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Messages - Pillz

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Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 05, 2012, 07:51:16 PM »
   I think you should re-read my post Pillz. I said you make a small amount of drama and do not agree with a few of the forum rules. That's not that bad at all really and I sure don't want you being forum moderator if you blow up like that over a simple post such at mine. Please try and keep it chill like you are most of the time, blowing up is not going help you get forum moderator.

I wasn't exactly blowing up but I apologize for my sarcasm, I just don't get how if it's not even that bad at all, why the -1? I just wanted to help out and now people are telling me I can't do it because of reason x and whatnot, and Idunno. I'm  just kinda bummed because I feel like people don't want me to be one and that might deter me from getting it. I didn't know forum moderator had so much responsibility, mainly due to the lack of one at all recently; Cadaver was the only one really.. and now he's CL. It doesn't have to be a path to CL; I don't want to be CL. I just want to clean up in my spare time. If it's a big deal, maybe someone could just grant me that power so I can help out anyway? Maybe make it so HA's can alter their admins status on the forum? I don't want to be Cadaver and I feel we're setting up an unreal standard for it; because again, I can't imagine many others being eligible if I'm not.. Sorry if that sounds big of me but I've been around about as long as wholegrain, I'm always on the forums and I haven't had a history of abuse; just some disagreements.

I guess it's really not that big of a deal, but I just want someone to be able to get it. I just thought I'd be able to, so I made this thread.. We talked about it in the meeting and Inject said HA's can't get moderator by default but they can feel free to apply for it, and given I've been CL/moderator before it makes sense to me..

I may act like a dick sometimes but that doesn't mean I'd abuse my powers; I mean Inject does a pretty good job, in all honesty and sometimes he blows up too. We all get irritated sometimes but that doesn't prevent us to being more helpful to the community than we are destructive. Again, I'll be working on it and if anyone feels I'm being a dick, force me to smoke weed.

Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 05, 2012, 07:10:31 PM »

You're right.. I can't be forum moderator, I cause too much drama and partially have an issue with like 2 forum rules so I'll be completely unable to move posts to their correct sections and clean up. I'd just abuse that power way too much.

Seriously people, it's not that big of a deal; everyone says they see it going badly but I don't see how at all. Am I going to edit someone's post for my own benefit and take over the world? Again, if I'm unfit to do it, please suggest someone that can. Most of our CL's are away and nobody has the responsibility of cleaning up anymore.. I'm not applying for CL and I already have Head Admin, meaning I can lock and unlock threads, so what the deuce? How is drama an issue? Everyone's caused drama or contributed to it, from Jorgen to Inject to Wholegrain we've all fucked up once or twice, and pissed someone off somehow. It's the internet, it happens, but again, I've been trying to get better at it. I'm not going to be doing anything but helping, and if I do otherwise you can remove it.

Also for the record:


Not exactly sure on ones without any + or -; but yeahh.

Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 05, 2012, 05:02:03 PM »
Well once upon a time us gullible CLs told HAs to tell us about who was promoted and who was demoted, but I guess we are suposed to be thought readers.
Not trying to sound like a dick, just explaining why that is.

I don't know if I talked to you directly about it, but not even a month or two ago I asked about a round of promotions via PM; of course it was shrouded in paragraphs of text I'm sure, I mentioned Patty and how he needs a promotion to regular/vet and he's still rankless. Someone promoted multigrain though so that's nice, but I wouldn't complain about it if I hadn't asked. As admin applications get accepted, you all should be able to promote them to trial on that; but again it would be easier if a HA did it instead of expecting our busy CL's to do so.
shall be done right away, vet status on its way

Mmk hunnybuns<3 Oh can you set Slywilliam to regular, Allie to Trial and Jay to trial? Patty should be vet, Kingtrue also recently applied again, due to previous years of admining on ZPS Kingtrue should be vet also; unless anyone opposes.

Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:57:38 PM »
Well once upon a time us gullible CLs told HAs to tell us about who was promoted and who was demoted, but I guess we are suposed to be thought readers.
Not trying to sound like a dick, just explaining why that is.

I don't know if I talked to you directly about it, but not even a month or two ago I asked about a round of promotions via PM; of course it was shrouded in paragraphs of text I'm sure, I mentioned Patty and how he needs a promotion to regular/vet and he's still rankless. Someone promoted multigrain though so that's nice, but I wouldn't complain about it if I hadn't asked. As admin applications get accepted, you all should be able to promote them to trial on that; but again it would be easier if a HA did it instead of expecting our busy CL's to do so.

Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:36:59 PM »
If you were to become a forum mod would that give you ability to change people's forum badges or is that CL only? Because I've noticed some admins on the forums with wrong admin badges or no badges at all, especially some of your ZPS admins.

Again, I'm very OCD about this kind of stuff.

Believe me, so am I. I've asked once or twice for a promotion round, but I'm not sure if I'd even have access to that.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Fun Nights are back!
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:24:15 PM »
On the deathruns I did low gravity for a lot of rounds but not stupidly low gravity, since that kinda defeats purpose of map and makes it boring for zombies; just enough gravity thought to make the traps quite a bit easier.

I was thinking it might be fun to TP zombies into the human spawn a few seconds after the round starts to let them try and kill the humans, but also avoid the traps themselves. Who knows, we'll try different things as the fun nights happen.

Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:21:10 PM »
Maybe Corey?

oh god what

Pahahah, EXACTLY. I honestly don't know who else would be eligible.. Old Crow maybe, and uhh.. like.. uhhhhhh...

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:19:47 PM »

Courtesy of Coreybush.

Look, I'm double jointed!

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Fun Nights are back!
« on: August 05, 2012, 03:36:25 PM »
Glad you guys had fun!

Next time I'll only have one or two deathruns on maybe; like mario world and jungle. They used to be the only way we could really populate so I'm glad to hear they kill the server now, haha. I was hoping to do them with like low gravity, music and crazy physics, but wasn't around when they were on, so I apologize.

I might switch volleyball out for van_dodgeball, which is more poorly made, but has more cars and they get stuck less. The recent update kind of bugged the map out and ammo gets caught up with vans, which never happened before as badly.

Next fun night on Friday! Not 100% sure yet, so I won't schedule it until I'm fo sho; but we need more fun maps though! If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for the next fun night, let me know! I wish I could get to my old computers ZPS map file, if I can there will be many lulz.

Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 05, 2012, 03:29:32 PM »
The Allie thread I didn't dare edit in fear of pissing someone off, because I would of just taken all the negativity out; which would include my first post or so but I let you guys handle it since it wasn't my job and Inject was present. I had no idea what to do since my first post accidentally invoked an argument with Inject, something I wasn't exactly expecting, but he didn't edit anything either so I just let it be. I wasn't instigating, but I definitely didn't help and I apologize. Sure I could of handled it better, but that and the religion thread re-vamp were probably my worst posts lately, and the result of tensions, misunderstandings and the lack of moderating to begin with. The religion thread final post was a bad idea, but the point was people are going to have extreme negative opinions on religion and if you allow discussion on religion; you should expect that too. Especially when being called retarded for your beliefs is a constant thing here, debate forum or not; I didn't mean to call religion retarded in general and don't believe that at all, but extreme opinions like that come out when you discuss Religion; and I'm sorry it went so badly, but I'm glad it was locked, it should of been immediately.

I don't want the thread derailed but I understand your point Jorgen. I've made some bad decisions but usually only in response to fellow poor decisions; something I could definitely work on. As if I don't put enough thought into my posts, with a new status I'd put even more thought in. Not exactly more typing, god forbid, but this would completely change the way I choose to behave.

This is at the top of my mind but, He goes from HA to CL to HA to Admin and now to HA again.
Hopefully he gets the title of Forum Mod.
I'm pretty sure he's the right man for the job.

So either way, I've been a Community Leader before, and didn't do anything wrong; as far as I knew. I felt more responsible and willing to help out, up until randomly being changed to HA without any discussion. I was told it was the same thing, and not to worry. A month or three later I was replaced with Pwnd for inactivity, despite my ZPS hours at the time, my posts on the forum and the fact I was demoted halfway through adding a plugin to the server, causing the server to be a little buggy till someone noticed a week or so later. I was mad. I was seriously pissed off with CG, especially after the ban of Crypto and the bad blood between me and Inject that followed. Things have been shitty ever since, and I'm sick of the drama and hatred; and refuse to contribute anymore.

Regardless of whether or not I get moderator, I've been trying to turn a new leaf. I don't want to fight with Inject anymore, Jorgen, or anyone else; and would tone it down with the new position, like I have before. I was CL when I was 16/17; I think I could manage being Forum Moderator now at 19.

If I can't do it, with all my experience and forum activity; I'll be glad to +1 anyone else who could do it. Maybe Corey? I don't know, we all have our ups and downs, I just think we really need someone helping out. I don't see how me having the ability to move threads and edit posts could go to terribly wrong. I could even help keep track of promoting admins properly on the forum when they need to be, and whatever else.

Solved Applications / Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:03:19 PM »
I seem him get into fights with CL's about forum rules too much. He's a cool guy but I can see this turning bad fast because of the disagreements.

I can't see that at all, but was expecting this post from somebody; I disagree with some of the rules but that doesn't mean I don't respect them and follow them(minus some profanity and disrespect I guess, but that can be worked on). I'm already a head admin and can lock/unlock threads, all I'm gaining is the ability to delete, lock and move threads; along with editing posts and a few other minor things. I've been wanting to clean up so ever since I lost the ability too a year or two ago.

I completely understand tower though, but would change my ways so to speak, like I did when I was CL. I won't argue as much, and will keep my rage to a minimum; will follow rules and use profanity less, etc. I'm probably going to rarely use it, but sometimes people put threads in the wrongs spots and I read it 10 times before it gets moved, etc. Out of all the people who would have moderator power's I'd be on the most, and would be able to take care of things like this regularly. Also I'd make it a daily habit to clean up applications and whatnot.

Either way we need active forum members to help clean up, and I've been on the forums since the beginning; there's not much that could go wrong. If I can't do it, Idunno who will.

Solved Applications / Pillz for Forum Mod?
« on: August 04, 2012, 08:19:57 PM »
In game forum name: Pillz

Applying for: Global Moderator on forums

Why you wish to be admin: I would like to be able to move threads and clean up the forums, the more people helping the better.

What are some good qualities you possess: Grammar, fast typing, good looking, on forums way too much, and I was a CL once. Cleaning forums was my favorite part.

Age: 19

Additional notes: Couldn't find a section for this so I guess this area works; if anyone opposes SPEAK NOW.

« on: August 04, 2012, 06:55:30 PM »
I think this would be much too destructive for a multiplayer server.
It doesn't deystroy player placed blocks.

Looks like it would probably lag people pretty hard.

It won't destroy structures but it will rain blocks of dirt and everything all over the place, looks annoying. Don't think I'd like having wind either.

Introductions Forum / Re: no name likes milk 2
« on: August 04, 2012, 02:40:10 PM »
Click the forum button at the top of the website to see all the boards. The general discussions and the way off topic ox are the best places to post useless information lol

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Fun Nights are back!
« on: August 04, 2012, 03:56:20 AM »
Fun night will be later tonight! I rescheduled it an hour early to help allow me to be there a bit longer, so it will be at 7PM EST; I won't do all the  math for you but that's about midnightish for EU and about 4-5PM for Western USA.

It'll go on for a few hours, as long as we have admins on to take care of it, and I'll finally shut it down after about 4 hours if it doesn't die out beforehand.


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  • Inject OH 4: And yes thank you very much Finnie! You are a champion xP
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  • Inject OH 4: Hey abrys agreed we should.
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  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: yo who is still paying for this lol
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  • Inject OH 4: Do you mean for people that haven't come on in a long time and have to reagree?
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  • Inject OH 4: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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