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Messages - Chaoticcat98

Pages: [1]
Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:42:03 AM »
what? no more threats? no more complaints? thats what i thought assholes. you know im right. and im being defencive and desrespectful cause its clearly the same thing (cough) waffuls (cough).

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:38:48 AM »
God i hate being surrounded by royal assholes. and Crow, seriously, she fucking did the opposite of what you wanted me to do, so your clearly a hipocrite. thank you. thank you for being an asshole that supports other admins and no one else, I can see how the admins got to be admins, they just didnt want to be banned themselves and got picked cause the person picking them were assholes/bitches themselves.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:32:04 AM »
Ya. thats great, im surounded by assholes and little bitches. fine whatever threaten me, ban me, do your thing, but I now will say, im never coming back. you assholes and bitches can enjoy your server of assholes. All i did was say what was needed to be say. but it seems im getting banned because he can check the logs and she disrespected me and never warned me in voice chat. so fucking ban me already assholes. and fucking remove my account from your damned website while your at it. all I can say is it was worth it to call this bitch what she is. a motherfucking bitch. goodbye dumbass server. I wish i never knew ye.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:19:49 AM »
Old crow I cant take a picture because i was banned before i could.
and you know what gets me? Its starting to seem that just cause she is a "Veteran admin" your against me. and the proof i have is she has been acused 6 frigen times dude.Anyone who overlooks that is stupid. sorry but its true.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:15:13 AM »
OH GODDY! SHE"S MAKING UP SHIT! Ya, i never said im never coming back, and I've looked at myself already, thats why I said im immature. and last i checked "That doesnt give you the right to disrespect, theres a mute option for a reson. you disrespected me so you had a reson when i disrespected back, second "coments about past events dont help you." so what you said doesnt count. and I didnt start in in rage i started in in humor, I was just tired cause it was 11:00 at night so my voice was one tone. I said that you where stupid because you knifed me in the open and you took it affencivly. So your comment is nil. sorry :)

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:00:35 AM »
And previouse things on me her? im sorry, I know that theres a mute option, but if i mute an admin and they call me out (or worse) i cant defend myself. -_- and FYI she spoke too so what proof can i give? hmm? She is acting as i said, simple as that, thats why I called her it, and you arnt helping ME any, because she is an admin and you are too im sure. seriously, im only banned by her. so Idk what to do. If im banned all well. Its just a dumb game with bad admins. Getting kinda pissed though.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 01:40:29 AM »
And im only "Disrespectful" after being disrespected, or someone is annoying as hell, as in this case where she comented that I have always been an idiot. and ferthermore, linkster you called me a dumbass so id be talking, "Bitch" isnt sexist btw, And I think women are better then men in most aspects.. so sexism doesn't work there friend, and I wasnt that disrespectful, names are words. and i've been yelled at by names a good... 96% of my life, and im only 13, so i can tell you I wasnt that disrespectful, and etc. doesnt say much. Sniper im sure That wasnt me, sence i havent been disrespectful for a little ove 2 months... i've been off the server for 2 weeks... so sorry dude.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: ChaoticCat
« on: May 20, 2012, 01:38:34 AM »
for one, you got my name wrong, and 2 you deserved it. all you have done every time i play is abuse power and RDM me. yes I called you a bitch multiple (2 in admin chat and 1 in mic and 1 in dead chat) times. BUT you have in the past A. banned me for an hour cause you failed to kill me cause i "LAGGED" a bit. B. do nothing but insult me on everything I do. and C. you RDM me and trap me in corners. So yes, i called you a bitch, but my problem here is that you didnt say a thing YOU did. You have also told me in the past that you have been acused of abusing admin power 6 times so I think that you should be striped of your admin powers and this droped.

Pages: [1]

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