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Messages - Pillz

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Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 27, 2013, 03:48:03 PM »
If you want Pillz, I can make a new thread (or maybe the CLs want to whip something up?) covering the whole issue of accountability and who has been punished for what, and making sure we have fair judgement and not someone being butthurt, so we can have a proper discussion of this issue

Sheesh, I dunno. I'd like that but I feel like this would just complicate things further in CG, and now might not be the best time. We have a better system of accountability and keeping track of who's been pbanned now; but my issue is that we didn't back then. Food for thought though. Crypto gets banned from butthurt, and then is unbanned from my butthurt about being banned from butthurt, and the people who wanted him to stay banned are butthurt the entire time he's here regardless if he suddenly becomes the most friendly and fun-to-play-with person in CG. Or he stays banned and people like me will continue being butthurt he was ever banned to begin with. It's a vicious cycle. We should just ban butthurt in CG.

Either way, majority or minority; not everyone will be happy and that just makes the whole thing bleh.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 27, 2013, 03:31:04 PM »
Re hypocrisy: Because I'm fucking sick of everyone saying "LOLOLOL THIS WOULD BE LIKE UNBANNING REBELMASTER OR LILG THIS IS STUPID GG" and because he was banned a shitload of times and as I said, it would only be a matter of time before someone gets butthurt and bans him again

Like a certain former CL :P

Understandable but Crypto's offenses are no where near that of LilG and Rebelmaster. Like I said nobody wanted LilG back where quite a few people would like to see Crypto unbanned. My point now is that he was banned for a borderline bullshit reason, his community wide ban was bullshit, and he would like to return to CG. A lot of you don't know him and are making judgements based on out-of-context posts from years ago, before we really even enforced the rules as we do today.

For example, his "homophobia" post would of been edited by Gustav or Oobla the second they saw it; and he would of been given a warning had it happened today. Instead the thread was locked and he was banned, for following suit with the thread idea and posting things that aren't what you'd normally say.

Perhaps we can create a temp-unban system, sort of like trial admin where we give all appeal applicants a month or two on the forums that the ENTIRE community can use to judge them before deciding to keep them banned. If everyone really wants to though, we can keep him banned on the forums; I just wanted to clarify the verdict since it was basically retarded given he was never even banned from the servers despite everyone thinking so.

I'm sure everyone's just tired of hearing my opinion at this point though, so I'll lock this in the next few days. Crypto just felt like our verdict didn't make any sense so I wanted to fix it.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 27, 2013, 02:56:59 PM »
'Unban' on servers +1,  Crypto's always good to have on ZPS.

Unban on forums -1,  There's no real way to do this without looking like we're hypocrites, and he will inevitably say one thing someone will take the wrong way and not understand the sarcasm and he will get pbanned from the forums AGAIN making us all look EVEN WORSE.

What we NEED is a system of rough standards/guidelines (meaning it doesn't have to be like NO MATTER WHAT THIS IS THE PUNISHMENT) for punishments for forum rule breaking because the way it stands right now everything is vague as shit, and some people have gotten away with bending the rules/breaking minor rules repeatedly with no recourse taken because there doesn't seem to be any tracking of who committed what offense, so we need a system of accountability like I mentioned, like from here

The blood's in the water now.  Everyone in CG has been a dick to someone else in CG at any given time, so where do we draw the line is the real question.

So it really comes down to:
Who is in charge of determining people's intent, and determining what ACTUALLY is breaking the rules and what isn't?  Because it seems like some things people get away with are pretty bad, whereas things other people get punished for don't that bad at all (I'm speaking about this generally because it has been brought up, I understand why Crypto can't be unbanned) so really, who makes these decisions/judgements, and how are they held accountable?  There is a LOT of bias evident in this thread here, I think Alpha's post above is the only one without significant bias. 

TL;DR: some punishments over the course of CG seem pretty biased to me, and there is lots of bandwagon-hopping and misinformation.  What steps are we taking/CAN be taken to ensure FAIR judgement?  Because this thread seems like a massive mess of bias to me.

Wat. He was NEVER banned from the servers, hence my bump. I don't understand why people care about hypocrisy or think that ANY ban will be like another. Not every ban is laid down equally, therefor every unban won't be the same. They're all situational and should be handled as such. Some people get away with bending the rules because they're respected members of the community, others get banned immediately because not enough people care to see them unbanned. In this situation we have a handful of people who would like to see him unbanned, as opposed to LilG where EVERYONE wanted him gone.

LilG makes sense, he has sent people disgusting and disturbing images, he's threatened to DDOS and has trolled more than Crypto could even dream, and it was actual twat-filled trolling. One ban makes sense, the other.. not so much.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 27, 2013, 02:10:04 PM »
Update~ Everyone please read and reply; I understand everyone's tired of this thread, and so am I.

Crypto was never banned from community servers, and was completely unaware he was supposed to be. He has always been able to play on our servers and has always played in lines with the rules, and is seriously confused at his verdict. I don't know if he was never added into sourcebans or the such, but he was able to play on the ZPS server before I could unban him and apparently he has played TF2 and other CG servers across the last year.

He's a little upset because due to school, he won't be able to play on the servers for the next five or so months, and will only be able to play some games on campus every once in a while. Therefor the idea of letting him play on our servers for five months and seeing what the community thinks, won't work.

The reason he originally applied for this unban is because he thought there was some CL turnover and people who were banned were being given second chances but then he realized that wasn't the case and apologized for causing a shitstorm. He still feels the reasons for his bans have always been ridiculous, as if anything he's ever done has really caused anyone serious disdain or problems that we won't have without him. I've always agreed his bans were a smidge unfair and while he might of had some rough spots with Inject and others, haven't we all?

He hasn't done anything as bad as the other p-ban offenders, and I think that should warrant him another chance. I personally believe his "homophobic" post, albeit a joke, was a still few steps below aggressively calling someone a ****got, which a lot of people have been banned from our servers for saying; and even when people say that we try to give them a few chances to understand what they said/did can warrant removal from the servers/forum. All the worse, some people in our community have called others a ****got and said much more questionable things and are still admins today. Therefor I'm of the belief that his previous ban should be lifted as if it didn't ever happen. Since it were only a forum ban, perhaps that makes things different for some people.

Does him never being community wide-banned like we thought change anything? Our verdict doesn't make sense since he was never server-banned, and I feel like we need to make another decision before wrapping this up finally. I'd like to give him another chance on the forum still, and NOT have everyone sit around waiting to ban him for the smallest mistake he makes. I'd like to officially wrap this up.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hey, I'm Hannah! :)
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:22:08 PM »
Hi guys, I'm new to the community and was invited here by Inject and zombiepenguin!

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey parrot discofrog frogsiren!

Whaaat, ZP is still here? :p

The Art Forum / Netflix recommendations
« on: December 24, 2013, 04:03:54 AM »
I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and guess a lot of you have Netflix, right? Regardless we can also talk about recent TV shows or Movies here in the same fashion.

This will be a thread where if we can share and talk about good finds on Netflix. Everyone who watches something they really liked, they can post about it here, and rate it if you'd like to. Be sure to use spoilers if necessary and give a brief description of why you're suggesting it or why you enjoyed it. Or you can just comment on someone else's post too.

Title: Bo Burnham: what. (Not Rated/Explicit)

Genre: Stand Up

Description: There's a lot of good Stand up on Netflix, and they just added Bo Burnhams newest special after removing one of his older ones recently. I posted something in it the shoutbox one day, but I just watched it again since I missed the end when I first saw it. He used to be on youtube and I used to love his songs, and it's so cool seeing him on stage now. He's always written the funniest music and his stand up is even more amazing. He's fucking hilarious, and if you haven't seen it yet go watch it.

The Art Forum / Re: Renard<3
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:03:46 PM »
Time for some throwback.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2BJ2bfjUuo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2BJ2bfjUuo</a>

A love song from me to CG.

GarrysMod / Re: The new TTT map plug in is dumb.
« on: December 23, 2013, 03:43:14 PM »
I don't play on our TTT server to play a wide arrange of maps. I play on our TTT server because it had a consistent map flow. I'm not interested in playing half the maps we have. Also where was the initial vote for this for the community? There wasn't one. People bitching about the same maps? There was no complaints made here? There was no suggestion for this? There was no discussion with the community? This is a COMMUNITY server, meaning we discuss things before they happen, not just fucking do them for whatever reason.

Not everything happens on the server Kwuartz and there is absolutely nothing out there saying that I need to have the community go ahead for every single thing I want to do. If that were the case our server would have nothing on it. I added this pluggin for three main reasons: it is a lot stabler than the last pluggin; it always activates after the last round has been played; and it has the map timeout feature that has been requested MANY times. The lack of maps on the list is just something I'm testing out which I am more than allowed to do. The whole point of testing things is to get feedback which is what I am open to, not rants or structureless complaints.

+1 /claps/

Opinions are welcome but do not define what exactly needs to be done, because not everyone will agree anyway. It's good to try different things every once in a while and see how it works, and if it proves inefficient or problematic; we'll change it again. Head Admins have complete control over what they want to do with the server, and if people disagree we take it into consideration and try to find ways for everyone to be happy.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:26:14 AM »
Honestly I don't think that he should ever be unbanned from the forums, however I do believe that there is nothing wrong with him being unbanned on the servers.

Well I think if he can prove himself capable of acting right on all servers, playing well with practically EVERYONE from the forums; perhaps people wouldn't be as opposed to him posting here.

So I think we should unban him from the servers, and if 6+ months down the road he still wants to post on the forums perhaps we can try again; given the community wants it.

GarrysMod / Re: The new TTT map plug in is dumb.
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:23:13 AM »
Games like ZPS, TF2 and most other games only have 4-6 maps in their mapvotes. Often the mapvotes are only maps people don't want to play, which can kill the server; but that raises the question "Why are these maps on our server?".

I never liked how many maps were available to vote for in GMOD and how 4-6 people always wound up voting by themselves.

If there isn't a nominate feature to make sure the maps you WANT to play aren't in the next mapvote though, I can understand how that might be an issue.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Ima's Christmas
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:00:00 AM »
YOU DONT NEED TO SIT UP TO PLAY GAMES. Put your computer on the ground and lay down and play. WHAT A LAME EXCUSEE, SLACKERr.

Just kidding, have a merryjollicious Christmas and shit homie.

Aren't you "away" too Pillzy?  trollface


Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Ima's Christmas
« on: December 22, 2013, 10:33:38 PM »
YOU DONT NEED TO SIT UP TO PLAY GAMES. Put your computer on the ground and lay down and play. WHAT A LAME EXCUSEE, SLACKERr.

Just kidding, have a merryjollicious Christmas and shit homie.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Robert Swan
« on: December 22, 2013, 09:58:32 PM »
Yeah, I've heard the stories of you lately, and while I wish we could unban you because we're one of the 3 "alive" ZM servers; you completely disregarded the rules multiple times and the way you spammed the server with your connecting and name changing is foolish and cost you your playing privileges.

If we did unban you, the admins would be watching you day and night waiting for you to do something else; and we really don't need that stress on the few ZM admins we have.

Also fellow CG members, even though this player broke the rules and is banned, we don't need to call him names or attack him. He's banned now and he will stay banned, no reason to add insult to injury.

Take Saxton down, replace with Fretta if we have the resources and a HA who can keep it stable?
Saxton isn't part of this at all. Saxton should stay. We have already enough resouces for another Gmod Server no problem.

Fuck no, our Saxton is fucking barren.
It gets people at strange times. It needs an HA who has time to move with it.

Agreed, but if we can't find any community interest like the small bit of attention Nmrih is suddenly getting I believe it should come down.

RalphORama's Tekkit Server / Re: Ralph's server
« on: December 21, 2013, 11:20:18 PM »
Leet, I'd rather read his double posts than your "Erm.." and Chris's "What da hell". :P

I don't think it's really a big deal that needs enforcing like all the people who just make worthless posts like "OMG NECRO" when someone necros a thread.

blah blah I'm a tree hugger who doesn't get situations :3:3

The "Erms and What da hell" were because this came right out of the blue. no intro. No nothing, it was just random, and I have never heard of this person before. So you can see why I and Chris were confused to this at first. You have to remember that. And no, I'm not being rude. I'm not saying "omfg fuken scrublord lrn 2 forum". I'm just helping IF he hasn't used a forums before - which as proven, he has. And now as Ralph confirms that he is indeed not advertising randomly or the likes. All confusion has died down.

Anyway. Hey there Kawaii, sorry for the sudden intro like that. but I can see you're genuine, haha. And sorry for being on your case about something as small as that :P

I understand; I think something like "Uhm, can you clarify what you're talking about? Sorry this seems a little random and I'm confused" works a little bit better though. Instead of just posting the equivalent of "Wat."

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  • Inject OH 4: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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