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Messages - Pillz

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Zombie Master / Re: Remove the ZM models? (ZM players only)
« on: December 21, 2013, 11:17:28 PM »
And seriously, being one of the three ZM servers out there; you really don't need much to bring in players. Perhaps some other feature can be discovered for donators but I think having optimal load times would be the best thing we can do for ZM.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Becoming an admin
« on: December 21, 2013, 11:15:05 PM »
If you really want to be admin, then you should post some ban reports on anyone you find that breaks the rules. Because it's all well and good wanting to become admin. But there's wanting to be admin for the sake of it, and wanting admin to help out. You're... eagerness is most common in people of the former. So hence my reservations.


Again, he only ever asked for admin because I noticed immediately he was a nicer guy than the regulars and told him we were looking for help. It was then I told him he should play on the server for a week or two and make a few posts on the forums before applying and he did. He made his application because I told him too, and today he was asking about having at least the mute and kick commands and I explained I can't really do that unless he gets admin and he wanted to know if he'd ever have a shot at it at all; so with my permission he made this thread to see what the deal is, because I'm curious as well.

He hasn't posted the ban requests he made to me on the forums, but he privately sent me two separate reports of hackers on the servers that I looked into, and banned. He's also called me into the server plenty of times to mute spammers, and to kick/ban rule breakers. There aren't that many in ZPS though, I've seen less than 20 hackers on our ZPS server over the past 3-4 years and most rulebreakers are just micspammers. It's a SIMPLE server to administrate and Smiley is more capable of being admin than some of our Veteran admins who have had spouts of inactivity amongst other problems.

He's had a lot of insightful input he's posted on new maps and the removal of others, if you check his posts. He happily greets every player who joins the server and suggests occasionally that people register on our forum to join CG. He's going to be on our server EIGHT HOURS EVERY DAY this Christmas break while I won't even be on 1/10th of that. Shit, he should be HA. (Just kidding, that's my forever job.)

Already, he is a better admin than some of the admins in CG; who just play the game semi-regularly and don't contribute aside from an occasional ban or kick. Of course he "WANTS" admin, he feels helpless without it and has to wait for me to come online to mute/ban people and when he has to play for 4 hours before I can come on and mute the kids screaming into their mics. Because he wears our tag and enforces the rules so much; PEOPLE ALREADY THINK HE'S AN ADMIN. I told him early on that I thought he'd have the chance to be an admin soon if he plays actively and does good; and he's been doing his best.

He would be glad to live without having admin, but only if other admins take his place. I have a feeling we're not going to get any more enthusiastic players on ZPS in a long time.

TLDR He is the epitome of wanting admin to help out.

I've seen this feller' a lot on zps and I know he tries to help out with the CG server.
But I do think that the he needs to wait the 6 months.
I'm getting lazy explaining...

Aside from formality and it being a longtime CG rule; is there any reason we should wait? I mean I agree we SHOULD wait but what exactly does waiting SIX months even do?

I mean I guess I'm fine with continuing to have no admins, but it's been a long time since we've had a new one and it's been years since anyone was as active as him.. Kind of desperate to keep the server I guess.

Well like I said on his admin application, he's going to be representing CG.
Because right now, he's already has issues with other communities/clans relating to ZPS.
Obviously this makes CG looks bad if becomes admin. We'd be harboring a hacker and such.
If he wants admin that badly he should honestly wait, people will forget. Patience is a virtue.

This is true, although he did play under a different name when he was banned.. as long as he's connected to that SteamID though I guess it doesn't matter.

I just feel like the past will be the same in 4-5 months and that's four months where we could of had one of the most active admins we've ever had. I do agree with you though, this is just so incredibly inconvenient for the ZPS server, him and I. I don't imagine CG can look too much worse than it already does after recent events but I guess every little bit helps.

I feel like after pushing for Crypto's unban people will start to think I don't care about the rules, but at least with Smiley we'd be getting some serious help.

How about this, instead of waiting another 4 months for his hacking in October(which just seems pointless to me anyway, but eh), how about we just wait the two months he needs to wait to reapply? That way he can continue playing with CG and people can join ZPS and hang out with him and I; and he can reapply in February?

This way it's not as ridiculous of a timeframe to wait; and perhaps if he donates or something I can give him the power to mute as a perk?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Becoming an admin
« on: December 21, 2013, 07:50:38 PM »
I've seen this feller' a lot on zps and I know he tries to help out with the CG server.
But I do think that the he needs to wait the 6 months.
I'm getting lazy explaining...

Aside from formality and it being a longtime CG rule; is there any reason we should wait? I mean I agree we SHOULD wait but what exactly does waiting SIX months even do?

I mean I guess I'm fine with continuing to have no admins, but it's been a long time since we've had a new one and it's been years since anyone was as active as him.. Kind of desperate to keep the server I guess.

RalphORama's Tekkit Server / Re: Ralph's server
« on: December 21, 2013, 07:48:26 PM »
Leet, I'd rather read his double posts than your "Erm.." and Chris's "What da hell". :P

I don't think it's really a big deal that needs enforcing like all the people who just make worthless posts like "OMG NECRO" when someone necros a thread.

He's the owner of Ralph's server and he's trying to make sure we know it's down as he works on it. Geez. Why are people always so rude when new people on the forums aren't immediately accustomed with our rules? Not specifically in this thread but in general. >.>

Take Saxton down, replace with Fretta if we have the resources and a HA who can keep it stable?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 21, 2013, 07:37:59 PM »
I have a feeling this thread might outlive the Post-A-Picture thread. :p

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Becoming an admin
« on: December 21, 2013, 07:37:11 PM »
Just FYI, there's a modify button to the right of your post. You should use it instead of double-posting.

On-topic, asking us for our opinion isn't really going to do anything. Just as long as you follow rules/regs, and prove yourself to be a viable choice. Then that's when you can think about it. That's what you should be aiming for if you'd like to apply.

So TL;DR wait a few months until bans are past 6 months (most of which are or nearly are, just one that's most recent. So it should be close). Prove yourself a good player and then we'd all be happy to see how you do.

I mean he's already proved himself to me to be a good player, and some of the bans aren't even his but his cousins who gave him the account. He's got WAY more than the standard 7.5 hours per week and has helped so much; it's kind of ridiculous IMO that the most obvious candidate for admin can't apply for another four months.

Don't we have a thing about waiting 3 months or so before reapplying? He applied 29/30th of Nov, so it should probably stay til 29th/30th of Jan.

And the bans from what I've seen are mostly been from within six months. Using US MM/DD/YY instead of DD/MM/YY. And even some using normal DMY. So again, you're either going to stick with formalities, or remove that for everyone.

NOTE: Head Admins have the right to adjust the requirements for their specific servers.  This includes adding to, or removing requirements.  Please check with the Head Admin of the server you wish to apply for BEFORE you apply, to ensure you meet all requirements.

ZPS has never really followed formalities and I wish I had asked him to wait until he made his first application; I definitely jumped the gun and I feel that was MY mistake, not his. I'm just a little bummed because we only have Vet admins who play from time to time, and I mean~ "Smiley- 52.3 hours past 2 weeks".. this guy has been nothing but awesome and it just feels completely pointless to wait another four months before letting him try being an admin. He might not be as active then and who knows if our server will even be around anymore then.

I've always stood by the fact that trial admin is a trial period to see if people can be admins; and while I understand his ban for "spinhacking?" complicates things, I believe he should have a chance.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Becoming an admin
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:27:54 PM »
We kind of have a zero tolerance policy for hacking. I vote no.

Zero tolerance?
No Cheating / Vac Bans, Hacking, trolling, or Minging other communities, or clans within the last 6 months or of CG at any time.

Seems time based, and given ZPS's state and his helpfulness as of late; I'd be willing to look the other way given the community is okay with it. We could wait five or six months though, if Smiley would be willing to wait that long that is. He's helped ban at least two hackers so far, and has kept the server more alive than it's ever been since I first started playing ZPS. I'd really like to give him a chance.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 21, 2013, 05:56:08 PM »

Just keeps adding up eh?

I feel like I've read all that information in one of the other posts you made already...? WIIU ISNT SELLING TO WELL, THEY SAID THEY ARE DOING OKAY, BUT THINGS LOOK BAD.

No shit, are they going to continue to report the exact same article until something happens? Nintendo isn't going to die or go bankrupt so all they can really do is keep saying it's not doing well which we already know lol.

Also I wonder if the whole "Year of Luigi" thing Nintendo's doing makes me wonder if that was their excuse for not doing anything this year. lol

No More Room In Hell / Re: NMRIH change requests & Changelog
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:28:57 PM »
Topic of request: add some cool new maps
Details: http://www.nomoreroominhell.com/forums/index.php?showforum=65
Names of backers: ?

Downloading and adding nmo_zephyr_v1 as first custom map attempt.

Also adding nms_office_suiteV2 so we have a new OBJ and a new Survival map.

Looking into fastDL

If you see any maps you'd like to try or have any issues with the ones on there let me know.

Current list:

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:18:48 PM »
lol pics it's all about the gifs meight. From my Tumblr.

D: I wish I could grow a beard.

Beards are overrated

Get a trim Hippy shit.

Sey wat


Introductions Forum / Re: Its Doug
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:55:08 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_h2VHtFNa4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_h2VHtFNa4</a>

Welcome Doug, tell Skeeter to join up too, he seems like a cool guy.


We brought it up at the meeting because it's the only thing really suggested besides OC and NS2. We need to find a new game that we can all play together soon though, free games are preferred but eh I'll get a paycheck one day.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U failing (Part Deux)
« on: December 21, 2013, 02:06:15 AM »
Or, if you know, you guys don't like it. Instead of personally attacking old crow you could simply do the 'adult thing' and not post?

We just cant sit and watch as he septuple posts across the next five months!

I'll see you guys on SSB4- oh waaaaaait.

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