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Messages - Pillz

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Debate Forum / Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« on: August 28, 2012, 06:08:39 PM »
I have seen 14 year olds smoke weed constantly that are now 16 and he has staight A's except dat honors chem.... But I think the studies were done on people that were dumb fucks to begin with.

Straight A's =/= Intelligence. You can be high as fuck and make it through high school, college maybe. S'long as you keep your attendance up, pay enough attention, and do your work; the stupidest people can make it through school EZPZ. It's the slackers and the lazy that drop out and do terribly.

Debate Forum / Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:31:41 PM »
I'm not going to take part in this debate because there are too many people in CG that get ragey when you tell them that smoking is dumb but, the C in BBC stands for corporation. kthxbai

If you are going to post make it relevant to the topic. Do not derail threads with comment like this that add nothing to the discussion.

There are also people who get ragey when you say religion is retarded and now we can't discuss it at all. Telling someone their opinions/actions are stupid never goes well. Lets try to avoid that before another thread gets locked. I mean the thread topic is how weed may lower your IQ so it's the perfect opportunity, but I'll be glad to hear any anti pot opinions you have to share. Just don't be a cunt about it and the potheads won't either. It's not in our nature :p

Edit: Double post for topic change and less TL:DR

Minecraft / Re: Should we change some things in Minecraft
« on: August 28, 2012, 01:33:19 PM »

Debate Forum / Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« on: August 28, 2012, 01:31:34 PM »
It's mostly true. It's the reason I didn't start smoking weed until I was about seventeen, it's still a bit early, as you should wait until at least 20, or 24. From all the research I've done, 24 seems like that magic number where you're brains pretty done developing. Like wholegrain said, your brain gets much worse alongside drinking alcohol, which is even worse for you and your brain. This is why if weed were legalized, I think it'd be fair to make the age requirement 21. People are still going to smoke underage, but then the cops can have their fun with putting kids with juvie instead of full grown adults in jail.

I have family and friends who started smoking when they were 11 and 12, and I can't really say they're less intelligent than other people.. There are still people who DON'T smoke weed who seem like they have less going on upstairs than them. I do believe they'd be better off if they had waited another 10 years to smoke though. Yet every single person is different and constant weed smoking could make them a more social and happy person; for other people it can be a problem, and for the already less intelligent it probably just makes them completely retarded.

The reason I started smoking around 17ish is because of the five years of hating it when my younger cousin and her friends always wanted me to smoke it, and her friends were fucking idiots. They got me to take a few GBs in the woods and I just felt sketch and annoyed, so anytime I got high I just was angry and went to bed when I got home. Told my mom I hated it and was all anti-pot, I'm too smart for a good 4-5 years. Later I realized I'm really not that smart, and everyone else is dumb also.

Then some of MY friends started smoking and eventually I tried it with them, in a more positive environment, and was down with smoking it every once in a while. Then after my cousin moved in with the BF, they had weed EVERY DAY, ALL DAY; and after a year of them living here I'm sure I've lost a few IQ points/potential IQ points.

Kinda got the GF on that schedule after she moved in but we're both kinda done with it. It's hard when all your friends smoke too and are always coming over to use your bong, and since we're in community college and in drug-test-free jobs; it might be a few more months before we do. I've already fucked up my endorphins a bit, but I've also already had serious depression problems before marijuana. It helps now and hurts in the long run. Most other days though I realize I'm still an over-active ADHD kid and can think much clearer than when I'm high, and don't even want to; until it's in my face and I'm like.. meh.. why the fuck not.

It's still less dangerous than legal anti-depressants and other drugs though.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Event
« on: August 27, 2012, 01:02:06 PM »
Fun night's actually been missing for the past few weeks, I've been pretty busy and was considering putting up an away thread.

The next time we have one there will be an announcement in the CG Steam Group.



I don't even remember when or how I played that game, I just remembered loving the fuck out of it and thinking it was the coolest game ever.

Edit: Shit I think I owned it, I'm pretty sure this was the most played game I had on the N64. I'm about to go out and buy it somewhere.

Also I'm not nostalgia'ing over Zelda because I still play the classics.  frogc00l

Minecraft / Re: Blue Base Relocation
« on: August 25, 2012, 02:36:57 PM »
Guess I better encase my house in obsidian.. and by house I mean secret underground mancave.

Minecraft / Snapshots/Updates
« on: August 25, 2012, 02:35:41 PM »
Here we'll post snapshot information as it comes, and discuss the upcoming additions to minecraft! I'll post the last 3 for now;

    Villagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
        This effect only takes place if the villager recognizes nearby housing, most commonly with naturally spawned villagers
        There is a third, unused particle effect added of a villager's face looking angry. Angry Villager Particle.png
    Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
    Zombies, Skeletons and Zombie Pigmen sometimes spawn wearing equipment including enchanted weapons and any type of armor, depending on the difficulty level.
    Added Zombie Villagers
        Villagers have a chance of turning into zombies after being killed by one.
        Zombie spawn eggs may spawn zombie villagers.
        Zombie villagers can naturally spawn.
        Zombie villagers can be cured, becoming normal Villagers again.
            To do this, first use a Splash Potion of Weakness on it. Then, right-click on it with a level one Golden Apple. After several minutes, it will turn back into a normal villager.[2]
    Rarely, villagers can spawn in the nether near nether portals.
    New "villages.dat" file in the data folder of world saves
    Added the Command Block intended for adventure maps.
        It can run server commands when triggered by a redstone signal.
            You can use @player or @p as a placeholder for the nearest player.
        This block will not be craftable and is currently not available in the creative mode inventory, but can be obtained via the command /give 137
    New commands:
        /difficulty <new difficulty>
        /gamerule <rule name> [value]. Value can be defined as false / true. All rules except keepInventory are true by default. The available rules are as follows:
            doFireTick (false=fire cannot spread)
            mobGriefing (false=creeper explosions do not damage blocks)
            keepInventory (true=keep inventory on death)
            doMobSpawning (false=mobs do not spawn)
            doMobLoot (false=mobs do not drop loot)
            doTileDrops (false=blocks do not drop items when breaking)
        /spawnpoint [player] [<x> <y> <z>]
        /weather <clear/rain/thunder> [duration in seconds]
    Added the Beacon Block (Named "Work in Progress" ingame).
        By building a pyramid composed of storage blocks such as Blocks of Emerald or Blocks of Diamond and placing this block on top, the player gains access to several powers.
            A full pyramid can provide level II powers, should the player select the level I variation in the primary powers section.
        It can not be crafted, although a crafting recipe is planned.
            It can be obtained via the "Miscellaneous" tab in the creative inventory, or with the /give 138 command.
        The minimum range is 16 blocks
        Gives off a light level of 15, as bright as Glowstone
        Players within the blocks' range will be given the selected effects every 4 seconds
        The best configuration of blocks requires 164 blocks
    A working Potion of Night Vision is in the creative inventory.
    Zombie Attack Animation shows when it's holding a weapon.
    Iron Golems now attack Slimes and Magma Cubes.

    Added item frames.
        Crafted like a painting but with leather instead of wool.
    Added cobblestone wall and mossy cobblestone wall.
    Added flower pot.
    Added new Full-screen toggle to the Video settings.
    Added new use Vsync toggle in the Video settings.
    Improved maps
        Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps.
        A Compass and Paper do now create an Empty Map
        An empty map has no data on it until you right click on it. The point on your world where you right clicked it is the map's center
        A map (with data) can be cloned. Cloned maps are stackable
        Maps can be zoomed out (but not zoomed in)
    Stairs now auto-arrange into corners. This is a test and may change based on feedback.
    Mobs (and all other entities) can travel through portals.
    Leather armor can be dyed.
        The default color of leather has changed.
        You can right-click a full cauldron with dyed armor to remove dye.
    Tamed Wolves' collars can be dyed.
    Removed the “Work in Progress block” from the Creative menu.
    Added two new crops (carrots and potatoes) and associated items.
            Golden carrots
            Baked potatoes
            Poisonous potatoes
        Carrots and potatoes can be planted in tilled soil.
        Zombies have a chance to drop a carrots and potatoes.
    F3+P will toggle the auto-pause when the window loses focus (mainly for debugging).
    F3+H will toggle detailed item descriptions (also for debugging).
    Added arrow-sensitive wooden buttons.
    The particle effect when a trade with a Villager has been successful has changed.
    Trapdoors can be placed in top-most position (based on cross-hair aim).
    Added a mob called a Wither, only available through external modification such as editing mob spawners, mods, or hacks. It shoots exploding projectiles called Wither Skulls and destroys nearby blocks. It also has a boss health bar.
    Added Potion of Invisibility.
        Mobs do not attack you until you bump into them.
        Potion also hides the player's name tag.
    Fire spreads differently based on difficulty.
    Brewing recipes for Potions of Night Vision and Invisibility added:
        Potion of Night Vision is brewed by adding a golden carrots to a Awkward Potion.
        Potion of Invisibility is brewed by adding a Fermented Spider Eye to a Potion of Night Vision.
    Added an unused texture in gui/items.png.
    Mob grinders now give less XP when you farm them continuously.


    Changed recipes for buttons. They now require 1 stone block/wooden plank to craft.
    Leather and diamond armor textures slightly changed:
        Leather armor sleeves are extended by one pixel.
            Their item texture has been changed to match the new texture.
        Diamond armor sleeves now have a notch on the inner side.
    Tweaked the “hidden feature” (still not ready for release).
    Removed "map_#/#" on the map and added "Map #" in the tool tip
    Added boss names above boss health.
    When taken down to half health, Withers will gain Wither armor, making them immune to arrows.
    Zombies will now pick items up from the ground.
        Zombies and Skeletons can now pick up armor and swords and wear it.

Minecraft / Re: Two guides to the econompy plugins we have
« on: August 25, 2012, 01:39:12 PM »
Admin shops are infinite. So you could set up one at like, town square that always has wood for sale for a hefty price, but selling it back gets you virtually no money. So B15:3S, or something like that. Just don't set up an infinite diamond shop, :p

It's a cool thing to have for a faction, because some shops will run out and be empty for some time; or get filled up and nobody buys, etc. It really isn't an issue but it's always cool to have at least one admin shop for wood or cobble.

Minecraft / Re: Two guides to the econompy plugins we have
« on: August 25, 2012, 01:02:44 PM »
Sadly I don't know if it works like that, I've been playing with iconomy on me and my friends private server and it seems pretty basic. You put a sign over a chest and set a buy/sell price, for example
[             ]
[     64    ]
[B 10:5 S]
[  Wood  ]

So basically you get money by gathering wheat and wool or whatever a chestshop is buying, and selling it to it. Kind of like what you do with villagers now to get emeralds and more trades.

Some times permissions get weird and people can't access chests, so make sure you leave first line blank and all that good stuff.

It's amazing having a 30+house village, 10-15 villagers AND chest shops, it feels like a real town. :>

GarrysMod / Re: Shotgun tips?
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:33:39 PM »
Just aim for the head, idk what anyone else here is talking about.

I always use a deagle and shotgun, both kill in headshots, makes life super easy.

I hope you're still talking about TTT. parrot

Also my tip for the shotgun is NEVER count on a single hit kill especially when you are directly behind a player and aiming at his neck. It almost never works due to shitboxes.

Whenever I played TTT I mostly always used deagle and shotgun. Both feel like the Magnum and Remmy from ZPS; so I get insane headshots with both and have little problems with accuracy. The Frenchy is my best friend as detective and I rarely ever had problems 1-shotting people with it. It almost felt overpowered how quick it killed people. If you're a traitor the loudness can be a good thing sometimes, people will come out of the open to come investigate where they heard the noise, offering you another kill or two.

Shitboxes rarely were an issue, but sometimes I did try pointblank shots and it only wounded them. I never try point blank headshots with shotties anymore because it seems more effective to just go for the chest/shoulders like tower said.

Debate Forum / Re: Worst Alcoholic Beverage Ever
« on: August 23, 2012, 11:03:08 PM »
Fireball Whiskey+Coke = for waffulz

You bitch. XD

Not sure the brand of what I had, but it had a black tag. Was given it when my dad's friend was having their third kid. Saved it til a little while ago (and don't ask me about how badly I failed at lighting it/figuring out how to smoke it), and I got so lightheaded and was throwing up for a little while. If I EVER smoke a cigar again (which I highly doubt), I am going to light it over a bonfire so I don't spend 30 minutes trying to light it and end up regretting how badly I fail at life later. XD
you do realize that you are not supposed to breath in cigars?

People do anyway though, the whole point of smoking a black after a blunt is to get lightheaded; so you need to inhale a little. It's terrible for you though, but people do it all the time. Cigars you're really just supposed to let sit in your mouth, but you need to inhale a little to get it there.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Aint no ZPS like the good ol days
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:54:18 PM »
Sprays weren't disabled for me, they were checked as on the first time I checked.

Slay and Timebomb work on our server and never messed up?

I haven't noticed more crashing than usual in ZPS; but it still crashes as much as it used to. Which can be every other day sometimes.

Auto infection is stupid when it glitches out, IE I'm last survivor, killed all the zombies, and the last zombie ragequits. Then I'm immediately infected. Stupidstupidstupid.

Debate Forum / Re: Worst Alcoholic Beverage Ever
« on: August 23, 2012, 08:29:10 PM »
Beer for me really depends on what brand, I like budweiser and heineken. I tolerate tuborg and carlsberg.

Anyways I don't really drink blends, I've tried jack and coke and that sucks dick, much better clean. A good glass of whiskey is like heaven in a glass, not sure why I feel like that but either way. Most people I know as of lately don't drink to get fucked up, seeing as that is retarded and you hardly get anything out of it. So for the people thinking people who drink are usofisticated brutes, that is sort of a stupid thought =P
Drinking till you feel the buzz is much better, just feel alitle good and chatty, it is all ya need. For all of the sober people I really would want to see you in a norwegian night club going up to the ladies.

anyways, favourite drink must be a glass of clean jack. It is the only one that really stands out of the crowd to me, everything else tastes like soda so that you don't realise you are getting fucked up. Sorta like the day I was given a 1,5 liter bottle of strong mojito and drank that shit, thought it was soda... got FUCKED UP, since I just continued drinking.  favourite blend must be jagerbombs, I guess.
worst drink by far akevit or slowly drinking clean tequila. For blends I would have to go with I don't even remember some random drink I got while I was in a nightclub, I asked to be suprised and I was...

Well drinking to get fucked up IS getting a buzz for some people, usually long term drinkers or "alcoholics" I guess I should say. Some nights you'd rather pour a few shots of tequila and knock 2-3 back at a time maybe go bang somebody, some nights you wanna just kick back on the couch and drink a beer or six over the next few hours.

If you don't like beer, keep trying it; it's usually not till you've drank you're 15th whole can of beer that you begin finding it refreshing&enjoyable and you're able to distinguish flavors more. The GF refuses to drink any beer but Miller HighLife for some reason, oh and she'll drink those Bud Light Limes too; so if you don't like beer maybe start with those two. If your first beers were lagers like Yuengling and Steel Reserve, it might be a little much for your virgin taste buds. I enjoy Steel Reserve Lager 40oz's because it's hardly 3$ and is all you need for the night and you can get fucked up if you drink fast enough, but I don't recommend this at all. Throwing up is not fun.

Basic NonBeer Blends-
Pepsi&Sour Mash Bourbon = Favorite
Mountain Dew&Vodka
Fireball Whiskey+Coke = for waffulz

Like Llama said though, Alcohol is terrible for you and your brain would thank you if you never drank it. Just don't drink it everyday for your whole life or you're going to blow up. Use careful moderation, and don't poison yourself.

Off-Topic Cigar/Smoking-
Novice smokers often inhale too much smoke and often choke or "swallow" smoke; and this usually causes gagging, coughing and in the case of black n milds/cigars/cigarettes you will probably throw up. It's not as much as an issue with marijuana though, but the much harsher tobaccos will make you feel sick to your stomach. One of the first days I smoked a Black n Mild I inhaled wrong, coughed and accidentally swallowed some; and I never threw up but I felt sick to my stomach for the next four hours.

When you inhale, also breathe in air every second or two to check your lungs, and don't inhale until you feel you can't anymore. You'll probably cough and die, and with Cigars I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to really inhale much at all. You inhale the amount you want, and then stop; you shouldn't feel anything unless you try inhaling more air on top of it, then you'll feel the need to start coughing. You just blow out when you're ready, and then proceed to see where your limit is and what you're comfortable taking in on the next puff or two.

It's completely pointless to smoke Cigars/Blacks though, they're like 5-200 cigarettes in one and unless you're already a nicotine fiend you should stay away. Honestly everything in this thread is bad for you, especially the alcohol. But as long as you know you know you're destroying your brain it's okay, because knowing is half the battle!

Minecraft / New Blue Leader
« on: August 23, 2012, 04:27:17 AM »
I, Pillz, am retiring the rank of Blue Faction Leader to Waffulz. She is now in charge of who gets mod, what land should be claimed and what the faction should do in general. That's what I intended to do but I haven't really been playing much and being greifed twice I just kinda started living in a hole and digging. I'd be more interested in playing alone with 1-3 people somewhere far away for now and maybe starting a faction later.

Old Crow and Waffulz have both been informed and talked to about this, and if she ever wants to give it away she can; but I for sure don't need to remain faction leader. We just decided to make this thread to inform everyone properly, and so you can all strongly disagree and get mad if you want too.

So talk to Waffulz if you want into Blue faction or if you have any ideas for the Blues.

After made a moderator or in the faction, I believe you can type /f help 1,2,3 for commands and information. God bless the Queen.

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