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Messages - Tictactoe360

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Admin Applications / Tictactoe360 [Comms Officer Application]
« on: November 12, 2013, 10:24:29 AM »
Name: Tictactoe360

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Yahtzee and Death

Do you have past admin experience: Admin on several CG and SKG servers and I've been with Both SKG/CG for the last 5 years

Why you wish to be Communications Officer: We need need a proper way to bridge the gap between CL and Regulars/Admins there's an extreme lack of communication between the two and I believe I can help out.

What country are you from: Canada

Age 19

Additional Notes:
(First off Yahtzee and Death said I should do this, not sure if it was a joke though, either way, I'm not asking for power, I'm asking for the ability to keep others up to date on the what's happening within CG along with answering any questions or problems they have)

I wouldn't be too much use setting up servers or maintaining admins or the likes. But I would be incredibly good for keeping the other admins and user updated on what's happening within CG. Personally, I know how much of a piss off it can be when you have a major problem and are told nothing.

I have enough free time each day that I can answer almost any PM's that could be sent to a CL.

Once again though, I'm not asking for in game power, I'm merely asking for the ability to keep everyone else up to date on major CG affairs and help sort out the problems.

I feel there needs to be at least a few people dedicated to this and I'm willing to volunteer sometime to help out.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Actual Pony Thread for Burgers
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:04:09 PM »
well said chris.. im okey with MLP crossovers as long as it doesn't go into skyrim.. I would prefer to keep those two things apart and pure.

Ohohohoho don't tempt me Burgers, I will post so many things....I'll just leave you with this because I'm nice...

FUS RO yay

However, I'm not that nice.

In all honesty, the part of the DOTA community that bitched about it went way too far. I'm sorry, but when you guys start calling Volvo as some kind of weird joke, and start threatening DOTA commentators and spamming his RL phone number, I have a big issue with that.

Kwuartz, I know you want me to play that game, but out of principle, I will never touch DOTA now. This action by the community was the final nail in the coffin for me. They make the rest of us gamers look even worse now in the eyes of an average non gamer.

Its the smallest portion of the population that are the loudest. Only about 3k players in the active 600k dota player base did anything. Volvo used it as a PR stunt and came out looking good on the dota communities side. You can't judge the actions of a few for the actions of the whole. Thats like saying CG is automatically nothing but gopib's.

That's funny, if I recall correctly you judged an entire internet community based off the actions of the smallest portion.
But as you said, you can't go running around judging the whole based on the actions of a small part, now can you?

trying to remove other one ... it says

"An Error Has Occurred!
You are not allowed to delete the first post in a topic.
If you want to delete this topic, click on the Remove Topic link, or ask a moderator/administrator to do it for you."

still no answer to my issue of conjoint gaming server for "The Hidden" game

At the very bottom of the other thread (on the left side) there will be a button to either lock or remove thread.
For you problem I believe it's because the CL's have yet to update one of our hidden servers to the proper version.

I believe we have two other servers that are currently up to date, you may want to try one of those.
I apologize for the lack of response from other or a proper answer, I don't actually admin a server but I believe this is the issue.

Admin Applications / Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« on: November 08, 2013, 06:41:52 PM »
I'll go with yes, Leet has been with us longer than most regular admins and even some of the veteran admins. Sure he's changed between servers, but he's done the work in the past and put in the effort to help improve the community and keep the peace.

I see no reason why he shouldn't be promoted to regular and placed on watch for a quick promotion to vet, he's been with us long and enough has done more work for the community than most.

CG YouTube / Re: Apologize for my absence
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:38:38 PM »
If your going to do HL2 you should do the coop mod for it so you can play with other people :)

I'm using the cinematic mod so I won't be able to co-op with anyone, I'd rather not Co-op a story related game with someone either way, especially something like Half-Life which is a game I love for its story and would rather not have it turn into a flustercluck of people shooting yelling and jumping around.

CG YouTube / Apologize for my absence
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:10:38 PM »
Recently my internet hasn't been doing too well so I haven't been able to properly upload anything (And my college internet has been under "Maintenance" for almost two week causing it to turn off and on at random with varying speed from 34kb - 10MB per second.

To add to all of that, I've recently grown rather bored with PC gaming in general and have spent a rather large amount of time playing my PS3 and my 3DS.

Hopefully at some point next week I'll begin recording Half Life 2 (Followed by Episode 1 & Episode 2 then finally Black Mesa Source) Once those are done, I'll be focusing more specifically on Half Life mods and customs maps as my main upload for the CG YouTube channel.

Once again I apologize and hopefully this will all be sorted out soon.

For now, enjoy this classic.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTbL5elVXrU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTbL5elVXrU</a>

Well folks, that's it, time to pack up and call it a day. The Russians have us beat in a way we'll never match, they have us beat on the swing set and as we all know

He who controls the swing set, controls the universe.
The spice must flow

Way Off Topic Box / Re: I probably should have questioned it at least once
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:31:46 PM »
Sometimes I just wonder why you post all of this.

It's funny because sometimes I wonder why you need to spam 30 - 40 posts a day in every thread possible.
Cause he feels inadequate ever since Pillz took over top poster trollface

Either way, no more talky talk about that.
Can I point everyone towards this

Way Off Topic Box / Re: I probably should have questioned it at least once
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:22:01 PM »


Way Off Topic Box / Re: I probably should have questioned it at least once
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:01:35 PM »
Sometimes I just wonder why you post all of this.

It's funny because sometimes I wonder why you need to spam 30 - 40 posts a day in every thread possible.

Way Off Topic Box / I probably should have questioned it at least once
« on: November 07, 2013, 01:27:16 PM »

After thinking about it, I didn't question Him. I just accepted him as a fact of life when every Him happened.

The Art Forum / Re: What is the thing you like most about music?
« on: November 07, 2013, 12:47:03 PM »
Anything with really good lyrics, a good pace (preferably fast) and an amazing chorus

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwfBS3IjD_s" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwfBS3IjD_s</a>

All on board the white pearl have died, Coastal reef has tolled their lives, while I was the night light

The only other type I like is certain songs with a full orchestra or classical
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQxsyA6s90Y" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQxsyA6s90Y</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tr0otuiQuU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tr0otuiQuU</a>

Way Off Topic Box / Kill it before it lays eggs!
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:07:01 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gClR4sZ-Xtw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gClR4sZ-Xtw</a>

Well if you guys need anything just pop over to huntersgaming and we will try and help if we can etc also we are currently trying to redo our forums it mite take some time to get all the new stuff and layout set before it is visible etc to public .-. truly he seemed like a kind guy but we noticed he would always run to hunter aka owner of the community when he was displeased with something then he sexual harassed our female players and actually ran one off from the community he also seems to be realllyyyyyyyyy self centered on him self and this "Stud" title my wife said hes full of shit etc etc  pardon my french =/ anyhow i am sorry it took me this long to see or notice this had happened i was informed about this from our owner about him being in this community so i lurked around the site and found this topic and then noticed a pattern etc stopped it before it got to far as per say..

Yeah, trust me when I say we all saw his self-centeredness. Original I thought it was just a Joke to him, saying how great he looks and then I realized he was saying it constantly with no hint of humor, he literally felt the need to state how good he thought he looked after every single sentence and according one of the regulars (Slash admin I believe) he had a streak of being sexist and apparently homophobic (Which is the really weird one seeing as he spent 90% of his time telling other dudes how good he thought he looked)

My personal favorite line from him is still him claiming that his friends gave him that nickname and he didn't choose it.

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    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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