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Messages - elfindoughnut8

Pages: [1]
Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permabanned for not ghosting?
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:47:29 PM »
I'm confused, did you ever tell him who the traitors were over skype when he was alive?
No and i never did that is why im saying i never was ghosting

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permabanned for not ghosting?
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:34:16 PM »
Blazyd told me the 2 of you admitted to ghosting. :I

They did, and Tendovvi wouldn't have banned either of them without one of them admitting to it.

FryingPan said you were in a skype call with you after he had just RDM'd multiple traitors (you were a traitor so you would know who the traitors are) and there was really no other way he could have known without you telling him
I never said that he rdm multiple traitors i said that he was planing on rdming nothing more and i said that we would ghost when we all died. all of the traitors were together that is how he knew not cus i told him i would not do that i love that server

how would you ghost AFTER you all died?
well i mean that after we all died we would fly around and see who was traitors we never ghosted he just got lucky to kill them i swear i would not do something like that

Seems legit
So am i just staying permabanned on my fav server for something i didnt do or am i getting unbanned

It's up to TowerSheep, but I'm pretty sure you were ghosting I dunno though :I
i swear i didnt do anything wrong i never ghosted other then when everyones dead but its not really ghosting

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permabanned for not ghosting?
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:31:06 PM »
Blazyd told me the 2 of you admitted to ghosting. :I

They did, and Tendovvi wouldn't have banned either of them without one of them admitting to it.

FryingPan said you were in a skype call with you after he had just RDM'd multiple traitors (you were a traitor so you would know who the traitors are) and there was really no other way he could have known without you telling him
I never said that he rdm multiple traitors i said that he was planing on rdming nothing more and i said that we would ghost when we all died. all of the traitors were together that is how he knew not cus i told him i would not do that i love that server

how would you ghost AFTER you all died?
well i mean that after we all died we would fly around and see who was traitors we never ghosted he just got lucky to kill them i swear i would not do something like that

Seems legit
So am i just staying permabanned on my fav server for something i didnt do or am i getting unbanned

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permabanned for not ghosting?
« on: September 15, 2012, 08:45:38 PM »
Blazyd told me the 2 of you admitted to ghosting. :I

They did, and Tendovvi wouldn't have banned either of them without one of them admitting to it.

FryingPan said you were in a skype call with you after he had just RDM'd multiple traitors (you were a traitor so you would know who the traitors are) and there was really no other way he could have known without you telling him
I never said that he rdm multiple traitors i said that he was planing on rdming nothing more and i said that we would ghost when we all died. all of the traitors were together that is how he knew not cus i told him i would not do that i love that server

how would you ghost AFTER you all died?
well i mean that after we all died we would fly around and see who was traitors we never ghosted he just got lucky to kill them i swear i would not do something like that

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permabanned for not ghosting?
« on: September 15, 2012, 08:19:25 PM »
Blazyd told me the 2 of you admitted to ghosting. :I

They did, and Tendovvi wouldn't have banned either of them without one of them admitting to it.

FryingPan said you were in a skype call with you after he had just RDM'd multiple traitors (you were a traitor so you would know who the traitors are) and there was really no other way he could have known without you telling him
I never said that he rdm multiple traitors i said that he was planing on rdming nothing more and i said that we would ghost when we all died. all of the traitors were together that is how he knew not cus i told him i would not do that i love that server

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permabanned for not ghosting?
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:44:19 PM »
Blazyd knows more about this, I perm'd them since he couldn't. Well what basically happened is Blazyd asked FryingPan how did he know someone was a T and he said "were Skyping". Blazyd was talking to elf so he knows more about this than I do, you should ask him.
When frying pan told me he said that he asked who he was skyping with i think he just misunderstood the question

Solved Ban Appeals / Permabanned for not ghosting?
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:21:30 PM »
Who were you banned by:
Why were you banned:
Ghosting (not ghosting at all)
What server where you banned from:
ConjointGaming TTT
What date and/or time around were you banned:
Steam ID:
Your in game name:
Link to your steam page:

Pages: [1]

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