS with and talk to, and

I want him unbanned but I'd be willing to vote -1 if the community really doesn't want it. It's REALLY hard to specify the "community" too. No matter WHAT happens, half of CG likes Crypto and wants to give him a chance, the other half doesn't; or at least a portion of the community doesn't get what they want..

Maybe we can organize some community addition to the ban appeal process where everyone can add them and play/talk with Crypto and vote in a month on what they feel should be done.

We need more threads as active as this one btw, 1000+ views already? Jeezypeezy

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 17, 2013, 09:09:40 PM »
Look if we can make this work in a way that isn't hypocrisy, like pointing out how bullshit his past bans were because WG banned him for bullshit reasons, and the most recent ban wasn't until a couple days AFTER his post everyone says is responsible for him being banned I'd be +1 to unban.

If we can't come up with a LEGITIMATE reason to unban him, it would just be a big joke to unban him, and in that case I would say -1.

I don't think it would be hypocritical to unban someone who was banned for illegitimate reasons, and I feel Crypto has more ground for getting unbanned based on community input than say RebelMaster or Wholegrain. If we can't get him unbanned from the forums I'd at least like to see him unbanned from ZPS since he's been playing so much lately.

In The News / Re: People rustling jimmies
« on: December 17, 2013, 08:43:26 PM »
Everyone knows Santa is really Uncle Ruckus.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 17, 2013, 08:36:42 PM »
Making jokes about that stuff on a server or in TS/vent is something different all together. I'm not saying that it's okay, but it's easier to understand that it is supposed to be humorous and it's more or less a private conversation. It's not a true comparison. I don't agree with having votes whatsoever. In this instance I think that the CLs should act like members of parlament. You vote on what the people in your riding want, or in this case what you feel the general population of CG wants, unless you have a serious and logical objection to it.

Ps. Yahtzee shouldn't even be considered a HA as he has no real server, but that's something else altogether.

I honestly don't even know what to do based on the peoples responses in this thread, I feel the negativity against unbanning crypto but I feel like it's almost down the middle here; but I'll count in a little while and we'll give this a few more weeks so Inject doesn't get mad at me.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 17, 2013, 07:55:22 PM »
I got it working in case I never posted, bought a 2GB SD card for 3.60$ or so at gamestop.

Roy's badass, I used to use him a lot and his charge attack feels so satisfying to unleash. Mewtwo got some nice tweaks from Melee and I LOVE his armor special costume. I've missed teleporting quite a bit, and his final smash looks wicked despite being cloned from lucario.

The special costumes in general are awesome, like Dry Bones Bowser and PJ Toon Link~ Princess Peach's special costume is awesome too because it chances her heart animations to dark energy attacks.

Favorite so far's gotta be Ivysaur; the buffs each of the 3 starter Pokemon got were spectacular, and kicking ass with squirtle is pretty fun too; but adding SolarBeam and Synthesis for Ivysaur was the coolest addition for me. I wish they got Final Smashes but who needs those anyway, they're badass enough as it is.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 17, 2013, 07:41:30 PM »
There is literally no point to unban someone just to see them get rebanned. That will create a circle of unbanning and rebanning.

Irony and satire does not make rule breaking acceptable. If I were to go and write a racist statement using derogatory term and assumed that people would see the humour and what not I would still be punished because it is still racist, it's still offensive. Assuming Crypto is as smart as he tries to appear he should know that, it's common sense.

Well then the question is now how do we punish Inject for his recent racism thread, I mean yeah he was joking but he had me more convinced that he thinks poor people should stop breeding than Crypto had me convinced he was tired of homosexuality in the news. If it were Rebelmaster or Crypto saying everything Inject said word for word, everyone would have a field day trying to get them banned for it. From what I heard though Inject sounds like he really thought what he's talking about through though, Crypto's post was blatant retardation, just like all the retardation before him in the thread he got banned from.

People keep saying he got chances but I feel like nobody ever really gave him a single one. It was less of a chance and more of a "BE GOOD OR WE'LL FUCKING SLIT YOUR THROAT" kind of thing. Kind of like when an angry parent tells their kid to be good or they'll beat them and the kid naturally gets angry and doesn't want to do anything but be bad.

What good would unbanning him bring? What good does allowing normal players to post do? It allows them to talk with the community and be a part of CG, something Crypto would like to officially be a part of without being labeled the Troll God, and maybe create a good name for himself; but that seems impossible at this point and even if he were unbanned, the way people look at him in CG would probably just have people picking at him until he retaliates, hoping he gets himself banned again.

I'm just saying that the reason for his ban is borderline idiotic and we would NEVER ban somebody from a gameserver for saying things like that. We would warn them and possibly gag them if they continued, but it was an april fools thread that was taken too seriously. If it were an option to reverse the ban due to bullshit, instead of unbanning him; I would go for that but I don't think we do that. As if we have any consistent formality in CG...

Either way my voice should mean nothing more than the rest of the communities, I didn't make this as an attempt to finally get him unbanned now that I'm a CL. Sadly the way the current "RULES" are for this type of thing say that it's the CL'S vote and then HA's vote that matter. I don't agree with how that works either, and think it should be more community dependent. Since Death has chosen not to vote it's up to me and Alpha and I don't think that's very fair because we both know Crypto as a friend where Inject's only ever known him as an enemy, but I guess that means he won't be getting unbanned. I feel like the community is torn on this and don't know what to do.

Pillz +1
Inject -1
Alpha +?

Cortez -1
Christovski +1?
Yahtzee +1
Red +1

Worst Case scenario if we unban him: He calls someone dumb, or as Inject used to say "Do you have down syndrome or something?"
Best Case scenario if we unban him: He posts coherently and gets along with everyone.

He knows the rules, and if he's unbanned; he knows we'll be enforcing them (properly).

The scary part is imagining waking up next to the person you love, but they're acting strange and were complaining about neck pains the night before. You wake up and they're facing you with their mouth ajar and their eyes wide with fear, the color drained from their face yet their muscles spasming as they roll out the bed, hitting their head on the floor becoming motionless, and as you peer over the bed in horror you see a tail emerge from their behind and continue to snake out till its nearly 20 feet long, your spouse lie dead and noticeably smaller than you remember and you try to escape the room but as your back is turned and you're heading for the door you feel the bloody parasite wrapping around your leg..

The rest can be read on tentacle rape fanfic sites.

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    August 02, 2021, 11:39:42 PM

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