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Debate Forum / Re: Ipad or Tablet
« on: May 29, 2011, 06:04:58 PM »
Here is a better alternative, since both suck and can be easily out preformed by a laptop tell your family to give you the money it would cost to buy the more expensive one and do what you want with it.

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 29, 2011, 06:03:30 PM »
Intelligence isn't just how well you receive information, but how well you can also use that information to make changes to a problem to correctly analyze it, much like basic algebra/mathematics...

Somewhat wrong. That is problem solving, not intelligence. Intelligence, using your example, is simply having the knowledge of the skill 'problem solving.' Mathematics is problem solving with memorization. The only intelligence you gain from math is learning how to solve the problem, not actually preforming the act of problem solving.

A common misconception is that intelligence = smart. That is not the case. Intelligence is the opposite of ignorance. Since ignorance is having incorrect or no knowledge of a given subject, intelligence is simply having legitimate knowledge of that given subject.

Example: A retarded person counting change perfectly every time.
Analysis: The retard shows intelligence that it knows how to count change (knowledge of how to count change.) The act of counting the change itself is a skill committed to memory. Being able to repeat the skill of counting change does not make the retard more intelligent.

Debate Forum / Re: Ghosts.
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:58:36 PM »
WTF Mate? No reason to believe!
ABC's of Dimensions
Life in 2nd dimension? Evidence please! Btw Carl Sagan.

Thanks for clearing up the Author name. The 'haunting argument' wasn't really an argument. It was a thought process which could be right or could be wrong. I believe it because it makes a lot of sense and is certainly a candidate for testing. Unfortunately, until the technology present to the public is likely unable to measure the fourth dimension, I doubt concrete evidence can be given. So in the mean time, I wish to give proof through a logical thought process similar to mathematicians. That is, with the given knowledge of the topic, experiment with out of the box ideas to form a logical thought process (in comparison to a theorem) which is proven through testing. Since I don't have a lot of money, nor am I an electrical engineer yet I can't test/build much, this is unable to happen now. Later on in life I will certain make this my hobby since it is extremely interesting.

It's not so much that something lives in the fourth dimension. It's more that these beings exist in the fourth dimension. Life can, logically, only exist in the third dimension. In the second dimension, life cannot exist because it is just a single plane with a thickness which is comparable to 1 pixel on a computer. The smallest biological life form is unicellular. Unicellular beings are made up of molecules which are higher and lower than each other which entails the z-axis must come into play in order for life to happen. (Lol at the Star Trek comment.) In the first dimension, let's be frank here, there's no way in hell life could exist. That shouldn't need logical backing (though I will provide it if needed.)

With all that being said. Everything/everyone we see and don't see has the ability to exist so long as it's there in some way, shape, or form. Third dimensional bodies, plants, and the like are what live and are only what live (unless I haven't considered something else that lives.) The souls inside are what animate our movement. Ghosts are simply fourth dimensional beings which exist without inhabiting a living body of the third dimension.

Debate Forum / Re: Ghosts.
« on: May 23, 2011, 04:42:00 AM »
First of all, there is no reason to believe that ghosts reside in the fourth dimension. Second, spacetime is governed by the laws of physics. The force of gravity has been proven to have an effect on spacetime. So therefore, if ghosts are hiding in the fourth dimension would have to preside by the laws of physics as we know them.

There is perfectly good reasoning to not even believe, but acknowledge the possibility extreme likelihood that supernatural beings exist and reside in the fourth (or higher) dimension. It explains so much of what they are capable of doing and how they behave. Here is an analogy presented by a very intelligent author whom I can't recall the name:
The 2nd dimension is a flat plane, say we have Mr. Square and Mr. Sphere of the 3rd dimension. Mr. Square hears a voice saying, "Hey, square!" Mr. Square has no idea where the voice is coming from. Mr. Sphere says, "Up here!" Mr. Square looks left and right and see nothing. Then Mr. Sphere says, "Let me come to you." So Mr. Sphere lowers himself on Mr. Square's plane. When Mr. Square looks to his left, he sees a circle which starts small and then gets larger. Mr. Square is baffled and says, "How did you do that? You are a circle which gets smaller and bigger." Mr. Sphere replies, "In my world I can move up and down, unfortunately, you can only see one slice of me at a time because you live in the second dimension. In my world, I am a round sphere, not a circle."

The point of that story is that we are the squares. We can only see one slice of the 4th dimension at a time as the square could only see one slice of the sphere at a time. In the 4th dimension, time does not exist because we see all of our personal individual existence at once. Notice how ghosts only haunt places they have been to in their life? They are bounded by where they have been, however, they are not bounded by the time in which they visited that place. Thus, they are able to haunt any place they have been to at any given time.

The second point of all that I said is that gravity cannot effect something which does not exist. The limitation of time is non-existent in the fourth dimension. Gravity can effect, and you are absolutely right, time as Einstein discovered upon observing space, but only in the first three dimensions.

--------Separate Thought Process For Fun---------
If you want to get into the fifth dimension, I think the next limitation to get overcome is experiencing only our personal experience. The only way we may perceive the fourth dimension is through death. That would transcend our souls to a higher dimension and eliminate time. Our bodies are a prison keeping our souls in the third dimension. Our souls are of another, higher, dimension. Recall how I brought up ghosts being "bounded by where they have been." This is because we can only recall what we have experienced ourselves. Now, taking it a step further, that sounds like a limitation to me.

If you haven't noticed, there is a pattern. Each dimension exceeds a prior dimension's limitation (refer to my last post for an example.) This is to say that there is another limitation to exceed in the fourth dimension which has been exceeded in the fifth dimension. Probability suggests that this next limitation is only knowing what you have experienced. In the fifth dimension, it is possible that this limitation is exceeded and we are then able to recall things from other being's experiences. That is right, a being or many beings who share a unified collection of experiences would be a candidate for the fifth dimension. This also improves the likelihood of deities and explanation of their powers.

Debate Forum / Re: Ghosts.
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:17:44 PM »
Raunky you would be correct if ghosts were bounded by the 3rd dimension. The thing is, they aren't. You want explanations for ghost? It's actually quiet trivial once you understand dimensions.

A simple guide of the dimensions:

The first dimension [In math the x-axis only] is a single line, the ability to only more straight and backwards. A line straight line doesn't have the ability to go left and right as in the next dimension.
-Can't look/move up or down
-Can't look/move left or right
-Bounded by time

The second dimension [In math the x-axis and y-axis only] is a single plane (combination of all the lines.) The ability to move/look left and right has been added to your ability to move/look straight and behind.
-Can't look/move up or down
-Bounded by time

The third dimension [In math the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis] is many planes (combination of all the 2d planes.) Now we can ascend and descend as well as look in all directions. Beings of the 2nd dimension can't see us (unless we will otherwise,) and when they do, they only see a sliver of us when we allow them to. There is still a limitation present.
-Bounded by time

The fourth dimension [As science proclaims] is time. Consider we were in the fourth dimension: Not only would we be able to move, we are now everywhere at once, we cannot be seen (unless it is our will) by beings of the 3rd dimension, infinity is a part of us, we do not age, we do not sleep, glasses are full/empty/and in between at the same time, we are able to see all times and all things we have experienced at the same time. Sound familiar to ghosts/any supernatural being?

With all that being said, to say ghosts can't exist because of lack of "legitimate" evidence is pure ignorance to the dimension above us. Science, a study of the natural third dimension (specifically physics,) will not accept and will not explain beings of the fourth dimension. The laws of physics were made specifically for the third dimension.

3rd dimension equation:
Velocity = distance/time

4th dimension version:
Velocity = distance/infinity

You could only find the velocity in the 4th dimension by finding the limit of both sides through calculus, even then it's always going to be the same answer, the limit of any number over infinity is 1. Limits are still saying that there is a limit of time, which there isnt in the 4th dimension. It's really difficult to explain something we don't live in through our conventional means.

Debate Forum / Re: is this statement true?
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:48:30 PM »

This is why religion doesn't work.

-=Troll Alert=-

    Religion debates are banned. We've had to many of them they all lead to the same thing.
        This counts talk about religion interlinking in other debates. We're not here to bash peoples beliefs we are here for serious civil mannered debates.

Edit: Stupidest rule ever btw.  parrot

Debate Forum / Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« on: May 09, 2011, 09:40:08 PM »
When the government steps in to tell you how to live your life, it's called communism. Screw communism, promote free will, legalize the drug.

The Art Forum / Re: CG's Musicians
« on: February 12, 2011, 06:03:56 PM »
I play keyboard and vocals primarily. Drums, guitar, bass, tuba, trumpet, xylophone, and whatever I pick up.

Debate Forum / Re: Murder or Suicide
« on: February 10, 2011, 04:05:58 AM »
Isnt suicide technically a murder?

Quote from: Dictionary.com
Law . the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder),  and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder).

Quote from: Dictionary.com
the intentional taking of one's own life.

Debate Forum / Re: Murder or Suicide
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:07:49 AM »
Doc gave the best answer so far.

The question though is too vague. If you go to the future, there would be no other being which can be labeled a "future you." It's impossible with today's knowledge and technology to go back in the past. Thus, you can only more forward. If your body travels in the future, that's just it. It's your body, and only your body. There is no alternate you (excluding clones) which decided "Hey, I'm not going to time travel when the original me decided to and I will live on the earth while the other me goes into the future." The only way to "travel in the future" is to travel at light speed for a long time around earth enough times to where your body doesn't age as fast.

Now with that being said, if you travel into the future and kill yourself (meaning the body in which you are in) then it is suicide.

Debate Forum / Re: Is it more offensive to use African American over Black?
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:00:04 AM »
just out of curiosity does that mean it's offensive to call American people of Asian descent Asian? as far as i can see it's the same. Racism isn't fixed by changing terms or removing labels, the public needs to be educated.

Well said.

What's annoying is when people ignorant to what racism really is tries to pretend like they know what they are talking about. There really is no opinion of what racism is. It's a word which has already been defined. The misconception comes from the morons who don't do their research and who tell other morons what they think the word means. The morons who listen to the ignorant brightly display their intelligence as well as spread it to other morons who will listen.

Debate Forum / Re: Is it more offensive to use African American over Black?
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:49:04 AM »
Crypto is completely right.

Calling someone their skin color isn't racist as I am sure it is of no surprise to them that they are what they are, they see each other every morning in the mirror. Even stating that a race should be wiped out isn't racist. Saying a race is less superior to the white race is racist.

The real problem here is the whole white guilt trip thing going on here. Boo fucking hoo, black people picked cotton for 100 years under white people. So what. The jews built the pyramids for more than 1000 years. Want to know something even more fun? The Civil War wasn't about slavery at all.

Abraham Lincoln, acting president during the civil war, even quotes "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”

[ Look it up and check the sources: http://markii.wordpress.com/2007/02/19/racist-quote-by-abe-lincoln-happy-black-history-month/ ]

It's great how ignorant this country is to it's own history. Anyway, call them black, african american, negro, darky, whatever the hell you want to. If they are offended then laugh at how ignorant and brainwashed by the black history month program they are and remind them that picking cotton is nothing compared to lifting giant stone blocks. If you're not even black and you get offended or uncomfortable then I pity your existence.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:39:23 PM »
Considering that some of the believers in this thread are trying to justify God's existence with some sort of rational argument, I am simply asking them to leave ANY irrational, completely faith based ones out of the way.
As a matter of fact, the only reason this discussion is on-going is because the believers decided to get logic and reason involved. If not, it would have ended this way:
"The Bible states that God created everything in 7 days. This is true and what really happened because I believe on it. The religious Christian based side of this argument is now over"

It has not ended that way. Therefore, reason still has some ground here. Let's keep it that way, specially considering that no debate is possible when only blind faith is involved, and this IS the debate forum.

Firstly, you can cut the whole blind faith routine. I have my reasons for what I believe as do you, I didn't randomly decide to go Christian one day.

If you are taking Creation into account, you must use the bible as it is the source of the idea. It tells you about God. As Paul says that 1 day is 1000 years and 1000 years is 1 day to God. So saying the Christian argument is limited to the earth being created in 7 days is not accurate. It is still possible to logically interpret creation as well as lines from the bible.

My main argument is that DNA couldn't have formed from chemical pools in nature without aid. It's extremely unlikely even in perfect lab conditions so alternate origin of life theories must be made.

Debate Forum / Re: Role of a Spiritual Person in a Civil Society
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:24:37 PM »
It isn't bias, I've listed factual websites which have shown people of faith benefiting people where as all you have contributed to this topic, and any religion based topic for that matter, is an off topic rant about your own snotty self-righteous ideas.

Debate Forum / Re: Role of a Spiritual Person in a Civil Society
« on: February 02, 2011, 08:21:38 PM »
What's the point of handing evidence to someone who is too blinded by their bias against it? My favorite line in the bible is "Don't cast your pearls before swine."

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