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Messages - Tictactoe360

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 38
Way Off Topic Box / Re: Actual Pony Thread for Burgers
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:46:58 PM »
Oh, this is for actual ponies?

Chris don't click this, you aren't ready for this.
Leet you brought this upon yourself and CG.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z7UnO66q9w" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z7UnO66q9w</a>

Honestly? I don't even either.

I AndyDemon from Huntersgaming.com would like to send our deepest apologizes about the whole forum thing I for one never knew where cash came from until one of our members alerted me of this and after seeing the forums and looking at the two I see he has copied you guys onto our forums we will be redoing ours and making it unique as soon as possible he always said that people didn't like him and would ban them from our community and say its a long story or there here to cause the community trouble etc so with this please forgive us for our ignorance and not seeing this he is as of today removed from hunters community completely and we wish to be friends with this community and not let this one user cause us any grief and or problems and i wish you all the best ^_^ again from huntersgaming.com We are sorry we did not see this sooner or rather I am sorry that I didn't.

I'd like to personally thank you for giving us a heads up, it's satisfying to know that Cash received proper punishment for his actions and didn't get away with manipulating another community.

It'll be nice to have another community as our friend as well. It's always nice to have more allies in the magically horrifying land of the internet.
Also on a side note I like the dramatic flare of "Banished" it's a very nice touch.

Way Off Topic Box / Seatbelts Everyone!
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:37:35 PM »

So I was going through T.V tropes and I saw a page for the older Spiderman cartoon I watched as a kid and then I read something from an episode I saw and didn't fully get then.

"In Spider-Man The Animated Series, Spider-Man meets and becomes friends with a young girl who is his "biggest fan". Naturally they end up on an adventure, and at the end of the story arc she asks to see his real face; Parker relents and reveals his identity to the girl, who promises to keep it a secret for the rest of her life."

Simple enough right?
Here's the part I didn't get as a kid.

Spoiler for Hidden:
"A few minutes later, we see Peter leaving the Make a Wish Foundation for Terminally Ill children."

Why would you do this?

Way Off Topic Box / Dark Sauce
« on: November 02, 2013, 03:22:22 AM »
300+ Hours of Dark Souls has lead up to the most accurate parody I've ever seen.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M9ONL6BcbU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M9ONL6BcbU</a>

General Gaming Talk / Re: What happened to fun nights?
« on: October 31, 2013, 02:06:13 PM »




Way Off Topic Box / Re: This was in the news for my town today.
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:41:11 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Just make sure no one loses any hockey games and we'll be fine.

I can't make my own jokes? ;-;

It's early in the morning I'm bad at this :c[/s]
But Hockey games aren't things you make jokes of, if you do, we will find you and we will kill you.

General Gaming Talk / Grandma what are you doing? Grandma calm down pls.
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:37:13 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knab9oQIMOQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knab9oQIMOQ</a>

I don't care if she only has one video, She is now my favorite YouTuber.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: This was in the news for my town today.
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:16:20 AM »
Now, let's take a step back
“Canadians Are Space Terrorists,”

Can this be a thing? Please, I really want space terrorist.
We'd write slightly inappropriate things on other planets and graffiti some satellites.

The word "terrorist"

What you're describing is "Vandalism," not terrorism.

Way Off Topic Box / This was in the news for my town today.
« on: October 31, 2013, 10:23:31 AM »
"About 30 “protesters” tried to force their way into the secure area of 22 Wing-CFB North Bay Wednesday, as a small party of security personnel worked to keep them out.

Carrying signs reading “I like donuts,” “Leave” and “Canadians Are Space Terrorists,” calling for an end to the launch of satellites, the noisy but generally peaceful protesters crowded the members of the Wing Auxiliary Security Force, demanding to speak to the Wing Commander to air their grievances.

A few managed to reach the chain link fence surrounding the Sergeant David L. Pitcher Building, with one trying to climb it, before he was forced back to the ground.

All the while, Lt.-Col. Walter Norquay watched and nodded in satisfaction.

Norquay, the command post commander, said he was happy with the way the security force acted during the exercise, with the expectation that, in a real-world situation, they would know what to do."

Now, let's take a step back
“Canadians Are Space Terrorists,”

Can this be a thing? Please, I really want space terrorist.
We'd write slightly inappropriate things on other planets and graffiti some satellites.

GarrysMod / Re: Question on using Macros to bhop
« on: October 27, 2013, 08:41:56 PM »
Still, some terrible shot person might find it even harder now to kill people if they're all bhoppin'.
The best target to practice on is a moving target.

Well if they're moving at a proper speed and not at a speed that can almost rival speed hacks at some points, then I say it's perfect target practice.

GarrysMod / Re: Question on using Macros to bhop
« on: October 27, 2013, 04:59:19 PM »
Its just an easier way to do it.
Not really cheating.
Come on give him a break.
The legit way requires practice, and he found an easy way around having to learn it, cheap, maybe, cheating, nah.

He's using a bug in the games engine to give himself an unfair advantage.
I'd say that falls under cheating.

I remember solving the Bhop porblem by just removing the AirAccelerate (almost to 0) so they bhopers would not exceed the max limit but they can still use the maneuver

Most people don't even do it because its so hard to keep it going..

Or maybe people don't like doing it because it gives them an unfair advantage.

GarrysMod / Re: Question on using Macros to bhop
« on: October 27, 2013, 03:08:47 PM »
Btw, rules say something along the lines of "dont use anything that gives you advantages" so I'd say no.
Yeah, but does bhopping provide an advantage in any way? From what I've seen, it just makes you go marginally faster.

Bunnyhopping can let you gain an extreme speed advantage, not just "Marginally faster" meaning if you were a traitor and someone was managing to get away from you, you'd have no problems catching up.

This also goes the same for if a traitor attacks you, I've seen it before where someone's getting attacked by the traitor and used Bunnyhopping to bullshit to safety.

Personally I see it as almost cheating, but definitely abusing a flaw in the source engine.

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« on: October 23, 2013, 11:42:59 PM »
First off. This is a rule on the MotD. The very last one I believe.
It says "No inappropriate sprays" - that could mean anything, it's exceedingly vauge. It was not porn, it was yaoi.

Just because he's 17 does not mean he's not cut out for the job nor that his bans would be any harsher than the rest of us.
Not saying that he isn't cut out, just a possible factor here, though given you being 16 it would make sense why you would be personally offended.

the console warnings - which are displayed in very large font across each player's screen
Well that just never happened, unless he did it while I was In my settings changing my spray

In my experience, older admins are more likely to be balanced in punishment, just an observation.

No, it was 4 rounds, your friend left after you got banned because he wanted to play with you.
He stayed on there for another round, I was talking with him on mumble.

And again, no justification for a permaban.


Could you see genitalia?
Was there implied sex happening?

If so it falls under the porn category.

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« on: October 23, 2013, 10:52:15 PM »
You certainly did not "slap" me, our names are similar so it's possible you got us confused. Also, I am connected to a mumble server when I am playing and neither of us heard you. Also did you take into account the fact that the sprays don't change until the round ends?

I am not sure how you are justified in a permaban though, when blantant team killers only get a temp 1-3 day ban. Again, this just seems like a manifestation of homophobia.

I mean *seriously* a permaban? How does this make any sense, other than personal issues?

First off, the admin warned you several times, it's you're fault if you were using something that blocked out what they were saying. Secondly did you ever take into account that you could stop spraying until the map changed?

Third, drop the "Homophobia" plea, I'm assuming you spraying gay porn in an attempt to get a rise from people on the server so don't try to spin this around. Had you been spraying normal porn and ignoring the admin you would have still been banned.

TL:DR You got banned for most likely spraying shock porn got banned and are now trying to use the "Homophobia" claim to get away with it.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Heroclix: A new challenger has appeared!
« on: October 22, 2013, 01:18:42 AM »
Does it come with soundbites telling you what to do, telling you to get cancer, or speaking broken Russian and blaming you for everything? If so, I'm going to grab a few!!

I know I'm just going further off topic, but can we literally make something that yells at you in Russian and blames you for literally everything.
4AM and suddenly this thing starts up and screams at you in Russian that there are kids starving in Africa and it's your fault.

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