Conjoint Gaming [Game On]
CG Administration Section => Admin Department => Admin Time Away Forum => Topic started by: Red on April 09, 2013, 05:14:18 PM
Umm I'm getting a needle stabbed into my back today and I'm not supposed to really do anything afterwards, I'd add more but my phone is about to die, I'll edit this when I have more time.
You're doing heroin wrong.
See you in a bit Red, have fun xD
Lumbar puncture? Good times.
c u in a bit, Red. frogc00l
Make sure they use the non-poison needle!
Tyber got it.
Yeah I'm pretty much stuck on my back or else it will make my head worse or it will bug my back =P
Great, as soon as I come back, you're gone.
Thanks kid.
Because it is totally Red's fault he had to undergo a medical procedure :P
Ok, good luck.
See you in a while then.
Yeah I'm pretty much stuck on my back
Yeah we know, you got a needle in it.
That's low.
Yeah we know, you got a needle in it.
That's low.
Pyro... -.-